1. ELECTED OFFICIALS: Following are the seats and people running for them:
Mayor Ken Bresnan
Jerry Kelley
Ivan Richert
2nd Ward Bob Kreamer
4th Ward Pete Berry
At-large Steve Richardson
2. SNAKE DANCE/COOKOUT: While it is no sure thing our schools will not experience the same vandalism that Knoxville did, it is worth noting our Police Department involves themselves with the students by holding the annual snake dance and cookout at city hall on the eve of Homecoming. Many deserve credit but the PD is definitely on the list!
3. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: According to Community Development Office Manager Mindi Robinson, 70 sidewalk letters were mailed on the 17th to advise homeowners that a contractor has been hired to complete the necessary repairs. The letter also provides their cost. Chauncey Cox is the low bid contractor and will begin work no sooner than Sept. 28th. Homeowners who complete their sidewalk repairs prior to that date will not be charged by the city.
4. WCEDC APPOINTMENT: In the council packet are the Warren County Economic Development Bylaws that state the council has two WCEDC board appointments. One is an elected official and the other is non-elected.
Staff was unable to find where council decided to designate the IDA executive director as its non-elected representative.
5. WIND TURBINE COMMITTEE: Chuck Burgin is on the metro Wind Turbine Technical Committee that will recommend an ordinance for policy makers over the next several months.
6. JOINT MEETING: Another reminder of the joint council/trustee meeting on November 23 to discuss items of mutual interest and receive the IDA annual report and request for FY 10/11 funding.
7. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: On Wednesday, September 16th, the south entrance was re-opened, the Clerk’s office relocated to the police conference room and the new Community Development office; and, the north entrance was closed. The contractor has started demo of the cashier’s area; work has been progressing on the roof and masonry work has moved to the west side of the building.
8. “Y” STREET UPDATE: McAninch structure poured all the intake and headwall on Phase 1 and 2. The sewer has been completed and all the pipe installed and Qwest has finished splicing on phones.
9. AGREEMENT: In your packet is the agreement between the National Balloon Museum and the City of Indianola. Unfortunately it does not provide a lot of information regarding maintenance responsibility.
10. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: The City received a State second appeal recommendation from the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the Balloon Museum ditch, although we will need to wait for final FEMA action. Unfortunately, “State Second Appeal Recommendation” does not support the appeal.
11. PETITION: In your packet is a petition from residents on West 17th regarding speeding.