Friday, July 20, 2012

News Items July 23, 2012

·       South Howard Street is closed and half of paving is complete.
·       Sewer repair work is complete on East Boston east of Hwy 92 and work is continuing west of the highway.
·       All of North “E” Street will be open today (July 20).

2.     ILOC: The Iowa League of Cities released a brochure pertaining to “New Laws of Interest to Cities”. You may have received this but just in case attached is a copy for review.

3.     ILOC CONFERENCE: Just a reminder the Iowa league of Cities Conference will be held September 26-28 in Sioux City (conference info was sent in an earlier packet). If interested please let Diane or myself know.

4.     TAXES: The attached spreadsheet shows July tax receipts and is consistent with collections this time of year.

5.     HWY 65/69 STUDY: Attached is a copy of the minutes from the July 9 meeting with IDOT reps. Additional information will be forthcoming as the IDOT requests city input.

6.     TAX SURVEY: Attached are spreadsheets showing Indianola ranked 10th low in terms of total tax rate for cities with populations 6,500 or greater. In addition, the numbers show Indianola 6th low in taxes paid per capita yet 28th in taxable value.

7.     CITY MANAGER RESUMES: As of Friday 10:45 am 62 resumes have been received.

8.  WELLNESS CENTER: Approximately 90% of the footings have been completed and a portion of the  competitive pool has been poured.