1. STREET REPLACEMENT LETTERS: A copy of the letter (packet) to property owners regarding the elimination of assessments was mailed March 9, 2012.
2. RFP: A draft request-for-proposal for search firms for the city manager position is in your packet. The plan is to place on the March 26 council agenda. Please let Roxanne know if you have any suggestions.
3. CITY ATTORNEY: A copy of the city attorney’s job description/ordinance is in your packet. The discussion will be placed on a future study committee agenda.
4. SCULPTURE: In your packet is a design of the sculpture the committee (comprised of Indianola Park Friends, Fine Arts and Parks & Rec Commission members) has selected to be put at the Sesquicentennial Park. The Parks & Rec Commission approved it at their last meeting.
5. JET/VAC TRUCK: Dan Miers, Wastewater Supt. indicates the new sewer jet/vac truck will be delivered March 19.
6. NATURAL GAS FRANCHISE: I’m working with Mark Reinders, MEC on the franchise agreement/ordinance. Ivan Webber will review the ordinance for the city per John Hoyman. A public hearing will be set April 16 for May 7.
7. FIRE DEPT: Brian Seymour and Asst Fire Chief Mark McCurdy will be leaving May 1-16 for a mission trip to Zambia, Africa. It is a program to provide fire training services to the fire department and schools in Katete. Expenses are covered by the Children’s Burn Foundation, American Burn Association, Brian and Mark. Staff will report to Jamie Sauter, Deputy Fire Chief during this time period.
8. MOWING CONTRACT: Bids were received for the joint (Electric, Water, Parks & Sewer) mowing contract. It was decided to remain with Justin Woosley who has provided this service since 2008. Woosley was not the low bid, however based on continuity of service and the nominal difference in proposals ($75/yr) Glen Cowan and Mike Bowlin (Parks Supt) recommended remaining with them.
9. WELLNESS CENTER: Bids for the wellness center site work (not the building) will be received April 10 and a public hearing April 16. This is being bid separate to get the project moving along while design on the building is being complete.
10. NORTH “C” STREET: Forest Aldrich, V&K is reviewing traffic information for Buxton, Howard, “D” and Girard per the committee discussion March 12. Also Ivan Webber is reviewing code section 354.23. I will forward both pieces of information when received.
11. TAXES: In your packet are the general fund and debt service tax distribution at a 55.07% and 54.16% respectfully.
12. BRUSH FACILITY: The brush facility will open Thursday, April 5 for the season. Hours of operation will be:
Thursday – noon to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday – 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sunday – noon to 4:00 p.m.