Friday, December 4, 2009

News Items - December 7, 2009

1. LEGISLATORS: Kent Sorenson called Friday and is unable to attend Monday’s meeting. Diana Bowlin is trying to re-schedule for December 14 or 21.

2. SQUARE: Charles Saul completed his report (packet) regarding the remaining buildings on the square’s north side. After meeting with Chuck Burgin and John Hoyman, a letter (packet) has been sent to Lee Adams and Barb Martsching as co-owners of the common wall (One Stop east wall, Lee Adams west wall). The letter asks that remedy’s to repair the wall be provided in writing by January 8, 2010. The issue may be placed on the January 11th committee meeting depending on the response.

Also, the city received a plan (packet) to renovate the Peoples Company building on the square’s south side. There has been discussion about a city incentive and the program I prefer is from the city of Spencer (see packet for survey results). The item will be placed on the December 14 committee agenda for discussion.

3. UTILITY BILLS: The community received a notice and sample utility bill this week showing how a statement bill will look. Todd Kielkopf and trustees endorsed this concept so more information could be provided to customers.

4. LIBRARY HVAC: Librarian Joyce Godwin reports the board will consider soliciting engineering bids at their December 8 meeting. A proposal was received from Shive Hattery but it appears to be somewhat high since they already performed the system review.

5. PD: 97 applications were received for the two officer positions. Testing/interviews will take place after the first of the year and a recommendation will be brought to council in February or March.

6. W BOSTON SEWER: The three residents served by a private, multiple service in the 400 block of W Boston have signed an agreement (packet) to help pay for a public sanitary main. The project will be on the December 21 agenda for council consideration.

7. MUNICIPAL BUILDING UPDATE: Clerk/Finance Offices are nearing completed and staff should be moving back within a week or two.

8. NORTH Y PAVING UPDATE: The project is complete, street lights are installed and final seeding will be completed this spring. We are checking with Forrest Aldrich, Veenstra and Kimm, on the certificate of completion.

9. RAGBRAI FUNDS: According to Mike Coppess, RAGBRAI has a balance of $9,211.53. Early in the process the committee approved excess funds will be donated to the city to construct an LED community message board adjacent to City Hall, or, to Indianola Park and Rec for improvements to Buxton Park.
They would like to present the check to the Mayor and Council prior to the end of the year.

FYI – I have been a strong supporter of the community LED message board for several years and have asked Finance Director Laurie Hebl to locate grants and possible TIF funds to pay the approximate $25,000 balance. A recommendation will be brought after January 1.
10. I-JOBS: Lt. Governor Judge will be at the National Balloon Museum Monday, December 7th at 9:00 for a publicity event for the I-Jobs grant that the City was awarded. If available, please plan to attend.