1. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is July 6. Randy Gathers is unable to attend.
At this time it looks like a very short meeting for July 20 to approve bills (must be paid). It will be placed on the July 6 agenda and council can decide what time to meet. Only 4 council members are needed and the 5-minute meeting can be held at 5:00, 5:30 or the usual 6:00 PM.
The shortened meeting anticipates RAGBRAI and very busy schedules for all!
2. RETAIL BUILDING: Laurie Hebl and I are still working with developers of the 10,600 s.f. building immediately west of Wal-Mart. It is possible a development agreement could be placed on the (shortened) July 20 agenda. A recommendation will be presented to assist purchasing the property (using D&D) with a city contribution of $125,000 (current assessed value is $138,000). The developer will build a 10,600 sf building with a minimum value of $650,000 and waive tax abatement.
3. PLASTIC BAGS: Our second meeting included Dollar General, Fareway, Hy Vee, Walgreens and Wal-mart reps. McCoy Hardware had another commitment and could not attend.
Meeting results:
· Promote re-usable bag sales during a weekend in September
· Bags will be purchased by individual stores
· Include as many stores as possible (square businesses will be contacted next week)
· Goal will be 5,000 bags sold (1 per household)
· Stores will market the bags in their weekly ads
· City will promote the program with the newsletter, web page, cable channel 7 and news articles
· Bags will have Indianola Go Green logos
The next meeting will be July 28.
FYI—I am hopeful elected officials will support the project by purchasing 500 bags and re-selling them here at city hall. The retailers recommend $1/bag.
4. I&I: A progress report will be presented July 13th by V&K’s Forrest Aldrich and Superintendent Dan Miers. Also, an $111,000 engineering proposal has been submitted by V&K for Phase 3 which includes enlarging the South Lift Station storm pond and polishing pond (east of 65/69). The estimated $1,025,000 project also includes a pump station at the polishing pond to return sewage to the lift station as well as some changes to pumps and the lift station structure.
5. JR POLICE ACADEMY: The PD conducted its fourth annual Junior Academy the week of June 22. The 5-day event had 15 attendees who received instruction on officer training, criminal investigation and tools of the job. Thanks to the Department and especially Officer Brad Metcalf and Office Manager Pat Allsup for conducting the program!
6. CURBSIDE RECYCLING: Diana Bowlin is sending four requests for proposals to haulers for a 3-year recycling contract. McCoy Sanitations expires December 31, 2009.
McCoy has had the contract since 1997.
7. TAX REVENUE: Revenue was 99.89% for the fiscal year, about $4,200 less than budgeted.
8. ILOC: The Iowa League of Cities Annual Conference will be in Davenport September 23-25. Laurie Hebl and I are tentatively scheduled to attend. Let us know if elected officials are interested.
9. 5K RACE: In the council packet is information regarding Simpson College’s annual 5K Balloon Challenge race on July 31 at 7:00 p.m. There will be no streets closure for this event.
10. METRO STAR UNIT: Office Rick Largesse will be honored with the Des Moines Police Department Distinguished Service Award for his efforts as part of the Metro STAR Unit. In August 2008, members of the team entered a home under gunfire, and were able to rescue the children without harm. Hats off to Rick!
11. “Y” STREET PAVING CHANGE ORDER: McAninch has discovered a culvert not included in the construction plans. V&K is reviewing options of either replacing or connecting into the proposed drainage system. We can expect a change order
Also, Qwest has started relocating the phone cable on June 24th, however, progress is slow. McAninch has requested additional money for traffic and erosion control because of the delay. We will keep elected officials posted on both issues.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
News Items - June 22, 2009
1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is July 6.
2. I-JOBS: Laurie Hebl attended an I-Jobs workshop on the 18th and the following is her report. Much information is still unavailable and will be available in then next several weeks.
Potential funding opportunities for I-JOBS
I-JOBS is an $830M package of funding passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor that will be distributed through several agencies and processes. The majority of the funds are allocated to state agencies for existing programs or purposes. The remainder of the funding will be in the form of noncompetitive and competitive grants available to cities, counties and other non-profit public organizations.
