1. IDOT: Community Development Director Chuck Burgin and I met with IDOT District 5 reps Brian Morrissey and Troy Jerman on the 6th. Brian provided the following information:
• W Hwy 92 is behind on design but still on track for a 2012 right of way acquisition and 2013 construction. A trail will be included in the design.
• The N Hwy 65.69 Traffic Study is still being reviewed by IDOT and should be complete in several weeks. IDOT had concerns about traffic signals at Summercrest’s west entrance and the north entrance (Theisen’s). They prefer a more holistic approach to N. 65/69’s future design. Brian also indicated that cost of improvements should be shared by all entities.
• S Hwy 65/69 improvement from Hwy 92 to 17th is still being considered. It is proposed as a 2-phase project (92-12th and 12th-17th) for 2015/16. The city’s “proposed” cost share is about $300,000 to $500,000. IDOT has yet to put this project in their 5-year plan.
• There is a detour route through Indianola (Hwy’s 92 and 65/69) when accidents or major construction occurs on specific sections of I-35.
2. SUMMERCREST HILLS: Discussions continue with Summercrest Hills developers regarding the development agreement approved last November. Proposed changes are to increase the added taxable value the developers guarantee from $15 million to 17 million, and, to remove “annual appropriation” language for the tax rebate (spread over 5 years). Needless to say the $17 million will strengthen the TIF tax base!
Also, in the packet is a proposal from Daniel Manning of the Lillis O’Malley et. al. Law Firm for services related to the Wellness Center lease agreements. The proposal is a bit more inclusive than perhaps necessary but scope of services can be arranged as needed. The proposal will be placed on the April 18 or May 2 agenda.
3. D&D: The Dangerous and Dilapidated Committee unanimously approved a recommendation to purchase 400/401 E Euclid for $87,000. The recommendation will be on the April 18 agenda.
4. BUDGET AMENDMENT: Finance Director Jean Furler is drafting an amendment to this year’s budget for the following items: Capital Projects: I&I, Electric Underground Conversion and Storm Water Utilities.
Council will be asked to set a hearing date on April 18 for May 16.
5. SEWER PLANT STUDY: In the packet is a Sewer Plant Study proposal from Veenstra and Kimm. This study is a preliminary review (does not include plans/specs) of the plant improvement needs for the renovation in 2012/13. It will be placed on the April 18 agenda.
FYI—The plant first became operational in 1979 and about $6 million is budgeted for repairs/renovations.
6. BUILDING CODE ISO: On March 17th Chuck Burgin met with an ISO (Insurance Services Offices) representative for an update to their building code rating effectiveness. The report was received this week showing the department has been rated (again) a 4 for residential and a 4 for commercial effectiveness. The rating scale is 1-10, with 1 the most effective. The report indicates that Indianola's building code administration is more effective than both the state and national levels for communities Indianola’s size. The report also indicates our department staffing levels are lower than state and the national averages. Congratulations to Chuck Burgin, Rich Parker and Mindi Robinson for a job well done!!