1. W BOSTON: Project bids were received on January 13 and John Hoyman is drafting promissory notes for the loans (paid thru utility bills). The contract award will be on the February 16 agenda for elected official consideration. Bids were as follows:
Van Hauen & Associates $49,975.00
Vanderpool Construction $42,993.00
Halbrook Excavating $56,645.00
The Underground Company $49,785.00
2. COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURE: In the packet is Mayor Bresnan’s rules for procedure. Please review and provide input to Ken.
3. AWARDS: At the Awards Banquet many employees were recognized for customer service, safety and zero to less than 8 hours of sick leave used during 2009. In the packet is a list of those employees. Congratulations to all!
4. TAXABLE VALUE: Laurie Hebl prepared the 5-year history of taxable value by classification (packet).
5. STREET REPLACEMENT: In the packet is a map of the streets that will be reviewed for replacement in 2011.
6. PRESIDENTS DAY: Another reminder Presidents Day will move the council meeting to Tuesday, February 16.
7. STIMULUS PROGRAM: The Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Agency’s re-allocation of Stimulus $$ combined with the initial use for the 8 projects that are ready for bidding gives Indianola time to obtain right-of-way for other projects in the Program. Therefore the J/K Re-alignment could be a candidate.
8. DC TRIP: Simpson College decided to send a rep on February 8 due to staffing/scheduling issues. Denis Frischmeyer and Randy Bray have decided not to attend.
Myles has scheduled appointments for Mark and WCEDC’s Jim Meadows.
9. BRAVO: I received a call from Bravo’s MD Isley who reported the executive committee preferred that Indianola eventually pay the full 2/7th’s of our hotel/motel tax as opposed to 2/7ths of the new revenue. I asked him to write a letter indicating the board’s preference and have yet to receive it. It will be placed in the packets.
10. RACE CAR ORDINANCE: Wednesday, January 27, the trial to determine whether the race car ordinance creates a taking was held. Chuck Burgin testified on behalf of the City of Indianola. Phil Watson and Ron Inman testified for the plaintiffs. Hugh Cain representing the City of Indianola feels the City is in a good position and we anticipate a court ruling late spring or early summer.
11. DOWNTOWN INCENTIVE POLICY: Staff continues to “tweak” the policy (see changes in red) and we’ll continue to review over the next couple weeks. John Hoyman is working on the lien/promissory note that will become part of the application approval process.
Grant McGraw was not quite ready to present his request for 115 N. Buxton and we now anticipate it on the February 16 agenda.
12. UTILITY BILLING: Due to issues encountered with the new software transition, February’s utility bills could be a day or two late. They are normally in mail boxes by the 1st of each month.
13. ALLEY VACATIONS: In the packet are two alley vacation requests the Community Development Department will take to P&Z on February 9. Council can set a public hearing date on February 16 for March 1.
14. POLICE CANDIDATES: Interviews will be held on Saturday, January 30 at City Hall for those on the Civil Service “A” list.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
News Items - January 25, 2010
1. ROOF COLLAPSE: About 3:30 pm on January 21 the southern half of the former Midwest Uncuts (117 E Salem) roof collapsed apparently from the weight of snow, ice and moisture. Fire Chief Brian Seymour and Community Development Director Chuck Burgin inspected the building about 6:30 pm that evening to determine the extent of the damage.
Chuck and Building Inspector Rich Parker toured the building on Friday the 22nd and found the structure to be safe for neighboring buildings. However, the interior was not considered stable. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
2. AMPHITHEATER: 6 bids were received on January 21 as follows:
Company Base Bid Alternate
Downing Construction
Indianola, Iowa
Elder Corporation
Des Moines, Iowa
Rochon Corp. of Iowa
Urbandale, Iowa
$ 7,481.16
Jensen Builders LTD
Ames, Iowa
$ 3,688.35
Concrete Technologies, Inc
Urbandale, Iowa
Larson & Larson Const.