There may be opportunities for the City of Indianola to seek funding for several projects through the competitive grant process including the following:
· Continuing Flood Recovery and Rebuilding
o $118.5 million in competitive grants available for reconstruction of local public buildings and flood control prevention in communities hit by last year’s disasters
§ Balloon Museum slope failure
· 75% of the total cost eligible
· Improving Iowa’s Transportation Infrastructure
o $2.25 million available for appropriation for constructing and improving recreational trails within the state
· Improving Our Environment and Water Quality
o $13.5 million for surface water infrastructure
§ Storm Sewer Project(s)
o $20 million in competitive grants for communities over 10,000 population for water improvement projects (waste water or drinking water projects)
§ I & I Program
o $11.5 soil conservation practices including flood prevention
§ Balloon Museum
· Meeting Iowa’s Housing Needs
o $10 million to construct or improve homeless shelters, emergency shelters, and family and domestic violence shelters
§ New Construction
· Minimum 50% local match
· Grant minimum of $100,000 and maximum of $4 million
Please note that some of the specifics of several of the programs are yet to be determined.
FYI—Part of I-Jobs may also include Road Use Tax payments July 1, ’09 and ’10 of about $62,000 and $75,000 respectively. Good news!
3. “Y” PAVING: Qwest’s relocation problems have been resolved as they intend to have a contractor here on Tuesday with relocations beginning Wednesday next week.
4. FIRE DEPT GRANT: As written previously, Brian Seymour found a grant prospect that would pay 100% for an expansion to the Fire Dept. I therefore asked Brian to get a concept and cost estimates that will be brought to the July 13 committee meeting for elected official review/consideration.
There is $210 million available for all 50 states and grants can be up to $5 million per project. July 10 is the deadline. The Shive-Hattery estimate is about $2.6 million.
5. PICKEN DEVELOPMENT: Laurie Hebl and I met with reps from the Picken Property Development (Summercrest) and discussed their approximate $1.4 million request for infrastructure. Numbers will be fine-tuned and a formal request will be submitted to council in the next several weeks. Initial project taxable value is estimated at $6.5 million.
6. COMP PLAN: Chuck Burgin, Shirley Clark, Duane Dixon (P&Z), Clark Raney and I received 3 Comp Plan Update presentations on the 15th. A recommendation will be on the July 6 council agenda.
7. SUSTAINABLE COMMITTEE: The committee continues to work on a tax abatement incentive program for “greener” construction. A recommendation will be brought to council in August.
8. POLICE OFFICER: Officer Jeff Gingerich tendered his resignation for the end of June and has accepted a job with the University of Iowa Department of Public Safety. Our best wishes to Jeff!!
I have asked Chief Bonnett to delay the hiring process for several months given the economic conditions. I do not anticipate hiring a replacement until next spring/early summer.
9. FENCE: The owner of One Stop will have a contractor move the fence off the alley and to the east as soon as possible at 112 W. Ashland.
10. OLD SEWER PLANT: As expected, a lease offer has been received (packet) and will be forwarded to the P&R Commission for a recommendation.
11. MEMORIAL PARK: P&R Director Glen Cowan reports quotes for the new restroom and amphitheater are more than budgeted. The P&R Commission is holding both project until the Iowa Great Places Grant program announces awards in mid-July.
12. ELECTRONIC BILLING: With the new Clerk’s Office software, it will be possible to send electronic utility bills. Laurie Hebl and Diana Bowlin are researching the concept and “could” begin a voluntary program in January, 2010. Cost savings for postage handling and paper would be significant.
13. I&I: Visu Sewer and Vanderpool Construction (sub-contractor) started Phase 1 of the I&I four-phase project this week. They are working on point repairs, sewer mains and manholes in the area of the 1000-1100 Block of West Ashland and the intersection of West 1st and “G” Street. Be aware streets will be partially closed.
14. MPO: Indianola was unanimously voted as an associate member to the Metropolitan Planning Organization on June 18th. In addition to myself as the board member, council needs to appoint two alternates. Myles Kappelman has volunteered. The item will be placed on the July 6th council agenda.
2. I-JOBS: Laurie Hebl attended an I-Jobs workshop on the 18th and the following is her report. Much information is still unavailable and will be available in then next several weeks.
Potential funding opportunities for I-JOBS
I-JOBS is an $830M package of funding passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor that will be distributed through several agencies and processes. The majority of the funds are allocated to state agencies for existing programs or purposes. The remainder of the funding will be in the form of noncompetitive and competitive grants available to cities, counties and other non-profit public organizations.
