1. ROOF COLLAPSE: About 3:30 pm on January 21 the southern half of the former Midwest Uncuts (117 E Salem) roof collapsed apparently from the weight of snow, ice and moisture. Fire Chief Brian Seymour and Community Development Director Chuck Burgin inspected the building about 6:30 pm that evening to determine the extent of the damage.
Chuck and Building Inspector Rich Parker toured the building on Friday the 22nd and found the structure to be safe for neighboring buildings. However, the interior was not considered stable. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
2. AMPHITHEATER: 6 bids were received on January 21 as follows:
Company Base Bid Alternate
Downing Construction
Indianola, Iowa
Elder Corporation
Des Moines, Iowa
Rochon Corp. of Iowa
Urbandale, Iowa
$ 7,481.16
Jensen Builders LTD
Ames, Iowa
$ 3,688.35
Concrete Technologies, Inc
Urbandale, Iowa
Larson & Larson Const.
Des Moines, Iowa
$ 7,050.00
Unfortunately the engineer’s estimate was $126,000 and the project was not awarded a Prairie Meadows grant. P&R Director Glen Cowan is reviewing the current and FY 10/11 budget with Commission members to determine whether another project can be cut and/or delayed in order to continue progress on the Amphitheater. A recommendation will be placed on the February 1 agenda.
3. FAIR PLAY: In the packet is the Metro Fair-Play agreement as requested by Shirley.
4. PRESIDENTS DAY: Mark your calendars that the second February council meeting will be Tuesday February 16th due to Presidents Day on the 15th.
5. I&I POLICY: In the packet is a revised I&I Policy that will be recommended in February. Changes include:
• The loan and reimbursement amounts have been increased to help offset increasing costs to the homeowners.
• Homeowners with illegally hooked sump pumps into the sanitary sewer would no longer be billed $30 for a year before the penalty increases to $50. We would start their billing at $50 and continue billing until the disconnection is made. Most cases are fairly simple and inexpensive fixes.
• Loans that the City offers for repairs will no longer be unsecured. John Hoyman is assisting in creating a secured loan document.
6. RED ROCK REQUEST: In the packet is Red Rock Area Community Action Program (RRACAP) request to fund their transportation services for Warren County. The city has traditionally contributed $3,000 annually and that amount is in the proposed FY 10/11 budget.
7. BRUSH FACILITY: Due to the results of the recent ice storm the facility will open to residents 24/7 through Sunday, February 7.