1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is February 7 at 6:00 pm.
2. TRAIL GRANT: The Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Association (CIRTPA) time frame for STP Transportation Enhancement fund expenditures is two years. Projects must be let within the two-year period or the funds must be returned to CIRTPA to redistribute.
The current round of funding is for Federal Fiscal Year 2012 which starts October 1, 2011. Given the two-year timeframe, the city would have until October 1, 2013 to begin the Kelley Trail project.
The CIRTPA Enhancement Committee will meet with applicants on February 9 to discuss their projects.
3. MOBILE RADAR: Several months ago, the PD applied for a Highway Safety Grant to help fund the purchase of a mobile radar unit. We receive $4,500 and Steve Bonnett will order an OnSite 350 by Decatur Electronics, that will track, record speeds and provide vehicle counts. It utilizes the same software that our pole-mounted tracker uses, which will greatly simplify its operation. The trailer's cost is approximately $9000.00 and about $4500.00 will be from personnel cost savings.
4. FEBRUARY 14 COMMITTEE: The tentative committee agenda of February 14 includes:
Fire Dept Aerial Truck Recommendation
Storm Sewer Projects Review (W. Boston, W. Iowa, S. Buxton and E. Girard)
Review Temporary Structure Ordinance
Mark Vickroy is chair and Pete Berry is vice chair.
5. SOUTH Y: Chuck Burgin, Jean Furler and I have a meeting with the engineer on Wednesday the 2nd to discuss the assessment schedule. We then intend to schedule an informational meeting within a week or two to discuss voluntary assessments and the corresponding paperwork. Elected officials are encouraged to attend so the date will be announced as soon as possible. The legal process for the project will likely start in late February by setting a public hearing
6. ELECTION PAPERS: As of Friday about 2:00 pm election papers were presented to City Clerk Diana Bowlin by Pam Pepper (at-large), Ivan Richert (at-large) and John Sirianni (2nd Ward).
7. DC TRIP: The annual Greater Des Moines Partnership trip will be May 11-13, 2011 at a cost of $2,100-$2,200/person. There is $8,600 in the budget. Let Diana know if you would like to attend. We will place this on the February 7 council agenda.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
News Items - January 24, 2011
1. ELECTION: As of Friday, both Pam Pepper and John Sirianni indicated they would submit papers for the March 1 election. Ivan Richert submitted papers for the At Large seat on January 20.
2. NORTH TREATMENT PLANT: V&K will review their 2001 study of the North Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements in the next 60-90 days and then council will be approached about soliciting engineering quotes for the $5-6 million project that is budgeted for FY 12/13.
3. FEMA: Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports the city submitted $340,200 in storm claims to FEMA and $320,900 is anticipated. Our thanks to Rox for a job well done as the collection and submission of this data is enormous!
4. TAX REVENUE: Collections to date are at just over 52% thru December which is very near the same as this time last year.
5. COMP PLAN: About 25 people attended the Comp Plan review last Tuesday at the Activity Center.
6. GIS: The county assessor’s office is reviewing a 3-D option for the Geographic Information System (GIS) that could prove beneficial. No decisions have been made and we’ll review options when (and if) pictometry becomes available.
7. DES MOINES PARTNERSHIP DC TRIP: This year’s annual trip will be May 11-13. Last year’s cost was $1,975/person. $8,600 is budgeted. Attendees the last two years were:
2008 2009 2010
Steve Richardson Mark Vickroy Mayor Ken Bresnan
Randy Gathers
Pete Berry
The item will be placed on a February agenda for consideration.
8. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: The culvert has leaks between seams on the western side and the contractor fully acknowledges the problem. After meeting with the engineers and Community Development Director, Chuck Burgin, the plan is to seal the seams with a metal band that will eliminate leaking. A change order extending the completion date and recommendation will be brought to council in February.
Also, a water main break occurred on Friday morning that may be related to this project. It was being reviewed on Friday afternoon so more information will be available on Monday.
2. NORTH TREATMENT PLANT: V&K will review their 2001 study of the North Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements in the next 60-90 days and then council will be approached about soliciting engineering quotes for the $5-6 million project that is budgeted for FY 12/13.
3. FEMA: Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports the city submitted $340,200 in storm claims to FEMA and $320,900 is anticipated. Our thanks to Rox for a job well done as the collection and submission of this data is enormous!
4. TAX REVENUE: Collections to date are at just over 52% thru December which is very near the same as this time last year.
