1. LEGISLATORS: Staci Appel is not available April 6 so Diana Bowlin is trying to schedule April 13. If that is too late, we can try the 4th or 5th Monday in March. Elected officials can comment on preferred dates.
2. 19TH STREET: We have a tentative agreement with the contractor/insurance company to replace 19th Street by July 1, 2009, or, the bond company will reimburse the city. Great news and our thanks to Chuck Burgin for working with Attorney David Swinton to get this unfortunate matter settled.
3. S “Y” ENGINEER: Garden and Associates was the low proposal (of 3 received on February 19) to design/inspect the S “Y” Paving project. Chuck Burgin and I met with them on the 11th to discuss the project. They plan to review the options and potentially revise their engineering proposal. The item will be delayed till April 6.
4. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Pictures were taken and sent to FEMA and our congressional delegation. We are hopeful FEMA will change their position on a more permanent solution given the recent settling.
5. N “Y”PAVING: 13 people representing 7 properties attended the informational meeting on March 10. There were many good questions and responsive answers by staff and Forrest Aldrich. The public hearing on assessments is April 6 with a bid letting on April 21 (by IDOT).
6. N HWY 65/69: Based on a meeting with Snyder and Associates, the developer, IDOT and city reps, the corridor study is proceeding. A proposal will be drafted for IDOT/city review and presented for consideration in April.
7. RESIDENTIAL TAX ABATEMENT: Per state code residential tax abatement is limited to 5 years on the first $75,000 taxable value/year. The city allows abatement for four years.
8. MINIMUM LOT SIZE: A meeting is scheduled on March 20 at 1:30 pm to discuss minimum lot sizes within residential zoning in the city limits.
9. ALLEY: The east/west alley immediately north of Casey’s East and Little Miracles Day Care was vacated many years ago. The sewer main is therefore on private property.
10. LIBRARY GRANT: Joyce Godwin applied for a $60,000 International City/County Management Association grant to initiate a sustainability program at the Library but unfortunately did not get awarded. The competition was extremely competitive.
11. DIVERSITY TRAINING: Tom Good, Iowa Civil Rights Commission, presented Diversity Appreciation Cultural Awareness to 71 municipal employees on March 12th.
Highway 92 – “R” Street through R-63 intersection
· March 4, 2009
o Letter to Congressman Latham requesting a project description change that would allow the use of the $500,000 appropriation for design/construction (currently it can only be used for study/planning expenses)
§ Copy of the letter was sent to Congressman Boswell, Senator Grassley and Senator Harkin
o Dale Vander Schaaf (IDOT) contacted Congressman Latham
o Congressman Latham spoke with the Transportation/HUD Appropriations Committee requesting the technical correction
North Highway 65/69 Corridor Improvements
· March 10, 2009
o IDOT met with developer & city to discuss study & TEAP assistance
§ City will proceed with TEAP study request (w/ Snyder & Associates is preparing a proposal)
· April 4, 2009
o Myles Kappelman, IDA, is planning on attending the Transportation & Economic Development training/conference and hopes to speak with head of IDOT
Inflow and Infiltration Program
· February 25, 2009
o Iowa Finance Authority announced that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) (i.e. Stimulus) included additional funds for Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds.
· March 2, 2009
o City submitted Phase I & Phase III application for funding (some of the stimulus money is to be in the form of grants or no-interest loans)
“Y” Street Paving – Hwy 92 north to Euclid Avenue
o Council moving forward with plans, specifications, estimate of cost, etc.
National Balloon Museum – slope repair/reconstruction
· February 26, 2009
o Formal written appeal sent to the State Public Assistance Officer of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Public Safety/City Hall Renovations
o Laurie’s research concluded that the City would not be eligible for any of the USDA Community Facility Grants that may be available due to wording to the effect: "Applicants/Borrowers must be unable to obtain credit at reasonable rates and terms".
Lake Ahquabi Park Cabins Infrastructure
o Myles will research DNR & ask for an earmark from Harkin