1. HILLCREST ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: P&Z discussed recommending architectural design standards (brick, E.F.I.S., culture stone, nova brick) on two occasions and are now asking for more council direction (see March 9 minutes). The item will be placed on the April 12 committee agenda.
2. SQUARE BUILDINGS: In the packet is a response from Ryan Ellis representing Barbara Martsching. John Hoyman intends to discuss the request and the result will report to elected officials next week.
3. SNOW BLOWER: $60,000 is budgeted to replace the 20-year old snow blower the Street Dept uses to clean the square. Ed Yando and Chuck Burgin are drafting a spec that will include both single (current) and two-stage units and a recommendation will be brought to council in 4-6 weeks.
4. ROUTER: Kurt Ripperger will put the memo, agenda and news items on the web page and show interested elected officials how to access it on Monday. Please bring your laptops.
5. SEWER SOFTWARE: $20,000 is budgeted to replace the 8 year-old software in the Sewer Dept. Supt Dan Miers sent 4 RFP’s and received 3 quotes. Pipeline Data Management was the low quote at $6,175 and after a thorough review by Kurt Ripperger and Dan, the PDM software will be purchased.
6. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: In the packet is a letter from a satisfied customer who had assistance from Building Inspector Rich Parker and Community Development Director Chuck Burgin. Hats off to both!!
7. CHANNEL 7 USE POLICY: In the packet is the use policy for the government access channel. I asked Ivan Webber to review it and he reports it would be applicable for the LED message board. Ivan cautioned that if it were opened to private or non-profit use, it is open to all entities. The city could not discriminate on how the board is used.
Also, please check the proposed location of the message board (marked by a temporary banner east of city hall) and advise of any visibility issues.
8. WORK COMP: RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports work comp claims thus far are about $28,000 compared to premiums of $153,000. Very good news as the claims affect rates.
9. SEWER REPLACEMENT: Chuck Burgin is getting temporary easements for the sewer main replacement north and east of the Casey’s Store on E Hwy 92. This stretch was discovered during the I&I review and it was separated from the Phase 1 repairs due to its complexity.
V&K is working on the plan design and will have something to council in several weeks.
10. IDA UPDATE: Mark Vickroy provided the following summary of items discussed at the Board meeting on March 9th:
• The SIFE group from Simpson (Students in Free Enterprise) is working on videos to be posted on our website.
• SIFE is also working on a questionnaire to be sent out to current Indianola businesses.
• A list of local businesses was discussed, with direction for Myles to contact. There is a short questionnaire that they will be asked to complete. The first round of contacts will include City State Bank, Downing Construction, Harverst Innovations, and Pizza Ranch.
• The new development guide will be unveiled on Tuesday, March 23 (I believe Shirley provided a copies for Council packets). A reception will be held from 4-6pm at the meeting room at the Wells Fargo Bank building. Myles sent out an e-mail invitation yesterday afternoon. Coffee and cookies will be served.
• The guide will also be sent out to approximately 200 site selectors. An electronic version will also be posted to the IDA website.
• The PDI (Professional Developers of Iowa) Conference will be held on Wednesday, May 26. Indianola has been chosen as their Focus Community. There will be a bus tour of Indianola, with a reception to follow at Summerset Winery.
• Financials were reviewed and approved with no questions.
Also in your packet is IDA brochure.
11. DECK AGREEMENT: The Brick House deck agreement will be placed on the April 5 council agenda.
12. SQUARE CLOSURE: In 2009, the following requested to close the square: Chamber of Commerce (Arts & Crafts & Holiday Extravaganza), Indianola Bike Night, Indianola Parks & Recreation (Costume Party & Parade), Indianola RAGBRAI Committee, Warren County Corvette Show and the Warren County Health Fair.
13. ENVELOPES: Four requests have been made for return envelopes.