Friday, August 10, 2012

News Items August 13, 2012

·       South Howard Street is closed and 75% of paving is complete. One more pour is required to complete the street portion.
·       Water main and storm sewer replacement East Boston west of the highway is continuing.
·       Soil prep is being completed on East Boston east of Highway 65/69.

2.     POLICE CHIEF RESUMES: As of Aug 10th 23 resumes have been received.

3.     WAY FINDING SIGNS: Glen Cowan indicated the signs are complete and the city will install those to be posted on city streets. A letter has been sent to the IDOT to determine if they have received the highway signs to coordinate schedules. Will keep you updated.

4.     AUGUST 13: Just a reminder a meeting will not be held Monday, August 13. Enjoy your evening!

5.     YMCA: Concrete pouring continues on the Wellness Center. The competitive pool is the main focus. Walls will be delivered to the site beginning August 23rd.