Des Moines, Iowa
$ 7,050.00
Unfortunately the engineer’s estimate was $126,000 and the project was not awarded a Prairie Meadows grant. P&R Director Glen Cowan is reviewing the current and FY 10/11 budget with Commission members to determine whether another project can be cut and/or delayed in order to continue progress on the Amphitheater. A recommendation will be placed on the February 1 agenda.
3. FAIR PLAY: In the packet is the Metro Fair-Play agreement as requested by Shirley.
4. PRESIDENTS DAY: Mark your calendars that the second February council meeting will be Tuesday February 16th due to Presidents Day on the 15th.
5. I&I POLICY: In the packet is a revised I&I Policy that will be recommended in February. Changes include:
• The loan and reimbursement amounts have been increased to help offset increasing costs to the homeowners.
• Homeowners with illegally hooked sump pumps into the sanitary sewer would no longer be billed $30 for a year before the penalty increases to $50. We would start their billing at $50 and continue billing until the disconnection is made. Most cases are fairly simple and inexpensive fixes.
• Loans that the City offers for repairs will no longer be unsecured. John Hoyman is assisting in creating a secured loan document.
6. RED ROCK REQUEST: In the packet is Red Rock Area Community Action Program (RRACAP) request to fund their transportation services for Warren County. The city has traditionally contributed $3,000 annually and that amount is in the proposed FY 10/11 budget.
7. BRUSH FACILITY: Due to the results of the recent ice storm the facility will open to residents 24/7 through Sunday, February 7.
Chuck and Building Inspector Rich Parker toured the building on Friday the 22nd and found the structure to be safe for neighboring buildings. However, the interior was not considered stable. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
2. AMPHITHEATER: 6 bids were received on January 21 as follows:
Company Base Bid Alternate
Downing Construction
Indianola, Iowa
Elder Corporation
Des Moines, Iowa
Rochon Corp. of Iowa
Urbandale, Iowa
$ 7,481.16
Jensen Builders LTD
Ames, Iowa
$ 3,688.35
Concrete Technologies, Inc
Urbandale, Iowa
Larson & Larson Const.
Des Moines, Iowa
$ 7,050.00
Unfortunately the engineer’s estimate was $126,000 and the project was not awarded a Prairie Meadows grant. P&R Director Glen Cowan is reviewing the current and FY 10/11 budget with Commission members to determine whether another project can be cut and/or delayed in order to continue progress on the Amphitheater. A recommendation will be placed on the February 1 agenda.
3. FAIR PLAY: In the packet is the Metro Fair-Play agreement as requested by Shirley.
4. PRESIDENTS DAY: Mark your calendars that the second February council meeting will be Tuesday February 16th due to Presidents Day on the 15th.
5. I&I POLICY: In the packet is a revised I&I Policy that will be recommended in February. Changes include:
• The loan and reimbursement amounts have been increased to help offset increasing costs to the homeowners.
• Homeowners with illegally hooked sump pumps into the sanitary sewer would no longer be billed $30 for a year before the penalty increases to $50. We would start their billing at $50 and continue billing until the disconnection is made. Most cases are fairly simple and inexpensive fixes.
• Loans that the City offers for repairs will no longer be unsecured. John Hoyman is assisting in creating a secured loan document.
6. RED ROCK REQUEST: In the packet is Red Rock Area Community Action Program (RRACAP) request to fund their transportation services for Warren County. The city has traditionally contributed $3,000 annually and that amount is in the proposed FY 10/11 budget.
7. BRUSH FACILITY: Due to the results of the recent ice storm the facility will open to residents 24/7 through Sunday, February 7.
Friday, January 15, 2010
News Items - January 19, 2010
1. W BOSTON SEWER: Quotes received on Wednesday the 13th were as follows:
Name Quote
Halbrook Excavating $56,645.00
Ankeny, Iowa
The Underground Company $49,785.00
Carlisle, Iowa
Van Hauen & Associates, Inc. $49,975.00
Grimes, Iowa
Vanderpool Construction, Inc. $42,993.00
Indianola, Iowa
The engineer’s estimate was about $30,000 so these quotes are 40% or more over the estimate. Dan Miers and Forrest Aldrich are reviewing options and therefore a recommendation will be delayed until the February 1 agenda.
