1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is July 6.
2. I-JOBS: Laurie Hebl attended an I-Jobs workshop on the 18th and the following is her report. Much information is still unavailable and will be available in then next several weeks.
Potential funding opportunities for I-JOBS
I-JOBS is an $830M package of funding passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor that will be distributed through several agencies and processes. The majority of the funds are allocated to state agencies for existing programs or purposes. The remainder of the funding will be in the form of noncompetitive and competitive grants available to cities, counties and other non-profit public organizations.
There may be opportunities for the City of Indianola to seek funding for several projects through the competitive grant process including the following:
· Continuing Flood Recovery and Rebuilding
o $118.5 million in competitive grants available for reconstruction of local public buildings and flood control prevention in communities hit by last year’s disasters
§ Balloon Museum slope failure
· 75% of the total cost eligible
· Improving Iowa’s Transportation Infrastructure
o $2.25 million available for appropriation for constructing and improving recreational trails within the state
· Improving Our Environment and Water Quality
o $13.5 million for surface water infrastructure
§ Storm Sewer Project(s)
o $20 million in competitive grants for communities over 10,000 population for water improvement projects (waste water or drinking water projects)
§ I & I Program
o $11.5 soil conservation practices including flood prevention
§ Balloon Museum
· Meeting Iowa’s Housing Needs
o $10 million to construct or improve homeless shelters, emergency shelters, and family and domestic violence shelters
§ New Construction
· Minimum 50% local match
· Grant minimum of $100,000 and maximum of $4 million
Please note that some of the specifics of several of the programs are yet to be determined.
FYI—Part of I-Jobs may also include Road Use Tax payments July 1, ’09 and ’10 of about $62,000 and $75,000 respectively. Good news!
3. “Y” PAVING: Qwest’s relocation problems have been resolved as they intend to have a contractor here on Tuesday with relocations beginning Wednesday next week.
4. FIRE DEPT GRANT: As written previously, Brian Seymour found a grant prospect that would pay 100% for an expansion to the Fire Dept. I therefore asked Brian to get a concept and cost estimates that will be brought to the July 13 committee meeting for elected official review/consideration.
There is $210 million available for all 50 states and grants can be up to $5 million per project. July 10 is the deadline. The Shive-Hattery estimate is about $2.6 million.
5. PICKEN DEVELOPMENT: Laurie Hebl and I met with reps from the Picken Property Development (Summercrest) and discussed their approximate $1.4 million request for infrastructure. Numbers will be fine-tuned and a formal request will be submitted to council in the next several weeks. Initial project taxable value is estimated at $6.5 million.
6. COMP PLAN: Chuck Burgin, Shirley Clark, Duane Dixon (P&Z), Clark Raney and I received 3 Comp Plan Update presentations on the 15th. A recommendation will be on the July 6 council agenda.
7. SUSTAINABLE COMMITTEE: The committee continues to work on a tax abatement incentive program for “greener” construction. A recommendation will be brought to council in August.
8. POLICE OFFICER: Officer Jeff Gingerich tendered his resignation for the end of June and has accepted a job with the University of Iowa Department of Public Safety. Our best wishes to Jeff!!
I have asked Chief Bonnett to delay the hiring process for several months given the economic conditions. I do not anticipate hiring a replacement until next spring/early summer.
9. FENCE: The owner of One Stop will have a contractor move the fence off the alley and to the east as soon as possible at 112 W. Ashland.
10. OLD SEWER PLANT: As expected, a lease offer has been received (packet) and will be forwarded to the P&R Commission for a recommendation.
11. MEMORIAL PARK: P&R Director Glen Cowan reports quotes for the new restroom and amphitheater are more than budgeted. The P&R Commission is holding both project until the Iowa Great Places Grant program announces awards in mid-July.
12. ELECTRONIC BILLING: With the new Clerk’s Office software, it will be possible to send electronic utility bills. Laurie Hebl and Diana Bowlin are researching the concept and “could” begin a voluntary program in January, 2010. Cost savings for postage handling and paper would be significant.
13. I&I: Visu Sewer and Vanderpool Construction (sub-contractor) started Phase 1 of the I&I four-phase project this week. They are working on point repairs, sewer mains and manholes in the area of the 1000-1100 Block of West Ashland and the intersection of West 1st and “G” Street. Be aware streets will be partially closed.
14. MPO: Indianola was unanimously voted as an associate member to the Metropolitan Planning Organization on June 18th. In addition to myself as the board member, council needs to appoint two alternates. Myles Kappelman has volunteered. The item will be placed on the July 6th council agenda.