1. STATE BUDGET CUTS: The Iowa League of Cities estimates the city of Indianola will lose about $6,800 from unfunded Homestead Tax Credits. Not good but could have been worse. We’ll continue to monitor.
2. LEGISLATORS: A reminder Staci Appel and Kent Sorensen are scheduled for the December 7 council agenda to discuss the 2010 session with elected officials.
3. SUSTAINABLE TAX ABATEMENT: In the packets are the Sustainable Committee’s recommendation to change residential tax abatement from 4 years to a 3 and 5-year schedule. Newly constructed homes/additions will receive 3 years abatement if no sustainable construction is used, and, 5 years if the criteria (see form) are met. The recommendation will be brought to the November 9 committee agenda for elected official review.
The abatement schedule is changed by council resolution (one vote).
4. STATEMENT BILLING: Per Todd Kielkopf, the Utility Board’s preference and with the new software capability, the city will move to “statement” utility billing vs a post card. While more expensive, the statement will provide additional information to customers than can be provided now. The bi-monthly newsletter may be added to the statement envelope to help save costs.
The change will be advertised/marketed over the next several weeks so customers are well informed.
5. CONCRETE PLANT: A meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday to discuss plant costs and land options. Land is still a concern and I am not overly hopeful a workable solution is available. We’ll continue to review all options and also will hold a meeting with neighboring residents the week of November 2. Elected officials will be advised as to the time and date.
6. STORM SIRENS: Chief Brian Seymour reports the last of the (replacement) storm sirens will be recommended to council on November 2. Two bids were received and the low bid of $12,550 ($15,000 was budgeted) will be recommended for the industrial park location.
7. FIRE DEPARTMENT: In your packet is information regarding a fund raiser for the Fire Department’s Educational Programs on October 24, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Indianola Middle School.
8. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Chuck Burgin will recommend Snyder and Associates $29,900 quote to engineer the Balloon Museum Ditch culvert extension on November 2. Other quotes were French-Reneker Engineers and Veenstra & Kimm for $21,650 (doesn’t include resident review) and $44,250 respectfully.
FYI – There are additional culvert/drainage ditch repairs required immediately west of the Balloon Museum ditch culvert that Chuck Burgin will recommend at the same meeting. There will be cost savings by doing both repairs using the same engineer and contractor.
9. ROB HAWKINS: Police Sergeant Rob Hawkins was notified this weekend that he is going to be deployed to Iran next fall. This is the 4th mid-east deployment for Rob since his first in 1990 (Desert Storm). We wish him the best.
10. WIND TURBINES: The Metro Advisory Council’s (MAC) Technical Committee (Chuck Burgin is a member) has a draft “model” Small Wind Energy ordinance (packet). The purpose is to provide a uniform method of regulating wind turbines in the Metro Area.
MAC will review the model in the next 60 days and have a recommendation for member elected officials in early 2010.
11. SQUARE RENOVATIONS: No request yet from the building owner on the square. I have consequently asked some department heads to meet next week to discuss incentives (based on other cities) that can be offered to all building owners. A recommendation can be brought to council in December.