Wednesday, November 24, 2010

News Items - November 29, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is December 6.

2. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS CENTER: A reminder the Planning Committee will present its recommendation to a joint meeting of city, county, school and Simpson officials on December 13.

3. 110 W ASHLAND: After discussing with colleagues, John Hoyman reports the $18,650 engineering fee will be assessed to the owners of 110 W Ashland (Adams/Proctor) because it is their building that needs stabilizing to protect the public. The building was damaged in July 2008. The court hearing is still scheduled for December 14.

4. SEWER CAMERA TRUCK: Supt Dan Miers reports a major oil leak in the Camera Truck’s oil pan. The leak was caused by the dip stick rubbing against the inside of the pan. The engine must be lifted to remove/replace the pan and it is recommended the rear main seal be replaced at the same time. Their estimate for repair is $3,500. We will proceed.

5. SOUTH LIFT STATION (PHASE THREE): Supt Dan Miers met with Neuvirth Construction about the Phase 3 construction of the lagoon at the south lift station. The contractor is finishing the lagoon expansion and after draining the existing lagoon found about 2 feet of sludge in the bottom. V&K will evaluate the amount of sludge and will estimate the cost to remove it. We therefore are anticipating a change order for the Phase 3 project.

Removing the sludge will increase capacity and keep solids out of the collection system. Removal will be most efficient when the lagoon is empty.

6. HOLIDAY: The day after Thanksgiving is an official city holiday so most offices/departments will be closed.

7. TAX REVENUE: Tax revenue is slightly ahead of this time last year. Good news!

8. LIBRARY HVAC: The Board is meeting Tuesday the 30th to discuss the system. A recommendation will be on the December 6 agenda.

9. UTILITY BILLING: Do to some personnel issues in the Clerk’s Office, utility billing will be sent on December 2 or 3.

10. “C” STREET STUDY: Most of the data collection is complete and there will be meetings scheduled with city and Simpson staff in early/mid December. A recommendation will be brought to council on January 10.

11. JOINT MEETING: The date for Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk to meet again regarding dispatch and EMS is (still) tentatively set for December 7. However, Norwalk and Carlisle have yet to confirm.

12. BRIDGE: County Engineer Mark Lee informed us Friday the bridge west of the sewer plant on Hoover Street has been temporarily closed this week. It will be open next week to light traffic.

Friday, November 19, 2010

News Items - November 22, 2010

1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is December 6, at 6:00 pm. Have a great holiday!

2. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: Theisen’s is asking to use pre-cast concrete walls on their exterior which is not an approved method in our ordinance that requires brick, E.F.I.S., cultural stone and Nova Brick. P&Z will hold a special meeting on November 30 and a recommendation will be brought to council on December 6.

Theisen’s is locating on Hwy 65/69 just south of Noble Ford in the Summercrest Hills Development.

3. FIRE DEPT: $75,000 was budgeted to provide a vehicle exhaust system for the Fire Dept bays and Brian Seymour received quotes in the $40,000 to $60,000 range. The higher end system provides the best option/most flexibility especially given the cramped spaces. A recommendation will be placed on the December 6 council agenda.

4. STEPHEN COURT CULVERT: Chuck Burgin reports that additional sod is needed on the slopes of the east side of Stephen Court to minimize erosion. A change order will be on the next council agenda.

5. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE ORDINANCE: In the packets are the October 26 P&Z minutes indicating their recommendation to allow beverage sales (only) from temporary structures in a C-3 (general retail/office) zone. The correct ordinance is in the packet.

Also, while the ordinance does not include language regarding a 3-year extension of enforcement for McCoy’s west structure, John Hoyman reports the action taken by council on May 3, 2010 will allow the extension.

6. W HWY 92 SEWER: Financing for this $300,000 project will be added to the GO Debt refinancing that council set a hearing date for December 6. Even though the cost will be re-couped by either assessments or connections fees, the immediate cash flow is necessary to keep the Sewer Fund in the black.

7. 110 W ASHLAND: SVPA has been paid $12,227.50 of an $18,650 contract to design improvements to 110 W Ashland to make it safe from collapse.

8. SQUARE BUILDING INCENTIVES: Chuck Burgin is working with the property owner regarding the items eligible for grants/loans (i.e. roof replacement). A recommendation will be placed on a future council agenda.

9. 204 N JEFFERSON: Quotes will be received on November 23 to remove the Chiropractic Center at 204 North Jefferson. The Fire Dept has used the grounds for training purposes.

Community Development Director Chuck Burgin reports the Cottage Inn and building south will be bid after the first of the year. There were closing issues among other delays.

10. WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS: After talking with Chuck Burgin, he reports the original recommendation for small wind energy conversion systems was 1 acre for commercial and 3 acres for residential consistent with the Metro Advisory Council’s model ordinance.

11. JOINT MEETING: December 13 is the joint meeting with the trustees to receive the Indianola Development Association’s latest report and request for FY 11/12 funding.

Other (tentative) items include the Community/Wellness Center recommendation, Qwest pole removal/re-location (John Hoyman), state representative/legislative review, South Y progress report and park dedication review.

12. LIBRARY HVAC: The Library Board will consider a third option next week. Chuck Burgin and Joyce Godwin met with a contractor and he provided a reasonably priced alternative that will fully meet the needs.

A recommendation will be on the December 6 agenda.

13. STREET REPLACEMENT: The engineer does not recommend replacing all of “D” between Ashland and Clinton because it was partially replaced in 1995.

However, the blocks between Euclid and Girard on N. Howard can be added per council direction.

Friday, November 12, 2010

News Items - November 15, 2010

1. ROLLBACK: The rollback for FY 11/12 increases to 48.52% from 46.9% or about 3.4%. If there is no change in the tax rate, a home valued at $150,000 would pay $822 in FY 11/12 compared to $795 in FY 10/11, a $27 increase (about $2.25/month). Since Indianola’s taxes have not increased in the last two years, that increase would average about $8/year.

Industrial and commercial rollbacks remain at 100% in FY 11/12.

2. TRI CITY: The next meeting of Carlisle, Indianola and Norwalk is tentatively scheduled for December 7. Time and location are yet to be determined but we offered Indianola as a site. I will ask Steve Bonnett and Brian Seymour to attend as dispatch and EMS will be discussed. The supervisors will also be invited.

More information will be provided when available.

3. STORM WATER STUDY: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich reports the storm water model/study will be complete by the end of November and neighborhood meetings will be scheduled.

4. INFILTRATION/INFLOW PHASE 3: The South Lift Station Storm Basin project will receive a contract reduction of about $8,500 because soil will be taken from the site as opposed to hauling it from elsewhere. The change order will be on a December council agenda.

5. MEMORIAL POOL DEBT PAYMENT: The $180,000 final debt payment for the Memorial Pool will be made in June 2011. And, the P&R Commission intends to approach the council about using some or all of the 43-cent tax rate to provide trail extensions (yet to be determined).

6. BRUSH FACILITY: The brush facility will remain open thru November 30.

7. W HWY 92 SEWER: A meeting is scheduled for next Monday with utility owners to discuss the conflict with the sanitary sewer services. A recommendation will be provided at a December meeting.

8. FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPANSION: The grant Brian Seymour applied for to expand the Fire Station was $2.5 million.

9. D STREET: D Street was paved during a sewer replacement project in 1995.

10. MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPANSION: In the packet is a drawing showing the proposed Middle School expansion. City staff are meeting with school officials in early December.

11. VINTAGE HILLS: The November 8 Business Record had an article (packet) on Indianola’s Vintage Hills Retirement Community. Very good PR for Indianola.

12. MAYOR’S YOUTH COUNCIL: In the packet is a flyer explaining the Mayor’s Youth Council. High School students are encouraged to apply and will meet throughout the year with the involvement of the Mayor and council members. P&R Teen Coordinator Becky Lane will assist with the MYC. Meetings and activities will be lead and driven by the students with the assistance and guidance of the Mayor and Becky. The MYC will provide opportunities for high school students to learn about city government, provide input about city issues, represent high school youth by providing ideas that are of interest to them, provide leadership opportunities, learn how to work together with others, learn how to plan, organize, fund and administer activities for the community, etc.

Warren Co. United Way Action Council tried to start a county youth council successful so it was suggested Warren County Mayors be involved. Mayor Bresnan expressed interest so Indianola will have the first MYC.

13. HABITAT: The Warren County Habitat for Humanity will hold a dedicated ceremony for the recently completed home at 512 E. Euclid on Saturday, November 20 at 2:00 p.m.

Friday, November 5, 2010

News Items - November 8, 2010

1. COMMUNITY/WELLNESS CENTER: The planning committee received a proposal from the 360 Group and Downing Construction to build a facility in the Summercrest Hills Development. The full proposal can be viewed at

There is a wellness link and then click the RFP Responses. I can also provide a paper copy if preferred.

Mayor/council will formally receive the proposal at the December 13th committee meeting.

2. RETAIL SALES: In the packet is John Hoyman’s opinion regarding retail sales in an R-3 zone. P&Z will discuss a request for such sales at their November 9 meeting.

