1. JOINT MEETING: Todd Kielkopf and I are tentatively scheduling March 8 as a joint meeting to follow up with IDA’s progress on their revised marketing plan, etc. Per your comments and the trustee agenda, the meeting will likely start at 6:30 pm.
2. HWY 65/69: There have been informal discussions for several years between the city and IDOT regarding the condition of Hwy 65/69 south of Hwy 92. In 2005, a study was commissioned by IDOT to determine improvement options from 12th Avenue south past 17th Avenue (see packet for summary recommendations).
As written in the November 23, 2009 council study memo, the IDOT is more seriously considering an improvement to Hwy 65/69 per Brian Morrissey, Local Systems Engineer. Brian, Chuck Burgin and I met in a conference call on the 4th and shown below are the “tentative” project highlights:
• Three-lane from Hwy 92 thru 17th Ave
• Constructed in two sections—Hwy 92 to 12th, and, 12th thru 17th
• Likely project construction in 2012
• Estimated $7 million cost
• Indianola’s share in the $200,000-$300,000 range for curbs/storm sewers
• Traffic detours would be necessary
Brian indicated more information will be available in the next several months and will provide a report in person at a council study meeting.
FYI—The city has been working informally for years to get the IDOT to consider an improvement to this stretch of highway. Our efforts may finally be paying off.
3. STREAM STUDY: IDNR completed a stream study of Cavitt Creek where the sewer plant effluent flows and Supt Dan Miers will scheduled a meeting with IDNR to determine the affect of the stream’s designation. Dan will report the results of the meeting as soon as possible.
Dan also reports that new IDNR effluent requirements such as ammonia, fecal coliform and metal limits will require new treatment processes and therefore increasing plant costs that have been budgeted for FY 10/11 through FY 12/13.
4. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: In the packet is a $1,000 request from the Warren County Historical Society to install handicap access to the dining hall. The request will be placed on the February 16 agenda for formal consideration and Bev Dickerson will be there to answer questions.
Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports there is $6,000 in the Community Betterment budget for miscellaneous expenses.
To my knowledge, the city has not given to the Historical Society. But given their mission and group of volunteers that operate/maintain the facility, I feel it would be an appropriate public expense and will recommend accordingly.
5. I&I MEETING: The Sewer Department is scheduling a public information Infiltration/Inflow meeting for 6:00 pm, February 25 (location to be determined). In the packet is a map showing the neighborhoods that will be included in the next round of testing.
These meetings are held to inform property owners about the program’s intent, purpose and process. Attendance is normally very good. Elected officials are encouraged to attend.
FYI - Unfortunately the $5.9 million I-Jobs application to help finance the I&I Program was not funded. The $20 million available went to the cities of Clinton, Davenport and Sioux City.
6. NORTH Y ASSESSMENTS: Forrest Aldrich reports the project is near complete and the final numbers are very close. He is estimating the cost/ft will be in the $50-$55 range compared to W Euclid’s $80 range due primarily to the $494,000 Federal Stimulus contribution.
Project acceptance and final assessments will be brought to council in March.
7. COMMUNITY LED SIGN: Parker Signs developed two proposals for the community message board (packet) that will be placed on the February 16 agenda. The Council Study Committee authorized staff to obtain quotes at the January 11th meeting.
8. AMBULANCE RATES: Chief Brian Seymour intends to recommend a 10% increase in the ambulance fees based on a recent Metro survey (packet) showing Indianola the lowest of those surveyed. The recommendation will be on the February 16 agenda for elected official consideration.
9. MEDIACOM: Mediacom notified the city (see letter) that it is converting the government access channel to digital in the “near future”. While the change will be beneficial for picture/sound quality and improved capacity/speed, some TV’s will not be able to receive the digital signal and will have to use converters supplied by Mediacom.
10. MARCH 8 COMMITTEE AGENDA: The tentative agenda for March’s meeting is as follows:
• Public input process for the Comprehensive Plan
• IDA progress report
• Sidewalk waivers
• Council salaries
• Architectural Design standards for Hillcrest Avenue
• Employee Handbook updates