1. NEXT MEETING: The next council meeting is October 5 at 6:00 pm.
2. LIBRARY HVAC: Shive Hattery’s Mark Allen and Mike Petersen presented preliminary options/costs to replace the HVAC system to Joyce Godwin, Alice Gaumer and Chuck Burgin on September 23.
The most expensive option is geothermal at $325,000 with an estimated 17-year payback which is higher than the average due to existing ductwork replacement. Well field locations are also a concern due to anticipated future expansion. Well fields “can” go under a parking lot but NOT under a building.
The second option replaces the existing system with energy efficient components (including pneumatics) while using existing ductwork. Estimated cost is $270,000.
Mark and Mike are working on a third option that would replace the four main pieces of equipment (boiler, air handling units, air cooled condenser and the chiller). This early estimate is $120,000 but note that this doesn't address complications related to connecting new equipment to old. Nor does it replace the (problematic) pneumatic controls and aging pumps/time clock.
Mark and Mike will present options to the Library Board on October 13 and Joyce anticipates further Board discussion at the November board meeting. Since grants will be researched a recommendation to council may be in several months.
3. TAX ABATEMENT/SUSTAINABILITY: The Sustainability Committee discussed recommending a revised residential tax abatement as follows:
Current Proposed
4-year 3-year—without sustainable construction
5-year—with sustainable construction
Both plans are based on the State’s allowable abatement on the first $75,000 value for up to 5 years.
There was much discussion about reducing abatement from 4 to 3 years and the potential to slow construction. However, the committee majority felt the larger gap (3-5 years vs 4-5) and greater financial incentive ($5,600 vs $2,800) would not only encourage sustainable construction, but also outweigh the concern for losing a year of abatement. It was mentioned that many of the sustainable requirements (see below) are already being utilized.
Sustainable construction methods include: insulation, roofing, windows, HVAC, appliances, plumbing fixtures and plantings. All are estimated at about $3,500 in extra costs.
A recommendation will be brought to council committee in November.
4. CONCRETE PLANT: The search for land has been unsuccessful thus far. Three landowners expressed no interest and a fourth has yet to reply. During a meeting with Chuck Burgin, John Hoyman and myself the Bollanders indicated the following had taken place:
• Trucks are not allowed to run before 6:00 am
• 90% of the time trucks/equipment will shut down by 5:30 pm and the remainder of the time by 7:00 pm
• Trucks/equipment will not operate on a Sunday
• Trucks/equipment will not operate beyond noon on Saturday
• The back-up alarm tone volumes have been lowered
• A 5 mph speed limit (on the plant grounds) has been put in place
• A street sweeper is used after rains
In addition, the Bollanders agreed to attend a meeting with neighbors in late October after new plant expenses are estimated. I have shared this update with Larry Barr.
5. ASK THE EXPERTS: On October 10 the Indianola Homebuilders Association is hosting an “Ask the Experts” seminar/open house. Sustainability Committee members Chris Longer and Mindi Robinson will be there showcasing IMU Energy information and City Recycling programs.
6. SQUARE RENOVATIONS: A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday the 29th with building owners, insurance reps, bankers and lawyers to discuss repairs/replacement. A report will be in next week’s news items.
Also, there is continued discussion about other building improvements on the square and I am hopeful at least one building owner will present a request for city assistance to not only repair, but add apartments. The square is in a Tax Increment Finance District that provides some tax revenue availability for renovation incentives.
7. BUDGET GRAPHS: Per Steve Richardson’s request, Laurie Hebl provided ‘09 and ’10 budget expenses. Note that expenses to date in most categories are less than they were last year (even though budgeted expenses are higher this year).
Laurie will provide this information quarterly.
8. IOWA MUNICIPAL PROFESSIONALS: In council packets is a letter from Iowa State’s State and Local Government Programs Director Paul Coates acknowledging Laurie Hebl’s commitment for participating in this year’s Academy.
9. DC TRIP: Myles Kappelman is working on a DC trip with Simpson College for February 2010 similar to 2009’s. I’ll place the trip on an October council agenda for formal consideration.
10. FLU SHOTS: Hy-Vee Pharmacy will be at city hall on September 30 from 4 to 5:30 to provide employee flu shots for $20 each (employee expense).
11. RECOVERY ACT MEETING: John Murphy from Governor Culver’s Office will be in the council chambers on October 2 at 3:00 pm to discuss the Federal Recovery Act affect on Indianola. Elected officials are encouraged to attend.
12. PARKS: The public meeting on September 24 only had 4 in attendance outside of staff, 2 commission members, the mayor and myself. The outcome will be a “friends of the parks” organization that will help fund, provide labor and develop a plan for parks. They are hopeful the group can be organized by next spring.
13. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: Chuck Burgin is getting engineering quotes from French-Reneker (designed Hwy 65/69 widening), Snyder & Associates and V&K. A recommendation will be brought to council in late October or early November.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
News Items - September 21, 2009
1. ELECTED OFFICIALS: Following are the seats and people running for them:
Mayor Ken Bresnan
Jerry Kelley
Ivan Richert
2nd Ward Bob Kreamer
4th Ward Pete Berry
At-large Steve Richardson
2. SNAKE DANCE/COOKOUT: While it is no sure thing our schools will not experience the same vandalism that Knoxville did, it is worth noting our Police Department involves themselves with the students by holding the annual snake dance and cookout at city hall on the eve of Homecoming. Many deserve credit but the PD is definitely on the list!
3. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: According to Community Development Office Manager Mindi Robinson, 70 sidewalk letters were mailed on the 17th to advise homeowners that a contractor has been hired to complete the necessary repairs. The letter also provides their cost. Chauncey Cox is the low bid contractor and will begin work no sooner than Sept. 28th. Homeowners who complete their sidewalk repairs prior to that date will not be charged by the city.
4. WCEDC APPOINTMENT: In the council packet are the Warren County Economic Development Bylaws that state the council has two WCEDC board appointments. One is an elected official and the other is non-elected.
Staff was unable to find where council decided to designate the IDA executive director as its non-elected representative.
5. WIND TURBINE COMMITTEE: Chuck Burgin is on the metro Wind Turbine Technical Committee that will recommend an ordinance for policy makers over the next several months.
6. JOINT MEETING: Another reminder of the joint council/trustee meeting on November 23 to discuss items of mutual interest and receive the IDA annual report and request for FY 10/11 funding.
7. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: On Wednesday, September 16th, the south entrance was re-opened, the Clerk’s office relocated to the police conference room and the new Community Development office; and, the north entrance was closed. The contractor has started demo of the cashier’s area; work has been progressing on the roof and masonry work has moved to the west side of the building.
8. “Y” STREET UPDATE: McAninch structure poured all the intake and headwall on Phase 1 and 2. The sewer has been completed and all the pipe installed and Qwest has finished splicing on phones.
9. AGREEMENT: In your packet is the agreement between the National Balloon Museum and the City of Indianola. Unfortunately it does not provide a lot of information regarding maintenance responsibility.
10. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: The City received a State second appeal recommendation from the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the Balloon Museum ditch, although we will need to wait for final FEMA action. Unfortunately, “State Second Appeal Recommendation” does not support the appeal.
11. PETITION: In your packet is a petition from residents on West 17th regarding speeding.
Mayor Ken Bresnan
Jerry Kelley
Ivan Richert
2nd Ward Bob Kreamer
4th Ward Pete Berry
At-large Steve Richardson
2. SNAKE DANCE/COOKOUT: While it is no sure thing our schools will not experience the same vandalism that Knoxville did, it is worth noting our Police Department involves themselves with the students by holding the annual snake dance and cookout at city hall on the eve of Homecoming. Many deserve credit but the PD is definitely on the list!
3. SIDEWALK PROGRAM: According to Community Development Office Manager Mindi Robinson, 70 sidewalk letters were mailed on the 17th to advise homeowners that a contractor has been hired to complete the necessary repairs. The letter also provides their cost. Chauncey Cox is the low bid contractor and will begin work no sooner than Sept. 28th. Homeowners who complete their sidewalk repairs prior to that date will not be charged by the city.
4. WCEDC APPOINTMENT: In the council packet are the Warren County Economic Development Bylaws that state the council has two WCEDC board appointments. One is an elected official and the other is non-elected.
Staff was unable to find where council decided to designate the IDA executive director as its non-elected representative.
5. WIND TURBINE COMMITTEE: Chuck Burgin is on the metro Wind Turbine Technical Committee that will recommend an ordinance for policy makers over the next several months.
6. JOINT MEETING: Another reminder of the joint council/trustee meeting on November 23 to discuss items of mutual interest and receive the IDA annual report and request for FY 10/11 funding.
7. MUNICIPAL BUILDING: On Wednesday, September 16th, the south entrance was re-opened, the Clerk’s office relocated to the police conference room and the new Community Development office; and, the north entrance was closed. The contractor has started demo of the cashier’s area; work has been progressing on the roof and masonry work has moved to the west side of the building.
8. “Y” STREET UPDATE: McAninch structure poured all the intake and headwall on Phase 1 and 2. The sewer has been completed and all the pipe installed and Qwest has finished splicing on phones.
9. AGREEMENT: In your packet is the agreement between the National Balloon Museum and the City of Indianola. Unfortunately it does not provide a lot of information regarding maintenance responsibility.
10. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: The City received a State second appeal recommendation from the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the Balloon Museum ditch, although we will need to wait for final FEMA action. Unfortunately, “State Second Appeal Recommendation” does not support the appeal.
