Friday, August 3, 2012

News Items August 6, 2012

·       South Howard Street is closed and half of paving is complete. The remaining portion is currently being trimmed and will be paved next week.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement East Boston west of the highway is continuing.
·       “D” Street is completely open

2.     POLICE CHIEF RESUMES: As of Aug 3rd 15 resumes have been received.

3.     HWY 65/69 STUDY: See attached letter sent to area property owners explaining elements of study and process.

4.     I&I MEETING: Per the realtors request the meeting is now Tuesday, August 7 at 11 a.m. Mayor Bresnan and John Parker will attend.

5.     NATURAL GAS FRANCHISE FEES: See the attached request from Mid-American Energy asking for a delay to implement the gas franchise fees to October 1, 2012 instead of September 1 due to staffing issues. Fortunately, the financial impact is approximately $2,000 as August is a low usage month. If this had been mid-winter the effect would have been much greater.

6.     TAX ABATEMENT: Tax abatement for residential, commercial and industrial properties is set to expire December 31, 2012. Staff will bring information to a future committee to discuss whether or not the program should be continued.

7.     REAL ESTATE: A real estate agent contacted Chuck this week and indicated the two parking lots directly west of city hall are for sale. Price was not mentioned and both properties were just placed on the market. Staff will keep you informed as we receive additional information.

8.     YMCA: The footings for the YMCA are 90% complete and the competitive pool is in the process of being poured.

9.  NORTH 8TH & IOWA: A pre-construction meeting for the North 8th Street and Iowa project will be held Tuesday, August 7 at 9 am. The project awarded to low bidder Vanderpool Construction is scheduled to be complete October of this year.