1. J&K: Chuck Burgin will meet with the Warren County Fair Board March 27 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the proposed J&K Re-alignment project. (see memo & map).
2. NORTH PARK: Chuck is working with Susan Baxendale regarding possible park property acquisition North of Iowa off of North 9th Street (Lincoln Ridge Plat 6). The city is sharing the cost of an appraisal (city portion $1,375) of the approximately 15 acre site.
3. POLICE/FIRE STORAGE FACILITY: Police Chief, Steve Bonnett indicates the 425 ft. entrance to the police and fire storage facility will be asphalted for approximately $9,800 using drug seizure funds. As you know the facility was built last year with the same funds, approximately $119,000. Seizure funds can only be used for specific purposes related to public safety.
4. LETTER: Loren and Linda Meyer requested you receive a copy of their letter to the editor regarding street paving and gas franchise fees. Just to clarify, IMU does provide a payment-in-lieu-of-tax (PILOT) contribution to the city annually and amounts to 5% Electric and 3% Water revenues as set by Trustee ordinance.
5. WEST IOWA & 8TH STREET: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich provided an engineering services proposal in the amount of $4,800 for the West Iowa & 8th Street Drainage Improvements project scheduled for FY12-13. The property owners requested we start the project sooner than July 1 (see letter). The Street Department cleaned out the swale bordering the property and has agreed to check it periodically to make sure it remains clean until the project is complete. The stormwater budget could handle starting the project in May as opposed to July and I would like to at least start the engineering process considering the significant water issues at that location. Please let me know if you have any questions.
6. GIRARD: Received a call from a Girard Street resident last week asking if the city could clean out the debris in the beehive drains around the area. The street department cleaned out the drains and installed three rows of silt fence in the north lagoon and in the ditch running north to Iowa to stop some of the mud from washing down into the yards. The resident was very appreciative of the work performed.
7. REWARD: The police dept is offering a reward for information on the home burglaries in Indianola (see packet).
8. E-MAIL: In case you did not get a chance to view the e-mail from Bill Gross a copy has been provided.