TO: Mayor and Council
1. FIRE DEPARTMENT LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT: The Fire Department budgeted $8,000 for a washer and dryer to clean fire gear as required by NFPA and the manufactures. Brian Seymour received quotes from three companies as follows:
* Washburn $9,199.00 with install
* Freight Ross Chemical $9,224.25 with install only no freight cost included (average freight on the others is $265.00)
* Century Laundry $11,445.00 with install and freight
I am authorizing the purchase from Washburn and Brian will adjust other areas of the FD budget to accommodate the additional $1,199. References have been checked with good reports.
2. MCCORD PARK: P&R Director Glen Cowan reviewed the budget and does not have items that can be delayed in order to install equipment this year. And, given the $75,000 estimated cost the funds will likely be borrowed. Glen’s outlined the two schedules below based on an August allocation and budgeting for next fiscal year. Note that there is little difference in completion dates.
Council Funding allocation: Aug. 2010
Fundraising - now through January, 2011
Determine Play Experiences, desired colors and look at the types
of equipment - Sept, early Oct. 2010
Obtain Play Equipment proposals - mid Oct. Nov., 2010
Determine by neighborhood vote the play equipment to order -
early Dec., 2010
Order the play equipment - early Dec, 2010
Receive play equipment - Jan - Mar., 2011
Prepare the site for the play equipment - May, June- , 2011
Install play equipment, fall protection, remaining border - July,
August- 2011
NOTE: #1:
August funding allocation can be used to help with a Warren Co.
Philanthropic Partnership Grant - apps due Oct 6, 2010
NOTE #2:
Installation will be dependent on the weather and the other park seasonal
and maintenance preparations we need to get done - turf management, opening
up the pool & shelters, flower bed & tree work, etc. We do save money by
doing the installation in-house vs. contracted out; however it does take us
much longer to get it completed. (Unfortunately, the majority of the work is
not conducive to having volunteers involved.)
July, 2011 Funding Schedule
Budgeting and Council Funding allocation: Oct, 2010 - Feb. 2011
Fundraising - now through May, 2011
Determine Play Experiences, desired colors and look at the types of
equipment - March, 20
Obtain Play Equipment proposals - early April, 2011
Determine by neighborhood vote the play equipment to order - late April,
Order the play equipment - early May, 2011
Prepare the site for the play equipment - June-July, 2011
Receive play equipment - July
Install play equipment, fall protection, remaining border - August- Sept,
The item will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda for further review.
3. ROAD USE TAX: The Iowa League of Cities reports the Road Use Tax projection has been lowered to $90.50 per capita. That calculates to about $14,000 less than budgeted.
4. WEST HIGHWAY 92: Pre-construction meeting is scheduled for August 5 @ 3pm
5. FEDERAL DECLARATION: Warren County has been included in the federal declaration, thus federal funds will be available on a reimbursement basis for some of the storm and recovery efforts. Departments will be keeping track of time spent working and taking photos of damages to be reimbursed.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
News Items - July 26, 2010
1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be August 2 at 6:00 pm.
2. TRAIL DEDICATION: The trail dedication ceremony will be at 6:00 pm on Monday the 26th. The trailhead is located just off the Memorial Pool parking lot on the northeast side. Hope to see you there.
3. LOT SIZE: The former chiropractic building lot size is 74’ x 85’.
4. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Laurie Hebl will assume the position of budget analyst for the State Department of Corrections on August 1. Laurie has been with the city since November 2008 and we wish her the very best!
5. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Due to the wet weather, the culvert extension project will be delayed until after August 9.
6. AMPHITHEATER: No work has been done this week due to the weather.
7. 19TH STREET: Work has been completed and the street is open except for one driveway approach which will be finished on Monday.
2. TRAIL DEDICATION: The trail dedication ceremony will be at 6:00 pm on Monday the 26th. The trailhead is located just off the Memorial Pool parking lot on the northeast side. Hope to see you there.
3. LOT SIZE: The former chiropractic building lot size is 74’ x 85’.
4. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Laurie Hebl will assume the position of budget analyst for the State Department of Corrections on August 1. Laurie has been with the city since November 2008 and we wish her the very best!
5. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Due to the wet weather, the culvert extension project will be delayed until after August 9.
6. AMPHITHEATER: No work has been done this week due to the weather.
7. 19TH STREET: Work has been completed and the street is open except for one driveway approach which will be finished on Monday.
