Friday, March 5, 2010

News Items - March 8, 2010

1. LEAN: In your packet are Glen Cowan’s and Grace Swanson’s LEAN progress.

2. SQUARE BUILDINGS: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin had a meeting with building owners on the Square’s east side to discuss some partial brick collapse. It is likely the city will receive a funding request thru the new Downtown Building Incentive program.

Also, in the packet is a letter from John Hoyman to building owners on the north side of the Square regarding engineering service proposal.

3. MAINTENANCE CONTRACT: In the packet is Chuck Burgin’s recommendation for an agreement with Air-Con Mechanical for quarterly maintenance on the municipal building’s HVAC system. It will begin immediately.

4. IMMI: I will attend the Iowa Municipal Management Institute March 24-26 in Iowa City.

5. BRAVO: I mentioned to Shirley that from my perspective the $2,500 could be cut from the budget (assumes the $11.30 tax rate) based on a call from Bravo the end of January stating that the proposal in December was not approved by the executive board.

The original proposal was for the city to join Bravo (which collects funds from public sources and redistributes them to cultural entities/projects/programs) for $2,500 initially and committing 2/7 of only “new” hotel/motel tax revenue. According to executive director MD Isely, the executive board changed that to be $2,500 initially and 2/7 of “all” hotel/motel tax revenue. The cost of the executive board’s change is an “additional” $17,000/year since Indianola’s 7% tax generates nearly $60,000 annually and is already committed to economic development, tourism commission and P&R programs. The $17,000 is the equivalent of a 4-cent tax increase.

However, if Simpson is the prime benefactor, perhaps the city can partner with them to pay the city’s membership fee thereby eliminating any burden on the tax rate and/or need to cut city programs. The partnership would be a “win-win” as Simpson receives Bravo funding and the city does not cut programs or increase taxes.

6. BUDGET CUTS: Per council direction on March 1, the following have been cut from the FY 11 Budget:

Department Reduction Amount Description
City Manager $4,000 Intern
Community Development $500 Plan Cabinet
Mayor & Council $600 Mayor’s Desk
Clerk/Finance/Public Info $900 Receipt printer & credit card swipe/scan
Police $1,000 Delay replacement of 1 radar unit
Fire/Ambulance $1,000 Delay replacement of bunker gear (1 coat)
Library $1,000 Delay replacement of 2 computers
Park & Recreation $800 Pickard Park concrete parking stalls
Park & Recreation $200 Memorial Park concrete for trail

7. VEHICLE TEXTING: Effective immediately the U.S. DOT prohibits texting while driving commercial vehicles (vehicles which require a CDL to drive). This would be our Jet Truck (WPC) and dump trucks.

8. ENVELOPES: The cost of adding return envelopes with the utility bill is about $1,400 annually. However, the cost increases to about $6,700 annually because the return envelope will increase postage when placed with other materials that are already planned to be sent with the utility bill envelope. This information includes IMU Newsletter or updates every other month.

A better solution is for customers to request return envelopes (phone or email) that will be sent separately by first class mail (to the customer). The Clerk’s Office printed about 500 return envelopes and will advertise their availability in the newsletter, weekly flyer, channel 7, web page, etc. A note will also be placed on the billing statement advising customers they can obtain return envelopes simply by requesting them or stopping at City Hall.

9. HILLCREST DESIGN STANDARDS: P&Z will again discuss architectural design standards on East Hillcrest (industrial park) at their March 9 meeting. The standards were a top council goal/priority (1.71 out of 3) last October.

A recommendation will be brought to council in April or May.

10. ROUTER: Kurt Ripperger installed the router so council members can bring their laptops to test the equipment. The goal is for council members (that choose) to access the agenda packet thru laptops at the meeting.

11. JOINT MEETING: A reminder the council/trustees will meet jointly on April 12 to receive IDA’s progress report. The meeting will start around 6:30 or so. Please mark your calendars.

12. BRUSH FACILITY: After receiving 3 quotes, the mulch service was awarded to J.C.’s services for $6,400. J.C.’s also had the contract last year and did a good job. They intend to begin as soon as weather allows

FYI—All mulch was used during 2009 so the “recycling” program is working.

The street department piled the brush in windrows for easier access and a quicker thaw throughout the piles.