2. CIVIL SERVICE LIST: The Civil Service Commission narrowed the list of 32 to 10 on January 9. The PD staff will interview the 10 on January 30 and develop a priority list. A recommendation will be brought to council in February.
3. SKYPE: Information Technology Coordinator Kurt Ripperger prepared the following information regarding the installation.
1. Computer
2. Camera
3. Speakers
4. Data Connection
The city’s laptop will be used and the camera/speakers have been ordered. There are currently no data lines running to the council chamber so Kurt will pull cable, terminate both ends, and test the connection. In addition, the line would be best placed on the wall behind the council desk. That wall is concrete block construction with a couple inches of foam insulation between it and the drywall which may necessitate the need to run the cable on the outside of the drywall and use some sort of cable molding to dress it up.
After that the system will be ready and usable with some preparation time for each meeting.
4. I-JOBS: The I-Jobs Water Quality fund has $55 million and is administered by the Iowa Finance Authority. $20 million is set aside for communities over 10,000 population.
Indianola applied for $5.915 million to help fund I&I Phases 2 & 3 and the funds were to be awarded in January. However, on Friday, January 22nd, the IFA sent out additional criteria to help determine awards which includes:
• Maximum award will be limited to $100 per capita
• Priority will be given to projects based on when construction can begin
• Priority will be given to communities that did not receive funds from the I-Jobs
• Disaster Recovery Program, the CDBG Disaster allocation or SRF ARRA
• Awards will be announced following the February 3, 2010 IFA Board meeting
5. ENERGY GRANT: The $50,000 grant application from the Iowa Office of Energy Independence Todd Kielkopf submitted in November 2009 to provide a comprehensive analysis of Indianola energy use (electric, natural gas, and transportation) was approved! The next step is to receive the grant contract that will specify deliverables and timetables expected. Jerry Kelley will need to help identify who we need to coordinate with at Simpson.
The city council authorized a $5,000 match for this project on November 2.
6. OLD SEWER PLANT LAND: Letters were sent to 25 households along Country Club Road, Scenic Valley and Trail Ridge. Thus far I received one phone call from a concerned resident.
7. FIREFIGHTER: Eleven applications (to replace Jory Hunerdosse) were received with seven candidates meeting qualifications. The Civil Service Commission will begin testing the candidates on January 23rd.
8. BUDGET: A “preliminary” budget estimate spreadsheet is in the mayor/council packet. Council will receive the complete O&M budget prior to the January 25th meeting.
Even though the city’s taxable had minimal growth, we are estimating the same tax rate ($11.35) for FY 10/11. Credit goes to department directors for developing “necessities-only” budgets consistent with the current year.
Elected officials will receive the proposed FY 10/11 budget on January 25 beginning at 7:00 p.m.
9. LEAN PROGRESS REPORT: In your packet is a LEAN progress report for the Park and Recreation Department which was approved by council on October 5, 2009.
Name Quote
Halbrook Excavating $56,645.00
Ankeny, Iowa
The Underground Company $49,785.00
Carlisle, Iowa
Van Hauen & Associates, Inc. $49,975.00
Grimes, Iowa
Vanderpool Construction, Inc. $42,993.00
Indianola, Iowa
The engineer’s estimate was about $30,000 so these quotes are 40% or more over the estimate. Dan Miers and Forrest Aldrich are reviewing options and therefore a recommendation will be delayed until the February 1 agenda.
2. CIVIL SERVICE LIST: The Civil Service Commission narrowed the list of 32 to 10 on January 9. The PD staff will interview the 10 on January 30 and develop a priority list. A recommendation will be brought to council in February.
3. SKYPE: Information Technology Coordinator Kurt Ripperger prepared the following information regarding the installation.
