YMCA/Wellness Center Update
The next Vision Iowa board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 14. Location information will be forwarded as soon as it is received.
Hwy 92 Update
On Tuesday, February 28th, Chuck attended an update and design meeting regarding the Highway 92 West reconstruction. This project includes construction of new urban design from the main entrance of the fairgrounds to R-63 Hwy. Rural design will complete this phase to R-57. Public sidewalks, storm sewer and a trail are part of the overall design.
Chuck has been working with a property owner regarding land purchase of approximately 15 acres north of East Iowa Avenue for a new neighborhood park. The owner has agreed to split the cost of an appraisal. Total estimated cost is $3,500 for the appraisal.
Rezoning request
A rezoning request for R-5 zoning within the Sunset Terrace subdivision (North 6th Street) will be presented at the March 13th Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The plat indicates two 16-unit condominiums and six four-unit structures to be constructed with a zero based lot line for row housing units.
2011 Sidewalk Repairs
The final claims for the 2011 sidewalk repair project are being sent to the Warren County Treasurer’s office this week. FYI – There were 200 sidewalk repair letters and 377 tree trimming letters mailed originally. All but 47 properties made the repairs and all but 19 paid for the repair work performed. The next sidewalk project is scheduled for 2013.
M.D. Isley and a BRAVO board member will be attending the May 7th council meeting to provide an update.