Friday, October 30, 2009

News Items - November 2, 2009

1. INVESTMENT REPORT: The Investment Committee met on October 27 and reviewed Bankers Trust’s September 30 investment report (packet).

2. RACECAR ORDINANCE: Attorney Hugh Cain reports the judge has been sick and wants to delay the trial date. A phone meeting has been set between the judge and attorneys to discuss future dates.

3. CONCRETE PLANT: Chuck Burgin, Todd and Jack Bohlender, Denis Frishmeyer, Joe Butler and I met on October 28 to discuss plant costs and land options. Estimated new plant cost is $2.6 million according to Joe Butler and land options are still very limited. Based on the discussion I am not very optimistic the plant will be relocated.

A neighborhood meeting is being scheduled next week to discuss progress and plant operations thus far.

FYI—In the packet is the concrete plan IDNR inspection report dated October 21, 2009.

4. 50’S/60’S PARTY: In honor of their 20th anniversary, the Area Senior Center is hosting a 1950’s/60’s Party at the Activity Center on November 13 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.

5. BRAVO: Mayor Kelley and I met with Bravo (The Region’s Art Council) reps on October 28 to discuss a potential city membership in Bravo. In the packet is a brochure explaining Bravo and the work they do in the Metro Area.

A presentation will be provided at the December 14 committee meeting.

6. STATEMENT BILLING: In your packet is a notice that will be posted on the web, channel 7, weekly flyer and the Record Herald regarding the full-page utility billing statement.

7. GOALS/PRIORITIES: In your packet is the project/program rankings for the upcoming budget year. This will be an agenda item for the Council Study meeting on November 9.

8. FLOWER BEDS: In the packet are goals/expectations for city flower beds as drafted with public input and approved by the P&R Commission.

9. CLAIMS: As elected officials review claims and develop questions (over the weekend), please contact Diana Bowlin, Laurie Hebl or myself on Monday so we can have your answers at the meeting.

10. I-JOBS GRANT APPLICATION: Laurie Hebl, with the help of Dan Miers, submitted a grant application for Phase II ($4,890,000) and III ($1,025,000) of the I&I Program. $20 million is available for Water Quality projects in cities with a population above 10,000.