1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is April 5 at 6:00 pm.
2. SOUTH Y: Chuck Burgin and I met with Garden and Associates on the 18th and discussed the following:
• The project “estimate” is $775,000 including construction, engineering, 10% contingency, administrative and legal
• Based on a 2,975’ project length (extends about 45’ south of W. 10th) and 17% access assessment to W 10 property owners (does not include four properties immediately east of “Y” who would get normal assessments), the cost/ft assessment (using Flint) is about $110
• An access road to move traffic outside the roadway would extend from 10th to Hwy 92 on the east side. The proposed access road would extend thru and utilize the town home driveway/parking lot
• The opportune time to pave the project is mid-June thru mid-August to lessen traffic (mainly school and farm)
• Given the opportune time to pave and the lack of W Euclid court ruling, the project may be delayed until 2011
Garden engineer Brad Utemarkt is not available April 12 so I plan to put the project on the May 10 committee agenda for review and discussion.
3. I&I: In the packet is a meeting summary regarding Phases 3 and 4 of the I&I Program. Phase 4 is the South Lift Station improvements that include increasing capacity of the west equalization pond and adding return pumps/force main to the east equalization pond. Phase 3 includes review of all public mains/manholes for I&I.
It was originally hoped that thru Phases 1, 2 and 4, Phase 3 could be delayed for several years. However, V&K determined that the pump capacity cannot handle the highest peaks that IDNR says cannot overflow.
A recommendation to complete all phases with the exception of the return force main in Phase 4 will be made at the April 12 committee meeting. Supt Dan Miers and V&K’s Forrest Aldrich will attend.
Shared services continue to be discovered. The latest is on E Iowa and North 1st. Supt Dan Miers, staff and V&K are working to determine solutions.
FYI—Iowa Falls just passed an ordinance requiring a $100/month fee for illegally connected sump pumps to the sanitary sewer.
4. END LOADER: Ed Yando sent 4 request-for-proposals to replace the 1996 Case End-Loader and proposals will be received by May 12. $164,000 is budgeted in FY 10/11. A recommendation will be brought to the May 17 council meeting.
5. STIMULUS FUNDS: IDOT reps are now saying the second round of transportation stimulus funds may not be approved by Congress. When discussed originally, staff considered recommending:
• Buxton/Howard replacements between 1st and Clinton
• Iowa Ave widening from 1st to “L”
• J/K Realignment at Hwy 92.
Future developments will be reported when received.
6. TREASURERS REPORT: Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports the December and January reports are balanced precisely. There were no changes to the final balance but there were minimal changes to a couple sub-totals. The changes resulted from the new software transition.
The report should be completely balanced from February on.