1. ALLEY: Per Mayor Kelley’s instruction (to me), the Street Dept began removing (on July 9) the square north/south alley panels for the handprint surface that will be provided during RAGBRAI.
2. DC TRIP PRIORITIES: Below is an update provided by Laurie Hebl.
February, 2009 – Steve Richardson & Myles Kappelman attended
June, 2009 – Mark Vickroy, Chris Boone (IMU) & Myles Kappelman attended
Highway 92 – “R” Street through R-63 intersection
• February, 2009
Submitted FY 2010 Appropriation Request Form for $4,100,000 to Representative Latham
• March 4, 2009
Letter to Congressman Latham requesting a project description change that would allow the use of the $500,000 appropriation for design/construction (currently it can only be used for study/planning expenses)
Copy of the letter was sent to Congressman Boswell, Senator Grassley and Senator Harkin
Dale Vander Schaaf (IDOT) contacted Congressman Latham
Congressman Latham spoke with the Transportation/HUD Appropriations Committee requesting the technical correction
• April, 2009
Submitted the Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure Member-Designated High Priority Project Questionnaire (Transportation Reauthorization Bill) requesting $6,300,000 to Representative Lathams’s and Senator Harkin’s office
• July, 2009
Notified that the DOT 2010-2014 Program includes $1.4M for right-of-way in 2012 and $9.9M for construction in 2013. This is in addition to the existing $2.7M earmarks including the corridor study funds.
North Highway 65/69 Corridor Improvements
• March 10, 2009
IDOT met with developer & city to discuss study & TEAP assistance
City will proceed with TEAP study request (w/Snyder & Associates preparing a proposal)
• April 4, 2009
Myles Kappelman, IDA, is planning on attending the Transportation & Economic Development training/conference and hopes to speak with the head of the IDOT
• Nothing new since last update
Inflow and Infiltration Program
• February 25, 2009
Iowa Finance Authority announced that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) (i.e. Stimulus) included additional funds for Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
• March 2, 2009
City submitted Phase I & Phase III application for funding (some of the stimulus money is to be in the form of grants or no-interest loans)
Indianola’s project was NOT funded
• April 8, 2009
City submitted an appropriation request in the amount of $1,980,000 (55%) for Phase I & Phase III to Senator Grassley and Senator Harkin
• May 4, 2009 Council
Completed action with regards to obtaining $9,090,000 in Sewer Revenue Bonds through the IDNR’s State Revolving Fund
Awarded contract for Phase I of the I&I Program
• April 14, 2009
City received an Administrative Consent Order from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to formalize the City’s agreement to continue & complete necessary wastewater collection system improvements
• June 23, 2009
Notified from Senator Grassley’s Office that our appropriations request was unsuccessful (refer to April 8th notation)
Only 4 of 24 requests were funded for $300,000 each (total $1,200,000)
• I-JOBS (Iowa Finance Authority) will award $20 million to communities with populations over 10,000 for water or wastewater projects on a competitive bid process
Laurie will submit an application prior to the October 30th deadline
“Y” Street Paving – Hwy 92 north to Euclid Avenue
• Council moving forward with plans, specifications, estimate of cost, etc.
• May 4, 2009 Council awarded construction contract and engineering contract amendment
• Project has begun and should be complete in November 09
National Balloon Museum – slope repair/reconstruction
• February 26, 2009
Formal written appeal sent to the State Public Assistance Officer of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management
• April 2, 2009
Received a letter from Senator Grassley regarding correspondence with his office and FEMA stating: “Senator Grassley wishes to express his interest in the appeal which was submitted by the City of Indianola regarding the failure of the slopes N of the National Balloon Museum…It is our hope every due consideration will be given to their appeal within the rules and regulations deemed by FEMA.”
• May 1, 2009
Sent pictures of further slope failure to be included in our appeal file
• June 26, 2009
Laurie submitted an “Intent to Apply” for funding through the I-JOBS program and will submit application prior to deadline
Public Safety/City Hall Renovations
• Laurie’s research concluded that the City would not be eligible for any of the USDA Community Facility Grants that may be available due to wording to the effect: “Applicants/Borrowers must be unable to obtain credit at reasonable rates and terms”.
• May 4, 2009 Council awarded construction contract and bond for the project
• Brian Seymour plans to submited a grant application for Fire Department expansion on July 8.
Lake Ahquabi Park Cabins Infrastructure
• Myles will research DNR & ask for an earmark from Harkin
• Kent Sovern has taken an interest in the project and is working with Myles in an effort to secure $650,000 in federal USDA Rural Development funding for infrastructure improvements
It was determined that the project didn’t meet USDA funding criteria
• Myles Kappelman is working with Kent Soveran, Warren County Conservation Society and the Des Moines Partnership to identify possible funding options
3. TEEN LIBRARIAN: Teen/Adult Librarian Natalie Struecker resigned effective July 29 to take a position as Young Adult Librarian with Rockford, IL. Natalie has been with the city since January 2007 and we wish her the very best!!
4. SEAL COAT: “Y” and Inwood were seal-coated July 9 and I authorized a $2,500 expense for seal coat on S. G consistent with council approval on June 15. A double seal was placed on about the northern 500’ and a single seal on the remainder of G and W 12th thru the intersection of H.
5. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: The contractor exposed the cinder block in the southern canopy columns and also found them cracked. The $15,648 change order approved by council July 6 is in effect.
6. HEALTH INSURANCE POOL: The pool balance has climbed to nearly $740,000. Good news!
7. ENERGY AUDITS: Consistent with our sustainable efforts, the Sewer Dept will have an energy audit conducted by Kelly Needles at The Energy Group to review options for reduced energy use. Program Coordinator Chris Longer is facilitating the audits for Water, Sewer and Electric Departments.
Results should be available by July 20.
8. MFPRSI: FY 09-10 rates are 17% but we anticipate an increase in future years due to the new Cancer and Infectious Disease Presumption legislation.
9. NORTH 1ST COLLAPSED SEWER: As part of the Phase 1 I&I Program, Visu-Sewer discovered a collapsed sewer line on North 1st Street between Clinton & Detroit Ave. City engineers and staff will meet with Visu-Sewer to request a change order to add the repairs to Phase I of the I&I project. The change order will brought to Council on August 3rd for consideration. Given the sewer’s condition, we may have it repaired prior to the council review.
10. FRIDAY’S RAIN: We experienced heavy rainfall Friday morning around 9am totaling 1.8” in town. 1” was reported at the north sewer plant and 3.2” at the water department. The sewer department assessed the town for overflows and backups. There was 1 reported basement backup on North 3rd Street. Staff monitored flows at the north plant and no sanitary sewer overflows were observed. We feel due to the nature of the rain event that I&I repairs have made a positive impact on the sanitary sewer system.