1. Computer
2. Camera
3. Speakers
4. Data Connection
The city’s laptop will be used and the camera/speakers have been ordered. There are currently no data lines running to the council chamber so Kurt will pull cable, terminate both ends, and test the connection. In addition, the line would be best placed on the wall behind the council desk. That wall is concrete block construction with a couple inches of foam insulation between it and the drywall which may necessitate the need to run the cable on the outside of the drywall and use some sort of cable molding to dress it up.
After that the system will be ready and usable with some preparation time for each meeting.
4. I-JOBS: The I-Jobs Water Quality fund has $55 million and is administered by the Iowa Finance Authority. $20 million is set aside for communities over 10,000 population.
Indianola applied for $5.915 million to help fund I&I Phases 2 & 3 and the funds were to be awarded in January. However, on Friday, January 22nd, the IFA sent out additional criteria to help determine awards which includes:
• Maximum award will be limited to $100 per capita
• Priority will be given to projects based on when construction can begin
• Priority will be given to communities that did not receive funds from the I-Jobs
• Disaster Recovery Program, the CDBG Disaster allocation or SRF ARRA
• Awards will be announced following the February 3, 2010 IFA Board meeting
5. ENERGY GRANT: The $50,000 grant application from the Iowa Office of Energy Independence Todd Kielkopf submitted in November 2009 to provide a comprehensive analysis of Indianola energy use (electric, natural gas, and transportation) was approved! The next step is to receive the grant contract that will specify deliverables and timetables expected. Jerry Kelley will need to help identify who we need to coordinate with at Simpson.
The city council authorized a $5,000 match for this project on November 2.
6. OLD SEWER PLANT LAND: Letters were sent to 25 households along Country Club Road, Scenic Valley and Trail Ridge. Thus far I received one phone call from a concerned resident.
7. FIREFIGHTER: Eleven applications (to replace Jory Hunerdosse) were received with seven candidates meeting qualifications. The Civil Service Commission will begin testing the candidates on January 23rd.
8. BUDGET: A “preliminary” budget estimate spreadsheet is in the mayor/council packet. Council will receive the complete O&M budget prior to the January 25th meeting.
Even though the city’s taxable had minimal growth, we are estimating the same tax rate ($11.35) for FY 10/11. Credit goes to department directors for developing “necessities-only” budgets consistent with the current year.
Elected officials will receive the proposed FY 10/11 budget on January 25 beginning at 7:00 p.m.
9. LEAN PROGRESS REPORT: In your packet is a LEAN progress report for the Park and Recreation Department which was approved by council on October 5, 2009.
Friday, January 8, 2010
News Items - January 11, 2010
1. CONCRETE PLANT: Edena White requested the Indianola Ready Mix rezoning request be delay until the Comprehensive Plan Update is completed, or in six months.
Chuck is recommending P&Z to table the request at their January 12 meeting. .
2. SOUTH 65/69: While I have not heard from IDOT’s Brian Morrissey, the Hwy 65/69 Improvement Project is still scheduled for the February 8 agenda.
3. WCEDC: Per the letter from WCEDC’s Tiffany Coleman, council needs to appoint a non-elected official to the Board of Directors as a result of Myles Kappelman’s resignation. Randy Gathers is the elected official appointee.
WCEDC meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:45 a.m. at the Wells Fargo Building.
The item will be placed on the January 19 (Tuesday) meeting.
4. ISA: 2009’ information is below:
ISA Complex Use –2009
19 weekend tournaments
805 games played
282 practices
5 adult leagues – 50 teams – approx 12-15 players per team
The financials will be provided separately.
5. AWARDS BANQUET: This year’s banquet will be January 22 at the Activity Center starting with social hour at 6:00 pm and dinner at 6:30. We hope elected officials plan to attend!!
6. AMPHITHEATER: There were over 500 applications for the Prairie Meadows grants and less than one-half were funded. Unfortunately Indianola was not funded so Glen Cowan is re-working the budget to adjust for the revenue shortage. A revised plan will be brought to council after P&R Commission review.
7. J/K RE-ALIGNMENT: Chuck Burgin received a call from the property owner on W 92 that there may be interest in selling the area necessary for the re-alignment. I will bring to committee if /when more information is available.