5. COMP PLAN: About 25 people attended the Comp Plan review last Tuesday at the Activity Center.
6. GIS: The county assessor’s office is reviewing a 3-D option for the Geographic Information System (GIS) that could prove beneficial. No decisions have been made and we’ll review options when (and if) pictometry becomes available.
7. DES MOINES PARTNERSHIP DC TRIP: This year’s annual trip will be May 11-13. Last year’s cost was $1,975/person. $8,600 is budgeted. Attendees the last two years were:
2008 2009 2010
Steve Richardson Mark Vickroy Mayor Ken Bresnan
Randy Gathers
Pete Berry
The item will be placed on a February agenda for consideration.
8. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: The culvert has leaks between seams on the western side and the contractor fully acknowledges the problem. After meeting with the engineers and Community Development Director, Chuck Burgin, the plan is to seal the seams with a metal band that will eliminate leaking. A change order extending the completion date and recommendation will be brought to council in February.
Also, a water main break occurred on Friday morning that may be related to this project. It was being reviewed on Friday afternoon so more information will be available on Monday.
Friday, January 14, 2011
News Items - January 18, 2011
1. SOUTH Y: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin has a verbal agreement to sign an easement with LeMar Koethe to drain storm water onto his property. A very good job by Chuck. This will give us the go-ahead to finalize plans/specs and begin the legal process to move the project forward.
Eminent Domain has therefore been pulled from the agenda.
2. SHARED SERVICES: Supt Dan Miers is working with a group on Ann Parkway to eliminate a shared service. A recommendation will be brought to council in February.
3. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: There are leaks in the new culvert installed on Stephen Court and a meeting has been scheduled for next week to discuss options. A change order will be brought to council to extend the contract completion date in February.
4. STORM WATER PROJECTS: The E Girard storm water recommendation will be brought to committee in February for council consideration. The neighborhood will be invited.
There are other storm water projects that staff intends to combine for one major project and hopefully obtain some economies of scale. Projects include W Boston Culvert repair (FEMA), W Iowa Culvert repair (FEMA), South Buxton Storm Water Main repair.
5. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS REFERENDUM: Auditor Traci Vanderlinden has secured the American Legion as the polling site for the March 1 referendum. She estimates the cost at about $2,000.
6. BUDGET: The FY 11/12 Budget will be presented on Monday, January 24 at 6:00 pm after the discussion with state representatives.
7. ORIENTATION: Council member Pam Pepper’s orientation is January 18.
8. AWARDS BANQUET: A reminder the annual awards banquet is Friday, January 21 beginning at 6:00 pm.
9. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Chuck Burgin and I met this week with an engineer and developer about a large residential development on the city’s east side. More information will be provided when available.
10. ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN UP: Diana Bowlin has tentatively set (subject to council approval) April 18-22 (one week) for the city’s annual cleanup with McCoy Sanitation. Also the free spring leaf and organic yard waste disposal will be available April 18 – May 1 at the Brush Facility. She is still working with Midwest Recovery to pick up the appliances either at the Brush Facility or on the curb. This will be placed on the February 7 council agenda.
Eminent Domain has therefore been pulled from the agenda.
2. SHARED SERVICES: Supt Dan Miers is working with a group on Ann Parkway to eliminate a shared service. A recommendation will be brought to council in February.
3. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: There are leaks in the new culvert installed on Stephen Court and a meeting has been scheduled for next week to discuss options. A change order will be brought to council to extend the contract completion date in February.
4. STORM WATER PROJECTS: The E Girard storm water recommendation will be brought to committee in February for council consideration. The neighborhood will be invited.
There are other storm water projects that staff intends to combine for one major project and hopefully obtain some economies of scale. Projects include W Boston Culvert repair (FEMA), W Iowa Culvert repair (FEMA), South Buxton Storm Water Main repair.
5. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS REFERENDUM: Auditor Traci Vanderlinden has secured the American Legion as the polling site for the March 1 referendum. She estimates the cost at about $2,000.
6. BUDGET: The FY 11/12 Budget will be presented on Monday, January 24 at 6:00 pm after the discussion with state representatives.
7. ORIENTATION: Council member Pam Pepper’s orientation is January 18.
8. AWARDS BANQUET: A reminder the annual awards banquet is Friday, January 21 beginning at 6:00 pm.
9. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: Chuck Burgin and I met this week with an engineer and developer about a large residential development on the city’s east side. More information will be provided when available.
10. ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN UP: Diana Bowlin has tentatively set (subject to council approval) April 18-22 (one week) for the city’s annual cleanup with McCoy Sanitation. Also the free spring leaf and organic yard waste disposal will be available April 18 – May 1 at the Brush Facility. She is still working with Midwest Recovery to pick up the appliances either at the Brush Facility or on the curb. This will be placed on the February 7 council agenda.
