1. PRIORITIES: In the packet is the list of priorities as ranked by the council and mayor. In the last news items the high rankings were provided, the medium rankings are as follows:
• Trail system expansion
• Park north of Iowa Avenue
• Purchase land for soccer fields
• Hwy 65/69 improvements S. of Hwy 92
• Street Department expansion
• Sewer plant improvement
2. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is May 2.
3. FEMA: HR/Risk Manager RoxAnne Hunerdosse and Finance Director Jean Furler met with FEMA reps on the 20th and reports over $96,000 will be reimbursed to the Sewer Dept within two weeks for expenses resulting from last summer’s storms. There is another $30,000 outstanding and will be reimbursed when all work is complete. Good news and hats off to Rox and Jean for all their efforts.
4. W HWY 92: Chuck Burgin and I have a meeting on May 12 with IDOT reps to discuss the W Hwy 92 Improvement Project (R Street to R-57) scheduled for FY’s 12/13 and 13/14. When plans are underway, I’ll ask IDOT to attend a council study meeting to provide an update and address comments/questions.
5. STORM SEWERS: Based on comments from a resident on W Boston, our Sewer Dept televised the mains and found issues related to a collapsed intake (Boston at J) and a utility bore thru the main. The intake was repaired this week and the utility intrusion will be repaired within a few weeks.
6. POLICE WEEK: National Police Week is May 15-21 and according to Brian Seymour our flags will be flown at half-mast on the 15th because it is National Peace Officers Memorial Day.
7. CHAMBER GARDEN TOUR: The Chamber will use the south parking lot and the park at city hall for their Garden Tour registration area on Saturday June 11.
8. SOUTH LIFT STATION PROJECT: In the packet is a copy of the Neuvirth letter to IDNR regarding the notice of violation for erosion control. It appears the issue has been resolved but we are waiting to hear from IDNR.
9. J/K RE-ALIGNMENT: Per council discussion, Community Development Director Chuck Burgin is getting appraisal quotes for possible land acquisition regarding this project. They will be provided to council when received.
10. SHARED SERVICE: Supt Dan Miers and Forrest Aldrich are working on a shared service removal with property owners (see map) around 400 N Buxton. A resolution/project will be brought to council in a few weeks.
11. POLICE CLERICAL: Pat Allsup, PD Office Manager and RoxAnne Hunerdosse will begin the selection process next week. To date, 45 applications have been received for the 3-11 p.m. clerical assistant position.