8. PLOTTER: Per the FY 09/10 budget, $13,000 is budgeted to replace the plotter in the Community Development Dept. Office Manager Mindi Robinson is getting quotes that will be placed on a future council agenda.
9. POLICE OFFICER INTERVIEWS: The PD will interview 22 candidates for police officer replacement—there are two vacancies. 10 candidates are certified officers so they do not have to attend the academy.
A recommendation will be brought to council.
10. P&R OFFICE ASST: Office Asst Sandra Wadle has resigned her position with the P&R Dept effective January 13 to move to the Minneapolis area. She will be missed and we wish her well.
11. SALES TAX: For an unexplained reason, the 1% school sales tax was continued after July 1, 2008 and it was supposed to be removed. Consequently, customers paid 1% on electric usage that was submitted to the Iowa Department of Revenue (DOR).
Customers wanting a refund can contact the Clerk’s Office and will be given a procedure to contact the DOR. Average amount paid over the 18 month period is $12.00 for residential customers.
12. SQUARE BUILDINGS: We did not receive a response to our letter dated December 4 regarding the disposition of the north side buildings. However, Chuck Burgin was contacted by an attorney who is working on a response.
Also, Steve Bruere reports he’ll submit a request minus the residential improvements for his south side building in February.
Chuck is recommending P&Z to table the request at their January 12 meeting. .
2. SOUTH 65/69: While I have not heard from IDOT’s Brian Morrissey, the Hwy 65/69 Improvement Project is still scheduled for the February 8 agenda.
3. WCEDC: Per the letter from WCEDC’s Tiffany Coleman, council needs to appoint a non-elected official to the Board of Directors as a result of Myles Kappelman’s resignation. Randy Gathers is the elected official appointee.
WCEDC meets 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:45 a.m. at the Wells Fargo Building.
The item will be placed on the January 19 (Tuesday) meeting.
4. ISA: 2009’ information is below:
ISA Complex Use –2009
19 weekend tournaments
805 games played
282 practices
5 adult leagues – 50 teams – approx 12-15 players per team
The financials will be provided separately.
5. AWARDS BANQUET: This year’s banquet will be January 22 at the Activity Center starting with social hour at 6:00 pm and dinner at 6:30. We hope elected officials plan to attend!!
6. AMPHITHEATER: There were over 500 applications for the Prairie Meadows grants and less than one-half were funded. Unfortunately Indianola was not funded so Glen Cowan is re-working the budget to adjust for the revenue shortage. A revised plan will be brought to council after P&R Commission review.
7. J/K RE-ALIGNMENT: Chuck Burgin received a call from the property owner on W 92 that there may be interest in selling the area necessary for the re-alignment. I will bring to committee if /when more information is available.
8. PLOTTER: Per the FY 09/10 budget, $13,000 is budgeted to replace the plotter in the Community Development Dept. Office Manager Mindi Robinson is getting quotes that will be placed on a future council agenda.
9. POLICE OFFICER INTERVIEWS: The PD will interview 22 candidates for police officer replacement—there are two vacancies. 10 candidates are certified officers so they do not have to attend the academy.
A recommendation will be brought to council.
10. P&R OFFICE ASST: Office Asst Sandra Wadle has resigned her position with the P&R Dept effective January 13 to move to the Minneapolis area. She will be missed and we wish her well.
11. SALES TAX: For an unexplained reason, the 1% school sales tax was continued after July 1, 2008 and it was supposed to be removed. Consequently, customers paid 1% on electric usage that was submitted to the Iowa Department of Revenue (DOR).
Customers wanting a refund can contact the Clerk’s Office and will be given a procedure to contact the DOR. Average amount paid over the 18 month period is $12.00 for residential customers.
12. SQUARE BUILDINGS: We did not receive a response to our letter dated December 4 regarding the disposition of the north side buildings. However, Chuck Burgin was contacted by an attorney who is working on a response.
Also, Steve Bruere reports he’ll submit a request minus the residential improvements for his south side building in February.
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