There may be opportunities for the City of Indianola to seek funding for several projects through the competitive grant process including the following:
· Continuing Flood Recovery and Rebuilding
o $118.5 million in competitive grants available for reconstruction of local public buildings and flood control prevention in communities hit by last year’s disasters
§ Balloon Museum slope failure
· 75% of the total cost eligible
· Improving Iowa’s Transportation Infrastructure
o $2.25 million available for appropriation for constructing and improving recreational trails within the state
· Improving Our Environment and Water Quality
o $13.5 million for surface water infrastructure
§ Storm Sewer Project(s)
o $20 million in competitive grants for communities over 10,000 population for water improvement projects (waste water or drinking water projects)
§ I & I Program
o $11.5 soil conservation practices including flood prevention
§ Balloon Museum
· Meeting Iowa’s Housing Needs
o $10 million to construct or improve homeless shelters, emergency shelters, and family and domestic violence shelters
§ New Construction
· Minimum 50% local match
· Grant minimum of $100,000 and maximum of $4 million
Please note that some of the specifics of several of the programs are yet to be determined.
FYI—Part of I-Jobs may also include Road Use Tax payments July 1, ’09 and ’10 of about $62,000 and $75,000 respectively. Good news!
3. “Y” PAVING: Qwest’s relocation problems have been resolved as they intend to have a contractor here on Tuesday with relocations beginning Wednesday next week.
4. FIRE DEPT GRANT: As written previously, Brian Seymour found a grant prospect that would pay 100% for an expansion to the Fire Dept. I therefore asked Brian to get a concept and cost estimates that will be brought to the July 13 committee meeting for elected official review/consideration.
There is $210 million available for all 50 states and grants can be up to $5 million per project. July 10 is the deadline. The Shive-Hattery estimate is about $2.6 million.
5. PICKEN DEVELOPMENT: Laurie Hebl and I met with reps from the Picken Property Development (Summercrest) and discussed their approximate $1.4 million request for infrastructure. Numbers will be fine-tuned and a formal request will be submitted to council in the next several weeks. Initial project taxable value is estimated at $6.5 million.
6. COMP PLAN: Chuck Burgin, Shirley Clark, Duane Dixon (P&Z), Clark Raney and I received 3 Comp Plan Update presentations on the 15th. A recommendation will be on the July 6 council agenda.
7. SUSTAINABLE COMMITTEE: The committee continues to work on a tax abatement incentive program for “greener” construction. A recommendation will be brought to council in August.
8. POLICE OFFICER: Officer Jeff Gingerich tendered his resignation for the end of June and has accepted a job with the University of Iowa Department of Public Safety. Our best wishes to Jeff!!
I have asked Chief Bonnett to delay the hiring process for several months given the economic conditions. I do not anticipate hiring a replacement until next spring/early summer.
9. FENCE: The owner of One Stop will have a contractor move the fence off the alley and to the east as soon as possible at 112 W. Ashland.
10. OLD SEWER PLANT: As expected, a lease offer has been received (packet) and will be forwarded to the P&R Commission for a recommendation.
11. MEMORIAL PARK: P&R Director Glen Cowan reports quotes for the new restroom and amphitheater are more than budgeted. The P&R Commission is holding both project until the Iowa Great Places Grant program announces awards in mid-July.
12. ELECTRONIC BILLING: With the new Clerk’s Office software, it will be possible to send electronic utility bills. Laurie Hebl and Diana Bowlin are researching the concept and “could” begin a voluntary program in January, 2010. Cost savings for postage handling and paper would be significant.
13. I&I: Visu Sewer and Vanderpool Construction (sub-contractor) started Phase 1 of the I&I four-phase project this week. They are working on point repairs, sewer mains and manholes in the area of the 1000-1100 Block of West Ashland and the intersection of West 1st and “G” Street. Be aware streets will be partially closed.
14. MPO: Indianola was unanimously voted as an associate member to the Metropolitan Planning Organization on June 18th. In addition to myself as the board member, council needs to appoint two alternates. Myles Kappelman has volunteered. The item will be placed on the July 6th council agenda.
