1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is March 2.
2. I&I PROGRAM: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports they are near complete on the review of Phases 1 & 2 and will present a report to committee on March 9. Once approved by council, V&K will submit a proposal to draft a plan/spec for repairs (point repair, liners) and send it to contractors for bids. We are hopeful a contract can be considered by council at the May 4 meeting. Estimated cost for these phases is $3 million. Total project cost is about $9 million.
FYI—During the review, the engineer and staff found some major defects in the system allowing significant storm water infiltration. Phases 1 & 2 should have a very positive impact on I&I removal.
A main located one half block north of East Highway 92 between 4th and 8th Streets (see map) will require a separate contract due to its limited access and inability to use normal methods of repair.
3. W HIGHWAY 92 SEWER: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin and I met with Steve Darr to discuss the proposed sanitary sewer (see map) extension on W Hwy 92. Steve is receptive to the concept.
We also are scheduling a meeting next week to meet with north-side property owners. If everything continues to progress, we anticipate a summer project.
FYI: I will recommend the project be a “connect fee” (as opposed to an assessment) because of the new septic system installed by Herberger Construction. However, I will also recommend a lower assessment interest rate to encourage property owners to request voluntary assessments.
4. MUNICIPAL BUILDING RENOVATION: We have not receive the revised schedule. As soon as we receive it we will forward it to you.
5. SOUTH “Y”: Chuck Burgin opened three engineering proposals for South “Y” (paving) and a recommendation will be brought to a March council meeting. The quotes (includes resident review) are:
Garden and Associates $ 71,000
McClure $111,800
V&K $ 86,550
We are getting references from Garden on assessment projects with other cities.
FYI – Since North “Y” and South “Y” cannot be paved at the same time and the economies of scale are lost, I’ll recommend South “Y” paving be delayed until 2010.
6. 19th STREET: Chuck was informed that the attorney representing the grading contractor of 19th Street has asked the court to be released.
7. IMPOUNDING VEHICLES: Steve Bonnett drafted an amendment to the Impounding Vehicles ordinance that allows vehicles on public property right-of way that have outstanding /unpaid parking tickets to be impounded. It will be placed on the March 2 meeting for council consideration.
If approved, a hearing can be set for public input.
8. E CYCLE SHED: Work is near complete on the 10 x 15 building. Our thanks to the Street crew!
9. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: 55 applications have been received for the Accounts Payable Position. Laurie Hebl, Diana Bowlin and RoxAnne Hunerdosse will screen applications and conduct interviews next week.
10. BRUSH GRINDING: J. S. Services provided a quote of $9,450 to grind brush from the 2008 season. The other quote was $12,950 from Chamness Technology. A recommendation will be brought to Council March 2nd.