Friday, July 16, 2010
News Items - July 19, 2010
1. TRAIL DEDICATION: The new trail from McVey (on Euclid) to Memorial Park will be dedicated on July 26 at 6:00 pm. There will be officials from the area to help celebrate the occasion.
2. W HWY 92 SEWER: After additional review, the engineer now says there is room on the east side to place a gravel trail from Hwy 92 to “Y”. An addendum has been sent to bidders and it will be part of the contract. No closure of “Y” is expected!
3. TAX REVENUES: FY 09/10 revenues came in at 100.09%. Good news!
4. CRUSHED CONCRETE: For the third year, Street Supt Ed Yando contracted to have concrete from streets and sidewalks crushed at the brush facility on W Iowa. While the cost was about $17,000, the 2550 ton would have cost about $28,000 to purchase. The crushed concrete is used for fill when repairing streets.
5. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In your packet is a list of goals/priorities for FY 2011 that will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda.
6. IDA: Indianola Development Association’s quarterly payment request for $14,250 is in the claims.
7. 19th STREET: Sternquist paved the majority of the street to the cul-de-sac on Wednesday and will pave the remainder of the street on Friday.
8. AMPHITHEATER: Backfilling will start the week of July 19th.
2. W HWY 92 SEWER: After additional review, the engineer now says there is room on the east side to place a gravel trail from Hwy 92 to “Y”. An addendum has been sent to bidders and it will be part of the contract. No closure of “Y” is expected!
3. TAX REVENUES: FY 09/10 revenues came in at 100.09%. Good news!
4. CRUSHED CONCRETE: For the third year, Street Supt Ed Yando contracted to have concrete from streets and sidewalks crushed at the brush facility on W Iowa. While the cost was about $17,000, the 2550 ton would have cost about $28,000 to purchase. The crushed concrete is used for fill when repairing streets.
5. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In your packet is a list of goals/priorities for FY 2011 that will be placed on the August 9 committee agenda.
6. IDA: Indianola Development Association’s quarterly payment request for $14,250 is in the claims.
7. 19th STREET: Sternquist paved the majority of the street to the cul-de-sac on Wednesday and will pave the remainder of the street on Friday.
8. AMPHITHEATER: Backfilling will start the week of July 19th.
Friday, July 9, 2010
News Items - July 12, 2010
1. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Four candidates will be interviewed on Monday the 12th. A fifth will be interviewed when schedules permit.
2. SOUTH Y PAVING: This item was pulled from this agenda because Garden’s engineer Mike Lyons is leaving the firm. Brad Utemarkt will assume the project but is on vacation this week and will not be up to speed by Monday evening. I will re-schedule for July 19 immediately after the 6:00 pm council meeting if acceptable to elected officials. Brad will provide a (near) final plan/spec and elected officials can discuss the west side resident requests and related costs.
3. STORM WATER UTILITY: Veenstra & Kimm’s Greg Roth is not finished with the storm sewer review which will provide information as to our current system, its deficiencies and related costs for repair. He reports it will be complete and ready for elected official review on August 10.
In the packet is a map from Ed Yando showing some of the areas of concern during the recent rains. Please note that June’s rains totaled about 16 inches or 11.5 more than the norm.
4. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I met with Benefit Source’s Debbie Dean to discuss the pool balance, premiums and the new Congressional Health Care Reform. Based on the uncertainty of the health care changes, our recommendation is to stay with current premiums. Debbie Dean indicates health care costs will rise in the next couple years and holding our premiums may be the best way to protect the pool while at the same time providing consistency for budgets.
5. SEWER DEBT: In the packet is a Sanitary Sewer debt schedule prepared by Laurie Hebl.
6. 19th STREET: Soil testing has been coming back very good and they are anticipating beginning repaving next week.
7. AMPHITHEATER: Weather has delayed construction, however the contractor still anticipates completion by the first week of August.
8. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin contracted with Allender-Butzke to provide 43 street core samples. The results will be turned over to an engineer (yet to be hired) to help determine the replacement streets for the 2011 Replacement Project.
RFP’s for engineering services will be sent in early August.
9. CABLE CHANNEL: Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger reports he will have the new equipment installed and to go live Tuesday evening after the P&Z meeting (if all goes well).
2. SOUTH Y PAVING: This item was pulled from this agenda because Garden’s engineer Mike Lyons is leaving the firm. Brad Utemarkt will assume the project but is on vacation this week and will not be up to speed by Monday evening. I will re-schedule for July 19 immediately after the 6:00 pm council meeting if acceptable to elected officials. Brad will provide a (near) final plan/spec and elected officials can discuss the west side resident requests and related costs.
