Friday, June 1, 2012

News Items June 4, 2012

1.     PICKARD SEWER: The contractor is set to start work next Monday, June 4 and indicates they should be done by the 8th (weather permitting) prior to the weekend tournament schedule.

2.     POOL: The pool opened last Sunday, May 27th and had record attendance!!

3.     SEWER: Staff met this week to discuss information that will be compiled for the requests to the IDNR to extend the city’s I&I program. We will also be discussing the plant upgrade and related requirements. A meeting will be held Wednesday, June 13 to review our information and presented to the IDNR on the 20th (date yet to be confirmed).

4.     IMU BOARD: The Trustees will attend the June 11 study committee meeting to provide an update on their various projects including underground conversion, telecommunications and a master facility plan.

5.     WELLNESS CENTER: Jeff Larson, Larson & Larson Construction indicates work on the wellness center will commence June 11th.  A preconstruction meeting is being scheduled. We will keep you informed of that date when it is set.

6.     2012 STREET REPLACEMENT PROJECT:  D Street south of Ashland Avenue has been removed.  Buxton Street south of Salem Avenue has been removed and E Street from Girard Avenue to Detroit Avenue has been removed.  Vanderpool Construction is replacing the sanitary sewer services under the streets to the edge of curb in these areas.  We anticipate repaving in the next week or so.

7.     NUISANCE COMPLIANCE HEARING:  Community Development Department is working with the city attorney for compliance of several properties in town.  To date, the court has upheld both municipal infractions.  Court costs have been assessed to the properties.