1. MEDIATION: Mediation between union reps and the city negotiator will take place Monday March 9 at 1:30 pm.
2. “Y” PAVING: The property owner meeting is 4:00 pm Tuesday the 10th.
3. COMMUNITY ATHLETIC FACILITIES PARKING: A letter from School Supt Mike Tiegland requesting a reaffirmation of the city council’s parking lot extension requirement to 2011 has been received. It will be placed on the March 16 council agenda for your consideration.
4. COST CUTTERS: In an effort to save cost, Sewer Supt Dan Miers and Street Supt Ed Yando agreed to (temporarily) shift alley snow removal to Sewer employees. The shift will eliminate a truck/plow in the Street Department and allow more efficient snow removal.
Hats off to both departments for their innovation and creativity!
FYI—The arrangement will be probationary the rest of this season to determine effectiveness.
5. BLANK PERFORMING ARTS CENTER: General Manager Todd Kielkopf is recommending a $10,000 in-kind contribution for Simpson’s Blank Performing Arts Center renovation/addition that includes a geo-thermal HVAC system. A resolution of support (packet) will be considered by both council and trustees because Simpson has applied for a Vision Iowa grant requiring local support. The resolution will be placed on the March 16 consent agenda.
6. HF 397: A bill in the House Local Government committee would allow the township fire and ambulance tax levy to increase from 40 ½ cents and 20 ¼ cents to 80 and 54 cents respectively. In your packet is a letter drafted by Laurie Hebl providing some of the rural-related fire equipment costs.
7. HEALTH POOL: A bit of good news in that pool premiums exceeded expenses by about $20,000 in February. Current balance is over $670,000.
8. AMBULANCE WRITE-OFFS: Below is a 3-year history of ambulance write-offs.
Date Total Write Off Medicare Sent to Collection
07/01/08-12/31/08 $96,241 $71,151 $25,090
01/01/08-06/30/08 $116,445 $71,162 $42,283
07/01/07-12/31/07 $103,008 $64,060 $38,948
01/01/07-06/30/07 $119,774 $52,861 $66,913
07/01/06-12/31/06 $69,485 $56,621 $12,764
01/01/06-06/30/06 $111,754 $64,419 $47,335
9. SQUARE BUILDINGS: North side property owners were sent letters to restore the properties.
10. IMMI: I am attending the Iowa Municipal Management Institute at the University of Iowa March 25-27.
11. TRAIL: The Memorial Trail Connection Phase 1 is moving forward. The following is the anticipated project schedule:
March 31, 2009 Check plans (98%)
April 21, 2009 Final plans
July 21, 2009 Letting date
Late August Construction begins