3. STORM WATER UTILITY: Veenstra & Kimm’s Greg Roth is not finished with the storm sewer review which will provide information as to our current system, its deficiencies and related costs for repair. He reports it will be complete and ready for elected official review on August 10.
In the packet is a map from Ed Yando showing some of the areas of concern during the recent rains. Please note that June’s rains totaled about 16 inches or 11.5 more than the norm.
4. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I met with Benefit Source’s Debbie Dean to discuss the pool balance, premiums and the new Congressional Health Care Reform. Based on the uncertainty of the health care changes, our recommendation is to stay with current premiums. Debbie Dean indicates health care costs will rise in the next couple years and holding our premiums may be the best way to protect the pool while at the same time providing consistency for budgets.
5. SEWER DEBT: In the packet is a Sanitary Sewer debt schedule prepared by Laurie Hebl.
6. 19th STREET: Soil testing has been coming back very good and they are anticipating beginning repaving next week.
7. AMPHITHEATER: Weather has delayed construction, however the contractor still anticipates completion by the first week of August.
8. 2011 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin contracted with Allender-Butzke to provide 43 street core samples. The results will be turned over to an engineer (yet to be hired) to help determine the replacement streets for the 2011 Replacement Project.
RFP’s for engineering services will be sent in early August.
9. CABLE CHANNEL: Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger reports he will have the new equipment installed and to go live Tuesday evening after the P&Z meeting (if all goes well).
Friday, July 2, 2010
News Items - July 6, 2010
1. W HWY 92 SEWER: The informational meeting for affected property owners will be at 4:00 pm at the Activity Center on July 7.
After receiving comments about the short (2-day) notice of South Y’s closure to install the 22’ deep main, I contacted V&K’s Forrest Aldrich. The result will likely be a 3 or 4-day notice (longer the notice the less predictable the weather) and a night-time installation from 11:30 pm to 6:30 am to avoid as much inconvenience as possible.
2. SOUTH LIFT STATION PUMPS: John Hoyman, Dan Miers and I had a couple phone conversations with WILO reps regarding the pumps purchased in 2008 for the South Lift Station. One of the two pumps has failed at least 3 times and the cause has yet to be determined. WILO has been fairly responsive and a new pump will replace one making bearing noise. All are hopeful this will be the last time a pump will have to be replaced (at least for the next 5-10 years). So far there are no solutions to the pump failure.
3. 4 WHEELER: Chief Brian Seymour reports Van Wall Motorsports approached the Fire Department about a program where Yamaha will loan a Rhino (4x4 ATV utility vehicle with utility box) to public safety departments for a period of six months to be used for EMS/Fire response ATV. Brian and staff looked at the unit and think the Department can use it for various incidents/events throughout the year. There is no cost other than insuring the vehicle and repairing damage outside of normal wear and tear. This program is for one year but the vehicle is traded every 6-months. The program has existed since 2008 and will most likely be extended according to Van Wall.
4. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE: I received notice that MidAmerican Energy received the franchise ordinance and are in the process of reviewing it. They will contact the city in a few weeks with their comments.
5. TAX ABATEMENT: Of the 14 single-family dwellings permits issued this year, five have opted for the 5-year tax abatement with the energy efficient construction.
6. MCCORD PARK: At their meeting on July 14, the P&R Commission will host a meeting with area residents to discuss play equipment at McCord Park. A report will be provided at the July 19 council meeting. McCord’s equipment (except a swing) has been removed due to age and safety. Replacement equipment has been budgeted but removed/delayed in recent years.
7. HEALTH POOL: The pool reached $900,000 in May due to surprisingly low claims this past year. RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I will meet in the next two weeks with consultant Debbie Dean to discuss a potential adjustment to premiums. A recommendation may be brought to council/trustees in the next several weeks.
8. AQUATIC CENTER: Based on lower attendance and revenues, staff is predicting the pool will end the fiscal year in the red on July 1. Efforts are underway to reduce spending and raise revenues.
9. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Just over 40 apps were received by last Friday. The committee is meeting Tuesday at 4:00 pm to narrow the list for interviews that are anticipated the week of July 12.
10. AMPHITHEATER: They have started to pour the footings for the awning.
11. 19TH STREET: All the concrete has been removed and testing came out well. Sternquist intends to pour concrete next week.
