1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is March 1 at 6:00 pm.
2. COUNCIL PACKETS: Kurt Ripperger estimates the cost of putting the council packet on the city’s web site (secure page) at about $800 with an annual fee of about $500. The advantage would be elected officials could access the entire packet from home/work thereby saving staff time copying and collating packets in addition to having them delivered by the PD.
Should elected officials have an interest, the city would provide paper/printer cartridges to copy the packets at home. Note that the packet would be printed in the same order as the packet you now receive.
Appreciate your comments.
3. SIGNS: You have copies of the community signs prepared by Parker Signs as well as pics of park signs. Russ Yenger of Parker Signs said he used the stone (instead of brick) to keep a “consistent” look with the city’s park signs.
4. SHIVE HATTERY: Given the comments about Shive Hattery and their work on the municipal building, the following information may be helpful regarding change orders:
Original Contract Estimate $745,200
Contract Bid $785,740
Change Order Total* $ 41,164 (5%)
*there were two change orders and the one involving heating in the Clerk’s Office could have been as low as $6,450 but the one approved by council was $16,091.
Given the existing building conditions, a 5% total change order cost is within 10% contingency amount normally budgeted.
Following is a list of mechanical engineers who will be working on the Library’s Geo-Thermal project:
Chris Nelson
Mike Petersen
Doug Sullivan
Tyson Scheidecker
Bruce Farrell
Quality Control
Tim Fehr
Also, in the packet is a list Geo-Thermal project that have been engineered by Shive Hattery.
5. LAND VALUES: Assessed land values (only) for 108, 110 and 112 W Ashland (square buildings) are $49,500, $23,000 and $23,000 respectively. Lot widths are 46’, 20’ and 20’.
6. CHAMBER DINNER: This year’s Annual Recognition Dinner is March 12 beginning at 6:00 PM in Simpson’s Great Hall. The fee is $40/person. The chamber can be contacted at 961-6269 by March 4 to RSVP.
7. WARREN COUNTY E 911 BOARD: The E 911 Board (established by Iowa Code 34A ) consists of a delegate and alternate from each political subdivision in the County to conduct the planning, implementing and maintenance of the E-911 phone service. Funding comes from 911 surcharges on landline and wireless phone bills. Warren County Emergency Management Coordinator Mahala Cox oversees daily operations of the office and reports to the board at quarterly meetings.
Steve Bonnett (delegate) and Brian Seymour (alternate) represent the city and Steve has served as chair and vice chair. Brian is now ready to assume a board role and therefore should become the delegate and Steve the alternate. This designation needs council approval and a letter to the board to note the change. A recommendation will be placed on the March 1 consent agenda.
8. E-WASTE SIGNS: There are signs at the brush/e-waste facility that list the fees for monitors/TV’s. They are also listed on the city’s website under “Programs and Services.” The fees are as follows:
18” and under $ 7.00
19”-25” $12.00
26”-32” $17.00
33”-40” $22.00
41 & up $27.00
Console TV’s &
Tube price $10.00
9. DART: Des Moines Regional Transit reports there are eight vanpools to and from Indianola, Monday through Friday. One of the eight vanpools goes to West Des Moines while the other seven go to downtown Des Moines. There are two available seats to DT, and three available seats to WDM, with two people on the waiting list for vans that are full at this time.
Unfortunately this number has remained static for a couple years. Given Indianola’s commuter status, buses should be considered in my opinion.
10. AMPHITHEATER: In the packet is the February 1 council memo highlighting the amphitheater phases. Phase 1 is highlighted below:
Demolition, grading, stage retaining wall, stage, back stage, handicap
Seating/walkways, turf seating tiers, seeding, utility & electric provisions,
Main electric service to stage
11. STOP SIGN STUDY: On September 2, 2008 council authorized the IDOT to review stop signs and school crossings to determine appropriate signage and traffic efficiency. The study is complete and a copy of the recommendations is in your packet and highlighted below. The study will be reviewed in committee.
• The City’s current stop control is sufficient and well suited to efficiently move traffic to primary arterial routs
• School signage should be update to meet MUTCD requirements.
• Crosswalks should be upgraded to longitudinal crosswalk markings at crosswalks immediately adjacent to school grounds
• Sidewalk extensions & relocation of crossing, or pedestrian crossing signal should be considered on W. Iowa near North “J” St.
• Non-school crossings at trials should consider consolidated and updated MUTCD signage
• One-way sign usage in downtown Indianola and along Howard Street and Buxton Street should be reviewed for consistency. Downtown R-61 one-way signs should be mounted above STOP sings.
Most of the recommendations are routine and will be handled as soon as possible.
12. BALLOON MUSEUM CULVERT: Construction drawings should be completed and submitted to the City by February 24. We are anticipating the bid letting date to be March 31 and awarding the contract the April 5 council meeting.