1. SOUTH B SEWER: Forrest Aldrich is drafting a plan/spec to reroute the sanitary sewer in the 400 Block of South B (see map). He anticipates getting quotes either the week of the 7th or 14th. Based on the numbers, I will likely authorize the repair given its emergency nature. The quotes will then be placed on the November 21 agenda for formal consideration.
2. WELLNESS CENTER: The committee met with SVPA et al on the 2nd to review the latest concept. A progress report will be provided at the December 5 council meeting.
The next Vision Iowa meeting is November 9 at 10:00 am in room 116 at the State Capitol Building.
On October 27 the city took ownership of the 6.63 acres in Summercrest Hills for the Wellness Center.
3. C STREET FORUM: A reminder the forum will be November 10 at 7:00 pm in the Parrish Hall of the Methodist Church on W. Ashland.
4. OFFICER METCALF: In the packet is a letter of commendation from Chief Steve Bonnett and Sergeant Brian Sher for Officer Brad Metcalf’s investigations that led to charges relating to vandalism, motor vehicle theft and burglary. Hats off to Brad!!
5. RECYCLING: Waste Management brought a 96 and 48 gallon toter to city hall for customers to view. They will be in the council chambers on November 7.
6. COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEMS: “Tentative” agenda items for the next two months include:
• Fire Dept Bay expansion
• General Fund Capital Budget
• Y/City 28-E Agreement
• Downtown/Square Incentive Program
• J/K Engineering Proposal
• Trailer Parking on City Streets
• Employee Wellness Program
• Natural Gas Franchise Fee
7. SUMMERCREST HILLS: Finance Director Jean Furler reports the Development Agreement conditions have been met and the first check for $325,000 has been paid to Downing Construction and Summercrest Hills Development.
8. INDIANOLA HEALTH PLAN: Our new third party administrator, UMR, has been providing very good discounts on our medical claims. Through September 30th, we’re averaging a 52% savings on all providers including inpatient stays, outpatient procedures and clinic visits. Good news!
9. EMPLOYEE BLOOD SCREEN: 59 employees/spouses participated in the annual blood screen. Many of the participants will take their results to their physicians saving the health plan additional lab expenses. It’s estimated the blood screen would cost up to $350.00 at the clinic versus the $27.00 charged per participant during the annual screen.
10. CHICKEN COMPLAINT: The Community Development Department received a complaint regarding five chickens at 410 W. Ashland. After staff asked to have the chickens removed, the owners asked (see letter) for council consideration to allow the chickens to remain at their residence. The request will be placed on the November 21 council agenda.
11. 2012 STREET REPLACEMENT: Just a reminder of the public information meetings scheduled for November 9th at 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm at the Activity Center. Approximately 180 notices of the meetings have been sent. These meetings are held to provide a project preview and answer property owner questions.
Staff is working with the engineer to phase the project to minimize impact on community events that normally take place. A project phasing will be placed in council packets within the next week or so.