1. BOND ISSUE: Below is a tentative schedule and list of projects in the FY 09/10 $2,500,000 (budgeted) bond issue. The only item not actually budgeted is the South “Y” Paving. We will also proceed with a $620,000 (general fund) capital loan note for the City Hall project.
· July 6th—Council set the date for public hearings and date for sale
· August 3rd—Council holds public hearings and sales
· August 17th—Council takes additional action on the issuance
· Close on issuances by the end of August
Capital Improvement Projects and Equipment (figures have been rounded and include issuance costs, etc.)
· City Hall Improvements $210,000
· Storm Sewer Improvements $260,000
· Memorial Park Parking Lot Improvements $365,000
· Memorial Park Restroom Improvements $105,000
· Fire/EMS Vehicle $25,000
· North “Y” Street Project $695,000
· South “Y” Street Project $840,000
· TOTAL $2,500,000
2. SHARED SERVICE POLICY: Responses were received from about 10 cities regarding their shared service policy and they are being tabulated. John Hoyman also has expressed initial reservation about letters to the recorders office reporting shared services.
Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin, Dan Miers and I will meet again next week to further discuss the policy based on input thus far. It will be brought to the July committee meeting.
3. W HWY 92: After years of effort and countless meetings, the IDOT has placed W Hwy 92 from “R” to R-57 in their 5-year plan. Right of way acquisition is scheduled for 2012 and grading/paving for 2013. While it does not extend all the way to I-35, it never the less is a good start.
Congratulations to all who worked on this project.
FYI—The plan actually shows R-57 to R-63 and unfortunately the document was printed before the change could be made to show “R” Street instead of R-63. IDOT’s Mike Clayton reports the change will be make in next year’s budget and assures us that the funding is for R-57 to “R”.
4. JULY 20 MEETING: The meeting (before RAGBRAI) is still being discussed and it’s likely that a very short meeting will be held to pay claims and any absolutely necessary items for council consideration.
The item will be discussed at the July 6 meeting.
5. WARDS: A copy of the map is in the council packets.
6. PUNCH LIST: In your packet is the updated punch list for the West Euclid Project. If you would like to discuss the list, we can do so under other business Monday night.