12. JR POLICE ACADEMY: The PD conducted its fifth annual Junior Academy in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation the week of June 21. The 5-day event had 17 attendees who received instruction on officer training, criminal investigation and tools of the job. Thanks to the Departments and especially Officer Brad Metcalf and Office Manager Pat Allsup for conducting the program!
13. HWY 92 WEST: According to Mark Swenson, IDOT, the completion of right-of-way acquisition has been pushed to December 2010 with the letting on January 16, 2013.
14. NORTH 9TH: Below is a tentative project schedule for the North 9th Street Extension Project:
• Set date of public hearing & letting July 19, 2010
• Publish notice of public hearing & letting July 29, 2010
• Receive bids August 11, 2010
• Public hearing August 16, 2010
• Construction start date September 7, 2010
• Project completion November 24, 2010
After receiving comments about the short (2-day) notice of South Y’s closure to install the 22’ deep main, I contacted V&K’s Forrest Aldrich. The result will likely be a 3 or 4-day notice (longer the notice the less predictable the weather) and a night-time installation from 11:30 pm to 6:30 am to avoid as much inconvenience as possible.
2. SOUTH LIFT STATION PUMPS: John Hoyman, Dan Miers and I had a couple phone conversations with WILO reps regarding the pumps purchased in 2008 for the South Lift Station. One of the two pumps has failed at least 3 times and the cause has yet to be determined. WILO has been fairly responsive and a new pump will replace one making bearing noise. All are hopeful this will be the last time a pump will have to be replaced (at least for the next 5-10 years). So far there are no solutions to the pump failure.
3. 4 WHEELER: Chief Brian Seymour reports Van Wall Motorsports approached the Fire Department about a program where Yamaha will loan a Rhino (4x4 ATV utility vehicle with utility box) to public safety departments for a period of six months to be used for EMS/Fire response ATV. Brian and staff looked at the unit and think the Department can use it for various incidents/events throughout the year. There is no cost other than insuring the vehicle and repairing damage outside of normal wear and tear. This program is for one year but the vehicle is traded every 6-months. The program has existed since 2008 and will most likely be extended according to Van Wall.
4. ELECTRIC FRANCHISE: I received notice that MidAmerican Energy received the franchise ordinance and are in the process of reviewing it. They will contact the city in a few weeks with their comments.
5. TAX ABATEMENT: Of the 14 single-family dwellings permits issued this year, five have opted for the 5-year tax abatement with the energy efficient construction.
6. MCCORD PARK: At their meeting on July 14, the P&R Commission will host a meeting with area residents to discuss play equipment at McCord Park. A report will be provided at the July 19 council meeting. McCord’s equipment (except a swing) has been removed due to age and safety. Replacement equipment has been budgeted but removed/delayed in recent years.
7. HEALTH POOL: The pool reached $900,000 in May due to surprisingly low claims this past year. RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I will meet in the next two weeks with consultant Debbie Dean to discuss a potential adjustment to premiums. A recommendation may be brought to council/trustees in the next several weeks.
8. AQUATIC CENTER: Based on lower attendance and revenues, staff is predicting the pool will end the fiscal year in the red on July 1. Efforts are underway to reduce spending and raise revenues.
9. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Just over 40 apps were received by last Friday. The committee is meeting Tuesday at 4:00 pm to narrow the list for interviews that are anticipated the week of July 12.
10. AMPHITHEATER: They have started to pour the footings for the awning.
11. 19TH STREET: All the concrete has been removed and testing came out well. Sternquist intends to pour concrete next week.
12. JR POLICE ACADEMY: The PD conducted its fifth annual Junior Academy in conjunction with the Parks and Recreation the week of June 21. The 5-day event had 17 attendees who received instruction on officer training, criminal investigation and tools of the job. Thanks to the Departments and especially Officer Brad Metcalf and Office Manager Pat Allsup for conducting the program!
13. HWY 92 WEST: According to Mark Swenson, IDOT, the completion of right-of-way acquisition has been pushed to December 2010 with the letting on January 16, 2013.
14. NORTH 9TH: Below is a tentative project schedule for the North 9th Street Extension Project:
• Set date of public hearing & letting July 19, 2010
• Publish notice of public hearing & letting July 29, 2010
• Receive bids August 11, 2010
• Public hearing August 16, 2010
• Construction start date September 7, 2010
• Project completion November 24, 2010
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