1. MEETINGS: Reminder--Bob and Mark cannot attend the June 15 meeting so the remaining 4 must attend to conduct a meeting.
Shirley is unable to attend the July 13 committee meeting.
2. SRLF: Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports the State Revolving Loan Fund deposited $364,500 into the city account on June 1 as reimbursement for Infiltration/Inflow expenses to date. Unfortunately the Sewer Capital fund will still be in the red for May.
3. WIND GENERATOR: At their June 3 meeting the Board of Adjustment denied (5-0) the request to locate an 85’ wind generator on the sw corner of Hwy 65 and 92.
4. GREAT PLACES: Glen Cowan reports that Great Places Program received 1.9 million for projects and about $425,000 of that will be for this year’s projects. Glen is submitting an application for the Memorial Amphitheater (all 4 phases) and the restroom. Good luck Glen!!
5. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: Things are in a bit of disarray as the contractor works around the building. While most is going according to plan, some of the cinder blocks in the eastern canopy columns are cracked. A change order is being prepared to replace the block and will be on the June 15 agenda.
FYI--Brian Seymour has information about grant availability for Fire Station Construction and intends to apply by the June 8 deadline. The grant will be extremely competitive as there is only $210 million for all fifty states. Good luck Brian!!
6. D&D BUILDING: The proposed retail building immediately west of Wal-Mart that will occupy the former feed store will not be sold until July 15. A public hearing will therefore be set on July 6 for July 20 to consider the development agreement.
The revised building size is about 10,500 with a value of $650,000. The requested city contribution will be reduced to $125,000 which is more consistent with the Dangerous/Dilapidated program that allows purchases up to a building’s assessed value ($138,500) for this site.
Using D&D allows the city to obtain the same result without the expense of a purchase, building removal and re-sale. A much smoother transaction.
7. SOUTH “G”/12th: A tentative meeting is scheduled for Wednesday the 10th at 6:00 pm in the city council chambers. Elected officials are encouraged to attend, however, if more than 3 are there an agenda needs to be posted. Let us know if you plan to attend.
Forrest Aldrich reports the paving design was near complete in 1999 and just about ready to implement given neighborhood and council support. This project could be bid with the South “Y” project to take advantage of economies of scale.
8. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: Consistent with the bi-annual sidewalk inspection program, the Community Development Department will begin inspections next week. The PD approved use of their 4-wheeler and the Street Dept is going to make some appropriate signage.
The program is designed to help reduce property owner/city liability by removing sidewalk defects.
FYI—Steve Richardson asked to discuss sidewalk waivers previously approved by council to determine if they should continue to be in effect. The discussion will be placed on the August 10 committee agenda.
9. PLASTIC BAGS: Chris Longer, Mindi Robinson and I met with reps from a local retailer interested in promoting recycling and re-usable bag sales programs. The concept will be introduced at the next local retailer meeting on June 25.
10. NUISANCES: The Community Development Department issued 2 nuisances in the past week, mainly for tall grass/weeds. The department issued 25 thus far this year.
11. PLANTERS: The stop sign planters on the square were weeded and re-planted this week by the Parks Dept.
12. BIO SOLIDS: Supt Dan Miers reports the bio-solids (better known as sludge) hauling rfp was sent on June 2 and is due June 25. A recommendation will be brought to council in July. Biosolids Management Group (BMG) currently hauls our bio-solids for 2.3 cents/gallon.
13. W EUCLID PUNCH LIST: In your packet is a copy of the cleanup list for the West Euclid Project. Cleanup items that have been completed are shown as crossed out and the ones the contractor are working on today are identified.
14. COUNTRY CLUB LAND: I met again with a rep from the Country Club and provided possible lease information. I anticipate a lease offer for the city property on N Country Club Rd in the next several weeks and will be brought to council for consideration.
15. NORTH “Y”: I have not received a construction schedule from the contractor to date. Construction will begin as soon as they secure a NPDES permit from IDNR next Monday or Tuesday. The contractor will move equipment on Monday and start construction on Tuesday. The schedule will be sent to elected official when received.
16. COMMUNITY SIGN: Community Sign Painting will be hanging flyers (see packet) asking residents if they would like to have their house number painted on the curb for $10. If the person wants the work done, the resident places the flyer and money on their front door or garage door and the work is performed the next day. John Hoyman and the Police Department have ok’ed.