Friday, June 12, 2009
News Items - June 15, 2009
1. BOND ISSUE: Below is a tentative schedule and list of projects in the FY 09/10 $2,500,000 (budgeted) bond issue. The only item not actually budgeted is the South “Y” Paving. We will also proceed with a $620,000 (general fund) capital loan note for the City Hall project.
· July 6th—Council set the date for public hearings and date for sale
· August 3rd—Council holds public hearings and sales
· August 17th—Council takes additional action on the issuance
· Close on issuances by the end of August
Capital Improvement Projects and Equipment (figures have been rounded and include issuance costs, etc.)
· City Hall Improvements $210,000
· Storm Sewer Improvements $260,000
· Memorial Park Parking Lot Improvements $365,000
· Memorial Park Restroom Improvements $105,000
· Fire/EMS Vehicle $25,000
· North “Y” Street Project $695,000
· South “Y” Street Project $840,000
· TOTAL $2,500,000
2. SHARED SERVICE POLICY: Responses were received from about 10 cities regarding their shared service policy and they are being tabulated. John Hoyman also has expressed initial reservation about letters to the recorders office reporting shared services.
Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin, Dan Miers and I will meet again next week to further discuss the policy based on input thus far. It will be brought to the July committee meeting.
3. W HWY 92: After years of effort and countless meetings, the IDOT has placed W Hwy 92 from “R” to R-57 in their 5-year plan. Right of way acquisition is scheduled for 2012 and grading/paving for 2013. While it does not extend all the way to I-35, it never the less is a good start.
Congratulations to all who worked on this project.
FYI—The plan actually shows R-57 to R-63 and unfortunately the document was printed before the change could be made to show “R” Street instead of R-63. IDOT’s Mike Clayton reports the change will be make in next year’s budget and assures us that the funding is for R-57 to “R”.
4. JULY 20 MEETING: The meeting (before RAGBRAI) is still being discussed and it’s likely that a very short meeting will be held to pay claims and any absolutely necessary items for council consideration.
The item will be discussed at the July 6 meeting.
5. WARDS: A copy of the map is in the council packets.
6. PUNCH LIST: In your packet is the updated punch list for the West Euclid Project. If you would like to discuss the list, we can do so under other business Monday night.
· July 6th—Council set the date for public hearings and date for sale
· August 3rd—Council holds public hearings and sales
· August 17th—Council takes additional action on the issuance
· Close on issuances by the end of August
Capital Improvement Projects and Equipment (figures have been rounded and include issuance costs, etc.)
· City Hall Improvements $210,000
· Storm Sewer Improvements $260,000
· Memorial Park Parking Lot Improvements $365,000
· Memorial Park Restroom Improvements $105,000
· Fire/EMS Vehicle $25,000
· North “Y” Street Project $695,000
· South “Y” Street Project $840,000
· TOTAL $2,500,000
2. SHARED SERVICE POLICY: Responses were received from about 10 cities regarding their shared service policy and they are being tabulated. John Hoyman also has expressed initial reservation about letters to the recorders office reporting shared services.
Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin, Dan Miers and I will meet again next week to further discuss the policy based on input thus far. It will be brought to the July committee meeting.
3. W HWY 92: After years of effort and countless meetings, the IDOT has placed W Hwy 92 from “R” to R-57 in their 5-year plan. Right of way acquisition is scheduled for 2012 and grading/paving for 2013. While it does not extend all the way to I-35, it never the less is a good start.
Congratulations to all who worked on this project.
FYI—The plan actually shows R-57 to R-63 and unfortunately the document was printed before the change could be made to show “R” Street instead of R-63. IDOT’s Mike Clayton reports the change will be make in next year’s budget and assures us that the funding is for R-57 to “R”.
4. JULY 20 MEETING: The meeting (before RAGBRAI) is still being discussed and it’s likely that a very short meeting will be held to pay claims and any absolutely necessary items for council consideration.
The item will be discussed at the July 6 meeting.
5. WARDS: A copy of the map is in the council packets.
6. PUNCH LIST: In your packet is the updated punch list for the West Euclid Project. If you would like to discuss the list, we can do so under other business Monday night.
Friday, June 5, 2009
News Items - June 8,2009
1. MEETINGS: Reminder--Bob and Mark cannot attend the June 15 meeting so the remaining 4 must attend to conduct a meeting.
Shirley is unable to attend the July 13 committee meeting.
