1. DC TRIP: Council member Richardson will highlight the congressional visits at the meeting but the potential areas of funding include:
· Highway 92 – “R” Street through R-63 intersection
· North Hwy 65/69 Corridor Improvements
· Inflow and Infiltration Program
· “Y” Street Paving – Hwy 92 north to Euclid Avenue
· National Balloon Museum – slope repair/reconstruction
· Public Safety/City Hall Renovation
· Lake Ahquabi Park Cabins Infrastructure
2. CORRIDOR STUDY: IDOT’s Pete Tollenaire contacted me on the 25th to advise they would proceed with a corridor study under the Traffic Engineering Assistance Program. We are meeting on March 10 with IDOT and area developers to discuss the study and a cost share. A recommendation will be brought to council in several weeks.
The study will review the current 4-lane, divided highway north of Hillcrest Avenue to determine affect on development to the north. City staff prefers a review of an urban configuration similar to that south of Hillcrest.
FYI – Pete Tollenaire reports the DOT is using stimulus funds to overlay Hwy 65/69 from Des Moines south to Indianola (southbound lane to Hillcrest, northbound to Noble Ford). The project will be bid on March 31st. There will be discussion about how the overlay will coincide with the corridor study and possible reconfiguration.
3. W HWY 92 SEWER: Only two property owners (of seven) attended the informational meeting for the W Highway 92 Sanitary Sewer Project that extends east from “Y” about 1,425’.
The tentative project schedule is:
April 6, 2009 Council adopts preliminary resolution of necessity and
set public hearing
April 28, 2009 Receive and open bids
May 4, 2009 Public hearing and award of contract
June, 2009 Start construction
4. OLD SEWER PLANT: I spoke with a rep from the Indianola Country Club who asked about a possible lease of the 9.5 acres on Country Club Road. I indicated the city is open to options so I expect an offer may be tendered in the next month or so.
5. TAX REVENUES: Revenue collection thru February is down 1.25% over this time last year.
6. BALLOON MUSUEM DITCH: Laurie Hebl has filed a formal appeal to FEMA for the culvert extension north of the Balloon Museum.
7. LABOR CONTRACT: The Board of Trustees and utility union members approved their 2009-2012 contract.
8. HWY 65/69 TREE PLANTING GRANT: The Indianola Community Tree Committee is applying for a grant from the IDOT Living Roadway Trust Fund to purchase and plant 50 trees along the highway in front of Wal Mart and north just past Circle B. As with the other highway trees, the City of Indianola will be responsible for the maintenance for the life of the trees. The grant does not require matching funds. The amount needed for the project and being requested is $8,250. If awarded the grant, it is anticipated that the trees will be planted in April, 2009 as part of the Indianola Arbor Day Celebration activities.
9. RUT FUNDS: Below is RUT (gas tax) funding from 2008 and 2007:
Month 2008 2007
December $96,325.22 $102,896.87
November $114,196.07 $93,270.05
October $78,538.22 $107,672.25
Total received for 2008 and 2007 was $1,192,404.98 and $1,214,967.34 respectfully. These are alarming figures and are indicative of the diminishing cash balance. Unless expenses are reduced or revenues increased, the RUT fund will require a tax subsidy in 10/11.
FYI – RUT funds pay for all Street Department operations.
10. VACANT LOT: I’ve been contacted by a party interested in the lot on the southwest
corner of Hwy 92 and 65/69. An offer, if received, will be brought to council for
consideration in several weeks.