3. SWECS: Per Steve Richardson’s comments at the November 1 meeting, we checked and found the following metro cities allow Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems on single/two-family (residential) lots:

Ankeny 1 acre
Clive 1 acre
Waukee 2 acres
West Des Moines 1 acre
Des Moines 1 acre

In the packet is a map showing the residential lots that are 5-acres/greater and ag lots that are 15 acres/greater within the city limits. There are 150 lots between residential and ag. Also, Ivan Webber reports that the SWECS ordinance does not have to return to P&Z since they already discussed it and provided a recommendation.

Given today’s efforts/attitudes about saving energy and becoming more sustainable, allowing SWECS in residential areas should be strongly considered. Economics are not the only reason people purchase SWECS. Some simply feel an obligation to protect the environment and are willing to pay for that obligation. The city should provide that option while at the same time protecting the interests of neighbors which can be done by placing a minimum lot size and setbacks in the ordinance.

4. NORTH Y/INWOOD: The Warren County Road Crew removed the seal coat surface on North Y and Inwood this week. The surface was very rough and no decision on the ultimate surface has been made. County reps will meet with Chuck Burgin and I next week to review options.

5. AMPHITHEATER: Glen Cowan reports the Rotary Club volunteered to place the roof (originally in Phase 2) on the Memorial Park Amphitheater this year. They are contributing nearly $4,700 financial support in addition to labor for the project. I am authorizing the remaining $3,750 material cost for the metal flashing to install the roof since the project is under the contract amount by nearly $4,500. The roof will protect the theater over the winter.

Hats off to the Indianola Rotary!!

6. STORAGE BUILDING: Steve Bonnett is getting material quotes for the storage building (east of Arby’s). He’s been advised costs are likely to increase after the first of the year so the idea is to save some expense. Construction will begin next March.

7. ARC FLASH ANALYSYS: According to National Fire Protection Association standards, the city is conducting an arc flash analysis (See Mike Metcalf memo) to provide an assessment of the potential energy at each point in the system that would be released in the event of an arcing fault. Safety Coordinator Mike Metcalf received quotes and the low is shown below:

WPC $13,800
Water $8,725
Power Plant $8,725
City Hall $4,985
Library $2,490
Aquatic Center $10,000
Total cost $48,725 and will be budgeted accordingly.
5. VEHICLE ACCIDENT: Sewer Supt Dan Miers was involved in a minor fender bender on November 1 when a small vehicle ran into the rear of his truck while waiting for the signal to change on Hwy 65/69 at Euclid. The truck received no reportable damage.

6. TAX REVENUES: Revenues thus far are about 45% of the amount budgeted and nearly 2% higher than this time last year. Good news and it will be continued to be monitored.

7. IDOT DETOUR: In the packet is a letter from IDOT’s C.E. Belgarde indicating Hwy 65/69 and Hwy 92 will be part of an I-35 pre-determined detour in case of accident or detour. The letter is a courtesy to advise of the highway status.

8. MEDIACOM: Mediacom intends to raise the following rates on December 1, 2010 per a letter received November 1.
Product Old Rate New Rate
Broadcast Basic $25.95 $27.95
Expanded Basic $37.00 $38.00
Total Family Cable $62.95 $65.95

9. REFUNDING OF G.O. DEBT: Finance Director Jean Furler had conversations with Chip Schultz, Ruan Securities, regarding refunding two GO Debt issuances. Due to lower interest rates the results would be a net savings of about $165,000 over the next 8 years. Proceedings are being prepared for council consideration. If approved, the following schedule will be recommended:

• November 15: Council considers resolution setting December 6 as date for public hearing
• December 6: Public hearing on proposed General Obligation Refunding Bond issues
• December 13 (special Council meeting): Bond sale - bids due at 10:30 AM at City Hall; Council awards at 5:30 meeting and authorizes redemption of prior bonds
• December 20: Authorize issuance of two General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Series 2011A and Series 2011B)
• January 11: Closing / delivery of funds
• January 17: Effective redemption of 2004B G.O. Bonds (current refunding)
10. W. HWY 92 SEWER: There are some utility conflicts with the sewer services for most of the buildings on the north side of Hwy 92. Options are being reviewed and a recommendation will be brought to council.

11. SEWER CONNECTION: St. Thomas Catholic Church reps contacted the city about connecting to the sewer main on W. Highway 92 at R-63. The church owns 20 acres and the connection fee is about $53,000 (includes interest). We are discussing the fee and may have a recommendation for council in December.