1. RESTROOM: Given the anticipated use of Salem Court (alley on south side of the square), the Park Dept intends to put a portable restroom in the parking lot across from the American Legion Hall (see map). It will be enclosed and maintained on a weekly basis. The KIB Salem Court Committee will pay the monthly fee.
2. TRAILER: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin has been approached (see letter) by someone interested in setting a trailer on 109 S. Jefferson (former used car lot) to sell barbeque food (see request). The trailer is similar to those seen at a state fair or other similar venues.
The transient merchant ordinance only allows 60 days (definition of transient) but the owner wants a much longer period. However, because it has human occupation, it falls under the building code that has requirements including wind load, tire/wheel removal, etc. The requirements are more than the owners are willing to comply with.
They consequently have asked to be on a council agenda to request council approval of either waiving the building code requirements, or, extending the transient merchant 60-day period.
3. COMP PLAN UPDATE: Request for proposals will be received on April 21 and a recommendation presented to council on May 18.
4. SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION: As written previously, the Sustainable Committee is reviewing residential tax abatement as a condition of sustainable construction (extra insulation, low-e glass, 40-year roof shingles, programmable thermostats, etc.). Chuck Burgin and I met with several local builders and received a positive response.
A recommendation will be presented to elected officials in 60-90 days.
5. DC TRIP: Todd Kielkopf reports Chris Boone will attend the Partnership’s annual Washington DC trip June 10-12.
6. SOFTBALL LIGHTING: At their meeting on the 15th, the P&R Commission approved a lighting plan for Pickard Youth Softball fields. Part of the plan involves a loan from the city and in-kind services from IMU. It will be brought to council at the May 4th council meeting.
7. TAX REVENUES: Revenues are down over 2% from this time last year.
8. I&I: A neighborhood meeting (see area map) for properties in northwest service area number 2 will be held at Irving Elementary on April 28 at 7:00 pm.
9. STORM SIREN: Brian Seymour reports the storm siren located at Indianola Municipal Utilities has failed and will be replaced as soon as possible.
10. HYDRANTS: The Water Dept will flush hydrants from April 28 thru May 8.
11. PICKEN DEVELOPMENT: Progress continues on this potential development. Community Development Director Chuck Burgin anticipates a plat to be submitted to Planning and Zoning for their May 12th meeting.