1. W BOSTON: Project bids were received on January 13 and John Hoyman is drafting promissory notes for the loans (paid thru utility bills). The contract award will be on the February 16 agenda for elected official consideration. Bids were as follows:
Van Hauen & Associates $49,975.00
Vanderpool Construction $42,993.00
Halbrook Excavating $56,645.00
The Underground Company $49,785.00
2. COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURE: In the packet is Mayor Bresnan’s rules for procedure. Please review and provide input to Ken.
3. AWARDS: At the Awards Banquet many employees were recognized for customer service, safety and zero to less than 8 hours of sick leave used during 2009. In the packet is a list of those employees. Congratulations to all!
4. TAXABLE VALUE: Laurie Hebl prepared the 5-year history of taxable value by classification (packet).
5. STREET REPLACEMENT: In the packet is a map of the streets that will be reviewed for replacement in 2011.
6. PRESIDENTS DAY: Another reminder Presidents Day will move the council meeting to Tuesday, February 16.
7. STIMULUS PROGRAM: The Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Agency’s re-allocation of Stimulus $$ combined with the initial use for the 8 projects that are ready for bidding gives Indianola time to obtain right-of-way for other projects in the Program. Therefore the J/K Re-alignment could be a candidate.
8. DC TRIP: Simpson College decided to send a rep on February 8 due to staffing/scheduling issues. Denis Frischmeyer and Randy Bray have decided not to attend.
Myles has scheduled appointments for Mark and WCEDC’s Jim Meadows.
9. BRAVO: I received a call from Bravo’s MD Isley who reported the executive committee preferred that Indianola eventually pay the full 2/7th’s of our hotel/motel tax as opposed to 2/7ths of the new revenue. I asked him to write a letter indicating the board’s preference and have yet to receive it. It will be placed in the packets.
10. RACE CAR ORDINANCE: Wednesday, January 27, the trial to determine whether the race car ordinance creates a taking was held. Chuck Burgin testified on behalf of the City of Indianola. Phil Watson and Ron Inman testified for the plaintiffs. Hugh Cain representing the City of Indianola feels the City is in a good position and we anticipate a court ruling late spring or early summer.
11. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE POLICY: Staff continues to “tweak” the policy (see changes in red) and we’ll continue to review over the next couple weeks. John Hoyman is working on the lien/promissory note that will become part of the application approval process.
Grant McGraw was not quite ready to present his request for 115 N. Buxton and we now anticipate it on the February 16 agenda.
12. UTILITY BILLING: Due to issues encountered with the new software transition, February’s utility bills could be a day or two late. They are normally in mail boxes by the 1st of each month.
13. ALLEY VACATIONS: In the packet are two alley vacation requests the Community Development Department will take to P&Z on February 9. Council can set a public hearing date on February 16 for March 1.
14. POLICE CANDIDATES: Interviews will be held on Saturday, January 30 at City Hall for those on the Civil Service “A” list.