2. SRLF: Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports the State Revolving Loan Fund deposited $364,500 into the city account on June 1 as reimbursement for Infiltration/Inflow expenses to date. Unfortunately the Sewer Capital fund will still be in the red for May.
3. WIND GENERATOR: At their June 3 meeting the Board of Adjustment denied (5-0) the request to locate an 85’ wind generator on the sw corner of Hwy 65 and 92.
4. GREAT PLACES: Glen Cowan reports that Great Places Program received 1.9 million for projects and about $425,000 of that will be for this year’s projects. Glen is submitting an application for the Memorial Amphitheater (all 4 phases) and the restroom. Good luck Glen!!
5. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: Things are in a bit of disarray as the contractor works around the building. While most is going according to plan, some of the cinder blocks in the eastern canopy columns are cracked. A change order is being prepared to replace the block and will be on the June 15 agenda.
FYI--Brian Seymour has information about grant availability for Fire Station Construction and intends to apply by the June 8 deadline. The grant will be extremely competitive as there is only $210 million for all fifty states. Good luck Brian!!
6. D&D BUILDING: The proposed retail building immediately west of Wal-Mart that will occupy the former feed store will not be sold until July 15. A public hearing will therefore be set on July 6 for July 20 to consider the development agreement.
The revised building size is about 10,500 with a value of $650,000. The requested city contribution will be reduced to $125,000 which is more consistent with the Dangerous/Dilapidated program that allows purchases up to a building’s assessed value ($138,500) for this site.
Using D&D allows the city to obtain the same result without the expense of a purchase, building removal and re-sale. A much smoother transaction.
7. SOUTH “G”/12th: A tentative meeting is scheduled for Wednesday the 10th at 6:00 pm in the city council chambers. Elected officials are encouraged to attend, however, if more than 3 are there an agenda needs to be posted. Let us know if you plan to attend.
Forrest Aldrich reports the paving design was near complete in 1999 and just about ready to implement given neighborhood and council support. This project could be bid with the South “Y” project to take advantage of economies of scale.
8. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: Consistent with the bi-annual sidewalk inspection program, the Community Development Department will begin inspections next week. The PD approved use of their 4-wheeler and the Street Dept is going to make some appropriate signage.
The program is designed to help reduce property owner/city liability by removing sidewalk defects.
FYI—Steve Richardson asked to discuss sidewalk waivers previously approved by council to determine if they should continue to be in effect. The discussion will be placed on the August 10 committee agenda.
9. PLASTIC BAGS: Chris Longer, Mindi Robinson and I met with reps from a local retailer interested in promoting recycling and re-usable bag sales programs. The concept will be introduced at the next local retailer meeting on June 25.
10. NUISANCES: The Community Development Department issued 2 nuisances in the past week, mainly for tall grass/weeds. The department issued 25 thus far this year.
11. PLANTERS: The stop sign planters on the square were weeded and re-planted this week by the Parks Dept.
12. BIO SOLIDS: Supt Dan Miers reports the bio-solids (better known as sludge) hauling rfp was sent on June 2 and is due June 25. A recommendation will be brought to council in July. Biosolids Management Group (BMG) currently hauls our bio-solids for 2.3 cents/gallon.
13. W EUCLID PUNCH LIST: In your packet is a copy of the cleanup list for the West Euclid Project. Cleanup items that have been completed are shown as crossed out and the ones the contractor are working on today are identified.
14. COUNTRY CLUB LAND: I met again with a rep from the Country Club and provided possible lease information. I anticipate a lease offer for the city property on N Country Club Rd in the next several weeks and will be brought to council for consideration.
15. NORTH “Y”: I have not received a construction schedule from the contractor to date. Construction will begin as soon as they secure a NPDES permit from IDNR next Monday or Tuesday. The contractor will move equipment on Monday and start construction on Tuesday. The schedule will be sent to elected official when received.
16. COMMUNITY SIGN: Community Sign Painting will be hanging flyers (see packet) asking residents if they would like to have their house number painted on the curb for $10. If the person wants the work done, the resident places the flyer and money on their front door or garage door and the work is performed the next day. John Hoyman and the Police Department have ok’ed.
Shirley is unable to attend the July 13 committee meeting.
2. SRLF: Finance Director Laurie Hebl reports the State Revolving Loan Fund deposited $364,500 into the city account on June 1 as reimbursement for Infiltration/Inflow expenses to date. Unfortunately the Sewer Capital fund will still be in the red for May.
