1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is August 3 at 6:00 pm.
2. RAGBRAI: The event was a wonderful success from all perspectives. We have heard very positive comments from local businesses and riders.
All credit goes to the hard work and effort by the Advisory Committee, Executive Committee and the 19 committees responsible for public safety, communication, hospitality, vendors, clean-up, etc. The Indianola Community really raised the bar for its volunteerism and commitment to a fantastic event.
3. MUNICIPAL BUILDING PHONE SYSTEM: As written in earlier news items, Finance Officer Laurie Hebl and Public Information Coordinator Kurt Ripperger are researching phone systems to replace the 18 year old one at city hall. However, today’s technology allows one central system to service multiple departments/locations so it may make sense to expand the system.
Their efforts have produced the following information thus far:
Current System:
Current system is approaching 20 years old
Some phones are not working properly
A major outage occurred in 2004 due to a failed board
Replacement parts are increasingly harder to find
Suggested Replacement System:
Voice-over-data-line Telecommunications System
System would utilize the City fiber loop
Easily expandable
Easily movable as long as there is access to the fiber loop. (10km max distance with budgeted transceivers)
Will operate on current data cables with new switches
Eliminates additional cabling since it runs on the current data lines
Allows other departments to upgrade and have phones accessed by the Clerks Office (i.e. Street Shop phone transfers to Clerks Office after 3 unanswered rings)
Phased Project: Subject to council/trustee approval (budget process), all phones could be upgraded over a multi-year period. The proposed phasing is as follows:
Phase 1 – City Administrative Offices, Police, Fire, Water Pollution Control, Street Department, and Parks Shop location--Total of 44 phones
Total cost $33,438 (approximately $760/phone)
Phase 2 – IMU, East and West Substations, Water Department
Total of 36 phones--Total cost $17,604 (approximately $489/phone) Cost decrease due to expandability of Phase 1 equipment
Phase 3 – Library--Total of 9 phones--Total cost $5,238 (approximately $582/phone)
Phase 4 – Parks and Recreation (Activity Center)--Total of 12 phones
Total cost $6,568 (approximately $547/phone)
Phases 2, 3 and 4 could be initiated at any time after phase 1
One phone plan proposal offers 36 month interest free financing if purchased by the end of August, 2009.
Other Info: Current switches will need to be replaced but the vast majority is already near the end of reliable life (newest models 6+ years old, oldest models approaching 10 years). $5,000 - $7,000 total cost for Phase 1 less for additional phases due to numbers of phones.
Cost Savings: The proposed system would require a T1 line connection that costs about $500/month compared to the copper based lines that cost about $1,000/month. The $6,000 annual savings would therefore pay for Phase 1 in just over 5 years based on initial cost estimates.
4. LATE FEE: Diana Bowlin, Laurie Hebl and I discussed the late fee for street closures and suggest it be in the $50 to $100 range. The key is to have it high enough to encourage compliance, but not so high as to discourage events. The item will be placed on the August 10 committee agenda.
5. BUXTON PARK: The basis for Glen Cowan’s decision to remove perennials at Buxton Park was appearance and neighbor complaints. Invasive tulip bulbs were not in the initial explanation.
6. 19TH STREET: The city’s attorney continues to work on a resolution regarding the 19th Street repairs. It is slow, however, and a delay for the hearing has been submitted by the defense.
The city is having the sub-grade tested as it is the believed that the problem is there instead of the concrete.
7. STORM WATER PROJECT: Chuck Burgin has been reviewing a storm water issue just northwest of the Balloon Museum. Severe erosion was reported by an adjacent neighbor and it was noted by Chuck that there is an exposed sewer main. Chuck contacted Forrest Aldrich and we are reviewing options and a recommendation will be brought to council in a few weeks. The drainage area is on private property, which complicates the issue.
8. IaCMA: I am attending the Iowa City/County Management Association Conference in Independence, Iowa July 29-31.
9. IOWA GREAT PLACES GRANT: The Iowa Economic Development office reported that the grants should be announced by the end of July. Glen Cowan is still hopeful we will get a grant to complete the Memorial Amphitheater and restroom.
10. OLD NORTH SEWER PLANT PROPERTY: At the July 15th Park & Recreation meeting, a motion was made by Sirianni and seconded by Sams to “be committed to developing a new park north of Iowa”. However, it was felt that the current location is not the best place for a park, and as long as there is a strong commitment by the council for a park in the same neighborhood area, the commission is willing to let it be used for other purposes at a fair market lease or purchase value.
11. CONCRETE PLANTS: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin contacted the DNR, and Field Officer Bill Gross reported no complaints. Mr. Gross also reports Indianola plants, due to their relatively small size, do not receive regular inspections.
12. MEMORIAL POOL: The pool finished the year end (June 30) with a $24,000 balance. Good job Rec Director Doug Bylund!