1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is April 6.
2. RACE CAR ORDINANCE: According to attorney Hugh Cain, the plaintiffs have an opportunity to file another complaint on the Race Car ordinance after the council passes the new ordinance. Once that complaint is filed, Mr. Cain will be given a period of time to respond and then the judge will act on the new complaint. According to Mr. Cain, there should be no further hearings.
Final reading of the amended ordinance is scheduled for April 6.
3. MUNICIPAL BUILDING RENOVATION: A building walk-thru was attended by 19 contractors on Thursday the 26th. A good sign. Bids will be received on April 2 and a recommendation presented to council on April 6.
Estimated budget is $850,000 (includes architect/engineer) and there is 21 cents in the FY 09/10 tax rate to retire the anticipated debt.
4. MINIMUM LOT SIZE: A meeting was held on the 24th with Mark Schlenker to discuss his concerns about a proposed minimum 15-acre lot in agricultural zoning within the city limits.
Meeting results include:
· The proposed ordinance will not (cannot) have any affect outside the city limits due to state statute.
· An appeal process/criteria will be added if an owner can show undue hardship
· Purpose/intent of the ordinance will be added.
Setting a hearing date for April 20 will be placed on the April 6 agenda.
5. AMPHITHEATER ENGINEER: P&R Director Glen Cowan received five quotes for the Memorial Park Amphitheater design. Civil Design Advantage will be recommended at the April 6 meeting.
Tentative project schedule follows:
· End of April Topographic survey & preliminary design
· Mid May Final design
· May-June 30 Bidding
· July-September 15 Construction
Also, due to some conflicts with electric power poles, the $225,000 trail project from the Summerset trail (at Euclid) to Memorial Park will be delayed until spring of 2010 allowing the poles to be placed underground.
6. DEVELOPMENT: Community Development Director and I met with a local business owner, developer and banker on Tuesday the 24th to discuss potential development of the southwest corner of Hwy 65/69 and Hwy 92. The potential owner is considering an offer for this lot the city acquired during the intersection improvement project. The offer will be presented to council when received.
7. UNION NEGOTIATIONS: The Laborer’s Local #353 met and ratified the following contract terms on March 24th:
· Three year contract
· Across the Board increase – 2.5, 3.25 and 3.5%
· Change in health insurance deductibles and premium co-pay
· HRA contribution increase - $50 per year
· Clothing allowance increase $25 year one and three
· Waste Water employees to receive an additional $.50 per hour in year three
The contract will be brought to Council for consideration on April 6th.
8. D&D PROPERTY: Chuck sent request for proposals on March 26th to demolish 201 S. “D”. They will be received by April 15th and presented at the April 20th council meeting.