Friday, December 11, 2009

News Items - December 14, 2009

1. STORM: The Street, Sewer, Electric, Water Departments worked a total of 232 hours collectively to move snow off our streets. The PD issued 53 tickets and towed 7 vehicles. A job well done by all!

FYI—The wind is the snowplow’s worst enemy. Drifting snow undoes the work in a very short time.

We received several complaints about unplowed alleys. Unfortunately our pickups were not big enough to push the drifted snow, and, our tandems are too large for alleys. We continue to do what we can.

2. W HWY 92: I received a call from Congressman Latham’s aide Doug Bobbit on Wednesday the 9th and he reports the Congressman helped earmark $950,000 toward the W Hwy 92 Improvement Project scheduled for FY 12/13. Thus far Congressman Latham has helped earmark $1.91 Million for this project! Our thanks also go to Senators Grassley and Harkin as well.

3. MAYOR: The new term begins January 2, 2010 at noon and he will be sworn in at the December 21 council meeting.

4. 19TH STREET: John Hoyman is preparing some information on the 19th Street paving issue and will present it in closed session on December 21st.

5. STOP SIGN STUDY: IDOT’s draft study is complete and Chuck Burgin has reviewed and made comments/amendments. It will be sent back to IDOT for further revisions and then presented to council after the first of the year.

The study was authorized by council on September 2, 2008 to review stop signs and school crossings to determine if all are necessary.

6. TAXABLE VALUE: According to the Warren County Auditor, the preliminary taxable value numbers are:

FY 09/10 FY10/11 Difference Current
Tax Rate Difference
Regular $419,994,546 $419,161,871 ($832,675) ($6,744.67)
($1,124.11) $8.10
$1.35 Employee Benefits
Debt Service $442,763,550 $447,975,971 $5,212,421 $9,903.60 $1.90 Debt Service
Ag Land $ 1,258,303 $1,114,986 ($143,317) ($430.49) $3.00 Ag Levy
$1,604.33 Net Difference

You can see there is no taxable value growth and therefore no growth in revenue. This is a serious issue as taxes will either increase or services decrease. Staff will have more budget information in January.

7. REPRESENTATIVES: Kent Sorenson will attend the December 21 council and Staci Appel on January 4.

8. SIDEWALKS: Steve requested that all sidewalk waivers be reviewed and placed on a council study agenda. Due to Steve’s absence, we will place this item on the January 11, 2010 council study agenda.