1. COMP PLAN: Staff wanted to confirm all information provided in the Comprehensive Plan would be compatible with our existing G.I.S. programs. Snyder and Associates sent a test disc and the Warren County G.I.S. Coordinator is reviewing.
2. ILOC: The Iowa League of Cities Annual Conference will be in Davenport September 23-25. Laurie Hebl and I are tentatively scheduled to attend. Let us know if elected officials are interested.
3. POOL BALANCES: In your packet is the estimated memorial pool balances for the end of June.
4. NORTH ‘Y’: Qwest has been working on “Y” Street relocating the two-phone lines in conflict with the grading. Progress is slower then estimated but phase 1 should be completed by July 2.
5. YOUTH TRIATHLON: In the council packet is information regarding second annual youth triathlon on Saturday, July 11 at 9:00 a.m. There will be no streets closure for this event.
6. HOLIDAY: City offices will be closed Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day.