Friday, January 7, 2011
January 10, 2011 News Items
1. STORM WATER MODEL: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports the model for the E. Girard is near complete. Staff will review it and then present to council on January 18. A neighborhood meeting will either be held that date or soon thereafter.
2. AMBULANCE BILLING: Funds were budget this year to add about 15 hours of clerical time for ambulance billing by shifting the Clerk’s Office hours of Vicki Herald to the FD. Budget issues delayed the move but the plan now is to make the shift by the end of February or first of March. Skye Jacobs whose time is split between the Clerk’s Office and Sewer Dept, will make up the time in the Clerk’s Office and the Sewer Dept will replace her 20 hours/week with a part time person.
3. RECOGNITION LETTER: In the packet is a letter from Des Moines Police Chief Judy Bradshaw thanking Indianola Officer Rick Largesse for dedication and commitment for his contribution to the Metro S.T.A.R Unit that provided service on December 6 during the stand-off.
4. ASH TREES: The Indianola Tree Committee is meeting January 20 to discuss the ash emerald borer issue. In February they will present an ash tree inventory and a recommendation for dealing with the upcoming problem.
5. CHANGE ORDERS: In the packet is a list of Infiltration/Inflow Program change orders from phases 1-3. Council member Berry had asked about the number and cost.
6. 9th STREET: The 9th Street paving is complete and open for traffic.
7. STORM WATER UTILITY: Thus far there have been 17 appeals for storm water fees. There are a couple properties that qualify for a waiver because their land borders the city limit and the water flows directly into the rural area.
8. COUNCIL ORIENTATION: New council member Pam Pepper will tour the city and have her orientation on January 18.
9. UTILITY BILL ENVELOPES: During the last year, there have been 26 requests for return utility bill envelopes. The Clerk’s Office sends out one dozen at a time when customers ask.
10. SIGN: The Indianola Community Youth Foundation asked to place a “measurement” sign on the southeast corner of Hwy’s 65/69 and 92. Chuck Burgin ok’d the sign as long as it does not block visibility. It will be up for about three months.
11. MEETING: The Planning and Zoning Commission has rescheduled their meeting in January to the 18th at the Activity Center from 6:00 to 6:30. After they adjourn, they will hold a public input meeting. Citizens are invited to review maps showing future land use, master street plan, environmental restraints and other issues. This will be an open house format from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
2. AMBULANCE BILLING: Funds were budget this year to add about 15 hours of clerical time for ambulance billing by shifting the Clerk’s Office hours of Vicki Herald to the FD. Budget issues delayed the move but the plan now is to make the shift by the end of February or first of March. Skye Jacobs whose time is split between the Clerk’s Office and Sewer Dept, will make up the time in the Clerk’s Office and the Sewer Dept will replace her 20 hours/week with a part time person.
3. RECOGNITION LETTER: In the packet is a letter from Des Moines Police Chief Judy Bradshaw thanking Indianola Officer Rick Largesse for dedication and commitment for his contribution to the Metro S.T.A.R Unit that provided service on December 6 during the stand-off.
4. ASH TREES: The Indianola Tree Committee is meeting January 20 to discuss the ash emerald borer issue. In February they will present an ash tree inventory and a recommendation for dealing with the upcoming problem.
5. CHANGE ORDERS: In the packet is a list of Infiltration/Inflow Program change orders from phases 1-3. Council member Berry had asked about the number and cost.
6. 9th STREET: The 9th Street paving is complete and open for traffic.
7. STORM WATER UTILITY: Thus far there have been 17 appeals for storm water fees. There are a couple properties that qualify for a waiver because their land borders the city limit and the water flows directly into the rural area.
8. COUNCIL ORIENTATION: New council member Pam Pepper will tour the city and have her orientation on January 18.
9. UTILITY BILL ENVELOPES: During the last year, there have been 26 requests for return utility bill envelopes. The Clerk’s Office sends out one dozen at a time when customers ask.
10. SIGN: The Indianola Community Youth Foundation asked to place a “measurement” sign on the southeast corner of Hwy’s 65/69 and 92. Chuck Burgin ok’d the sign as long as it does not block visibility. It will be up for about three months.
11. MEETING: The Planning and Zoning Commission has rescheduled their meeting in January to the 18th at the Activity Center from 6:00 to 6:30. After they adjourn, they will hold a public input meeting. Citizens are invited to review maps showing future land use, master street plan, environmental restraints and other issues. This will be an open house format from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
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