3. WIND GENERATOR: At their June 3 meeting the Board of Adjustment denied (5-0) the request to locate an 85’ wind generator on the sw corner of Hwy 65 and 92.
4. GREAT PLACES: Glen Cowan reports that Great Places Program received 1.9 million for projects and about $425,000 of that will be for this year’s projects. Glen is submitting an application for the Memorial Amphitheater (all 4 phases) and the restroom. Good luck Glen!!
5. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: Things are in a bit of disarray as the contractor works around the building. While most is going according to plan, some of the cinder blocks in the eastern canopy columns are cracked. A change order is being prepared to replace the block and will be on the June 15 agenda.
FYI--Brian Seymour has information about grant availability for Fire Station Construction and intends to apply by the June 8 deadline. The grant will be extremely competitive as there is only $210 million for all fifty states. Good luck Brian!!
6. D&D BUILDING: The proposed retail building immediately west of Wal-Mart that will occupy the former feed store will not be sold until July 15. A public hearing will therefore be set on July 6 for July 20 to consider the development agreement.
The revised building size is about 10,500 with a value of $650,000. The requested city contribution will be reduced to $125,000 which is more consistent with the Dangerous/Dilapidated program that allows purchases up to a building’s assessed value ($138,500) for this site.
Using D&D allows the city to obtain the same result without the expense of a purchase, building removal and re-sale. A much smoother transaction.
7. SOUTH “G”/12th: A tentative meeting is scheduled for Wednesday the 10th at 6:00 pm in the city council chambers. Elected officials are encouraged to attend, however, if more than 3 are there an agenda needs to be posted. Let us know if you plan to attend.
Forrest Aldrich reports the paving design was near complete in 1999 and just about ready to implement given neighborhood and council support. This project could be bid with the South “Y” project to take advantage of economies of scale.
8. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: Consistent with the bi-annual sidewalk inspection program, the Community Development Department will begin inspections next week. The PD approved use of their 4-wheeler and the Street Dept is going to make some appropriate signage.
The program is designed to help reduce property owner/city liability by removing sidewalk defects.
FYI—Steve Richardson asked to discuss sidewalk waivers previously approved by council to determine if they should continue to be in effect. The discussion will be placed on the August 10 committee agenda.
9. PLASTIC BAGS: Chris Longer, Mindi Robinson and I met with reps from a local retailer interested in promoting recycling and re-usable bag sales programs. The concept will be introduced at the next local retailer meeting on June 25.
10. NUISANCES: The Community Development Department issued 2 nuisances in the past week, mainly for tall grass/weeds. The department issued 25 thus far this year.
11. PLANTERS: The stop sign planters on the square were weeded and re-planted this week by the Parks Dept.
12. BIO SOLIDS: Supt Dan Miers reports the bio-solids (better known as sludge) hauling rfp was sent on June 2 and is due June 25. A recommendation will be brought to council in July. Biosolids Management Group (BMG) currently hauls our bio-solids for 2.3 cents/gallon.
13. W EUCLID PUNCH LIST: In your packet is a copy of the cleanup list for the West Euclid Project. Cleanup items that have been completed are shown as crossed out and the ones the contractor are working on today are identified.
14. COUNTRY CLUB LAND: I met again with a rep from the Country Club and provided possible lease information. I anticipate a lease offer for the city property on N Country Club Rd in the next several weeks and will be brought to council for consideration.
15. NORTH “Y”: I have not received a construction schedule from the contractor to date. Construction will begin as soon as they secure a NPDES permit from IDNR next Monday or Tuesday. The contractor will move equipment on Monday and start construction on Tuesday. The schedule will be sent to elected official when received.
16. COMMUNITY SIGN: Community Sign Painting will be hanging flyers (see packet) asking residents if they would like to have their house number painted on the curb for $10. If the person wants the work done, the resident places the flyer and money on their front door or garage door and the work is performed the next day. John Hoyman and the Police Department have ok’ed.
Monday, June 1, 2009
North "Y" Paving Project
At their meeting on May 18, 2009 the City Council approved the contract with McAninch Construction to pave North “Y” Street. Beginning this Wednesday, June 10, 2009, the south end of North “Y” will be closed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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