1. LEGISLATORS: Staci Appel is available on January 4 and so is Kent Sorensen. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm.
2. LIBRARY HVAC: Per council consensus on December 14, Joyce Godwin is soliciting engineering proposals for the geo-thermal system. A recommendation will be brought to council in February.
3. DEDUCTIBLE: RoxAnne Hunerdosse reports the deductible for a wrongful act is $10,000 and legal liability for third party claims is $5,000. We both are of the opinion the race car incident will be a wrongful act.
4. CLERKS OFFICE: Hooray! The staff moved back into the Clerks Office on Thursday. What an improvement for them and our customers!!
Also, hats off to Building Inspector Rich Parker who suggested the desk panels be steam clean instead of replacing the material. The suggestion saved about $2,000.
5. SOUTH Y: Garden and Associates reports the preliminary design will be delayed until January.
6. GROCERY BAGS: Do to unfortunate circumstances to purchase re-usable bags, the program will be delayed until April’s Earth Day promotion. The plan is (still) to purchase about 5,000 bags and sell them for a $1. More information will be available after the first of the year.
7. STAFF SURVEY: Urbandale’s staff survey that was reported in the December 14th Des Moines Register was a bit flawed. Indianola shows 6.75 employees in the Clerks Office while Urbandale shows 1. The survey does not indicate that Indianola owns water, sewer and electric utilities while Urbandale has none contracts for them.
It is very difficult to compare cities given their demographics, populations and services provided
8. TAX ABATEMENT: The sunset on tax abatement is January 31, 2013.
9. DC TRIP: Myles Kappelman is working on the annual DC Trip with Simpson in February. Mark Vickroy has expressed interest in attending this year.