1. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: Four bids were received on April 2 as follows:
Company Base Bid Alternate #1 Alternate #2
Bergstrom Const $849,000 $26,000 $12,000
Boyd Const. $785,740 $33,950 $17,100
Edge Commercial $845,200 $21,500 $19,946
Pro Commercial $814,968 $15,588 $11,250
The building committee met on the 3rd and considered a recommendation to remove alternates 1 (Street Dept will instead do the concrete work) and 2 (building improvement north of Family Video) for a total of $50,000. In addition, Shive Hattery’s Mark Allen will discuss options with Boyd to reduce the project cost. While it is felt all parts of the project are necessary, the total cost is allows little contingency, which is a necessary component when renovating a building.
A recommendation will be brought to the April 20 council meeting.
2. 19th STREET: Chuck Burgin continues to work with our attorney and the bonding attorney to reach a settlement. The goal is to have a street replacement by July 1.
3. SOUTH “Y”: I have authorized Garden & Associates to provide information regarding costs for urban design, slab-on-grade and an asphalt surface for “Y” south of Hwy 92. Given the TIF reduced life span (20 to 10 years if TIF is used residentially), I am looking for the most affordable and cost-efficient method to hard surface the gravel road. A recommendation will be brought to council in May.
4. CONTRACT MOWING: Bids are in and the joint (Electric, Parks Sewer and Water) action is to accept the proposal from Justin Woosley (see P&R and Sewer recommendations). While the Parks Dept has contracted for more than 15 years, this is the first for the Sewer Dept.
Supt Dan Miers expects to save about $5,000 annually and does not intend to purchase the mower/tractor as originally budgeted. Hats off the all who participated in the process!!
5. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: The balance is nearly $700,000 and has grown the last couple months. Laurie, Rox, Todd and I will meet in the next 30 days or so to re-evaluate our premiums and make a recommendation if justified.
6. SURVEY: This year’s community survey (packet) will be sent by the first of May to 720 households. Elected officials can review the questions and add/subtract as necessary.
7. AMPHITHEATER: The engineer proposal recommendation will be presented at the April 20 council meeting.
8. STORM WATER UTILITY: Per council action on December 1st, V&K’s Storm Water Utility (SWU) study proposal will be placed on the April 20 council agenda.
9. BRUSH FACILITY: Opening day was busy at the facility. Residents filled a 40-yard container with leaves and garden waste, our first television was taken at the new e-cycle building and contractor, C.J. Services was grinding brush material.