1. PARKS: The P&R Commission is holding a public meeting to receive input on flowerbed areas managed by our Dept. the meeting is 7:00 pm, Thursday the 24th at Simpson’s McNeill Hall in the Pioneer Room. Buxton Park’s perennial beds will be the primary focus.
Also, the tentative Memorial Park restroom project is as follows:
• All concrete precast structure (similar to Pickard Park) – women’s side will have 3 stools, 2 sinks and 2 hand dryers. Men’s side will have 1 stool, 2 urinals, 2 sinks and 2 hand dryers
• The restroom is planned to be located just north of the play equipment area
• Tentative schedule is to take bids yet in September and award a contract at the October 5 council meeting
FYI—The cost of the Pickard and Summerset Trail Head restrooms were $104,000 and $103,400 respectively.
2. SHARED SERVICE POLICY: Supt. Dan Miers, Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin and I continue to draft a policy that deals with the shared sewer services the Sewer Dept is encountering during the Infiltration/Inflow testing process. Shared services are no longer permitted and the goal is to remove them when repairs/replacement of sewer services are needed.
A policy will be presented in November for council consideration.
3. WIND TURBINE REGULATION UPDATE: The Metro Advisory Council continues to discuss regional wind turbine regulation and will receive a draft ordinance in February 2010. It will then be provided to area-wide elected officials.
Our own research is included in your packet.
4. MUNICIPAL BUILDING UPDATE: The roof contractors are on site and have begun removing and replacing the roof. Duct/mechanical equipment have been installed. The remodeling of the clerk’s office is anticipated to start next Wednesday. The north entrance will be closed and staff will move to the conference room and Community Development Office (south end of the building). Customers will be directed to the south entrance and information will be posted on the web and channel 7.
5. EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST: The annual employee appreciation breakfast is scheduled for October 23 at the Activity Center. Elected officials can hopefully attend to meet/greet employees.
6. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION: Indianola Municipal Utility annual customer appreciation is September 17 from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. on South “B” Street between Salem and 1st.
7. SEX OFFENDER LAW: Chief Steve Bonnett reports there are some changes to our local ordinance that may be necessary resulting from recent legislation. Once drafted, the ordinance amendment will be presented to council for consideration.
8. LIBRARY CLAIM: With the new conversion, the claim to the Iowa Law Enforcement for fuel tank registration fees was inputted incorrectly. It has been corrected to the electric department.