1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is November 7 at 6:00 pm. John Sirianni is unavailable for the meeting.
2. CANDIDATE FORUM: Simpson College is holding a council candidate forum on November 1 in the Pioneer Room at McNeill Hall beginning at 7:00 pm.
3. C STREET FORUM: Simpson is scheduling a forum on November 10 at 7:00 pm with the location yet to be announced. The format will include reps from the city, V&K, school and Simpson answering questions from the audience. Chief Bonnet and I plan to attend as will Forrest Aldrich from V&K.
4. BOND SALE SCHEDULE: Finance Director Jean Furler plans the following bond sale schedule:
Nov 7 Set public hearing on sewer/street Bonds
Nov 21 Public hearing for sewer/street bonds and direct advertisement of sale for sewer/street bonds and YMCA bonds
Dec 5 Bond Sale
Dec 12 Authorize issuance of both series (special meeting prior to committee meeting). This is necessary to close by Dec 31 and stay within the $10 million limit
The bonds will be used for the following:
2) South “B” Sewer Emergency Repair
3) Sewer plant flare and boiler emergency repair
4) Street project ($500,000 in 2011 and the remaining issued in 2012)
5. SOUTH B SANITARY SEWER: We are in the process of obtaining IDNR permits and the survey was complete on the 28th. A recommendation will be to reroute the collapsed sanitary sewer (see map) in the 400 block of South B. A recommendation will be placed on the November 7 council agenda.
6. RECYCLING: City Clerk Diana Bowlin and Information Technology Manager Kurt Ripperger met with Waste Management reps on the 26th to discuss the recycling options that include:
• WM will offer a 48 gal. cart but prefers to provide 96 gal. carts initially because the 48 gal. may be too small for a two-week period
• Picking up carts at the house (no charge) will be offered only to residents who are physically unable to roll the cart to the curb
• Carts will be distributed beginning the week of December 12 and pick up will begin the week of December 26 with the city being divided into four sections (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)
• Residents can keep their current bins or may place them on the curb and Waste Management will collect them. In the past Waste Management has donated used bins to area schools who like to use them in classrooms for their recyclables collections.
• Advertising/information will be provided on the city’s cable channel, web page, weekly flyer, utility bill, January quarterly update, posted on the community sign and RH&T
7. LIBRARY OPENHOUSE: The Friends of the Library are celebrating their 10th anniversary on November 4 from 6-8 pm. at the library.
8. UNION PROPOSAL: In the packet is the union’s opening proposal for July 1, 2012 thru June 30, 2015. Human Resource Director RoxAnne Hunerdosse estimates the initial proposal increase of $175,000 - $200,000 of new money per year of a 3-year contract not including FICA, IPERS or MFPRSI. The city’s response provided by Labor Negotiator Jim Hanks is in the packet.
9. 15TH STREET CLOSURE: A Middle School subcontractor requested closing 15th (see map in packet) between Hwy 92 and Plainview for utility work related to the Middle School. It will be closed from November 3-5 and the subcontractor will be responsible for all signage.