11. PETITION: In your packet is a petition from residents on West 17th regarding speeding.
Friday, September 11, 2009
News Items - September 14, 2009
1. PARKS: The P&R Commission is holding a public meeting to receive input on flowerbed areas managed by our Dept. the meeting is 7:00 pm, Thursday the 24th at Simpson’s McNeill Hall in the Pioneer Room. Buxton Park’s perennial beds will be the primary focus.
Also, the tentative Memorial Park restroom project is as follows:
• All concrete precast structure (similar to Pickard Park) – women’s side will have 3 stools, 2 sinks and 2 hand dryers. Men’s side will have 1 stool, 2 urinals, 2 sinks and 2 hand dryers
• The restroom is planned to be located just north of the play equipment area
• Tentative schedule is to take bids yet in September and award a contract at the October 5 council meeting
FYI—The cost of the Pickard and Summerset Trail Head restrooms were $104,000 and $103,400 respectively.
2. SHARED SERVICE POLICY: Supt. Dan Miers, Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin and I continue to draft a policy that deals with the shared sewer services the Sewer Dept is encountering during the Infiltration/Inflow testing process. Shared services are no longer permitted and the goal is to remove them when repairs/replacement of sewer services are needed.
A policy will be presented in November for council consideration.
3. WIND TURBINE REGULATION UPDATE: The Metro Advisory Council continues to discuss regional wind turbine regulation and will receive a draft ordinance in February 2010. It will then be provided to area-wide elected officials.
Our own research is included in your packet.
4. MUNICIPAL BUILDING UPDATE: The roof contractors are on site and have begun removing and replacing the roof. Duct/mechanical equipment have been installed. The remodeling of the clerk’s office is anticipated to start next Wednesday. The north entrance will be closed and staff will move to the conference room and Community Development Office (south end of the building). Customers will be directed to the south entrance and information will be posted on the web and channel 7.
5. EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST: The annual employee appreciation breakfast is scheduled for October 23 at the Activity Center. Elected officials can hopefully attend to meet/greet employees.
6. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION: Indianola Municipal Utility annual customer appreciation is September 17 from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. on South “B” Street between Salem and 1st.
7. SEX OFFENDER LAW: Chief Steve Bonnett reports there are some changes to our local ordinance that may be necessary resulting from recent legislation. Once drafted, the ordinance amendment will be presented to council for consideration.
8. LIBRARY CLAIM: With the new conversion, the claim to the Iowa Law Enforcement for fuel tank registration fees was inputted incorrectly. It has been corrected to the electric department.
Also, the tentative Memorial Park restroom project is as follows:
• All concrete precast structure (similar to Pickard Park) – women’s side will have 3 stools, 2 sinks and 2 hand dryers. Men’s side will have 1 stool, 2 urinals, 2 sinks and 2 hand dryers
• The restroom is planned to be located just north of the play equipment area
• Tentative schedule is to take bids yet in September and award a contract at the October 5 council meeting
FYI—The cost of the Pickard and Summerset Trail Head restrooms were $104,000 and $103,400 respectively.
2. SHARED SERVICE POLICY: Supt. Dan Miers, Forrest Aldrich, Chuck Burgin and I continue to draft a policy that deals with the shared sewer services the Sewer Dept is encountering during the Infiltration/Inflow testing process. Shared services are no longer permitted and the goal is to remove them when repairs/replacement of sewer services are needed.
A policy will be presented in November for council consideration.
3. WIND TURBINE REGULATION UPDATE: The Metro Advisory Council continues to discuss regional wind turbine regulation and will receive a draft ordinance in February 2010. It will then be provided to area-wide elected officials.
Our own research is included in your packet.
4. MUNICIPAL BUILDING UPDATE: The roof contractors are on site and have begun removing and replacing the roof. Duct/mechanical equipment have been installed. The remodeling of the clerk’s office is anticipated to start next Wednesday. The north entrance will be closed and staff will move to the conference room and Community Development Office (south end of the building). Customers will be directed to the south entrance and information will be posted on the web and channel 7.
5. EMPLOYEE BREAKFAST: The annual employee appreciation breakfast is scheduled for October 23 at the Activity Center. Elected officials can hopefully attend to meet/greet employees.
6. CUSTOMER APPRECIATION: Indianola Municipal Utility annual customer appreciation is September 17 from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. on South “B” Street between Salem and 1st.
7. SEX OFFENDER LAW: Chief Steve Bonnett reports there are some changes to our local ordinance that may be necessary resulting from recent legislation. Once drafted, the ordinance amendment will be presented to council for consideration.
8. LIBRARY CLAIM: With the new conversion, the claim to the Iowa Law Enforcement for fuel tank registration fees was inputted incorrectly. It has been corrected to the electric department.
Friday, September 4, 2009
News Items - September 8, 2009
1. “Y” STREET: McAnich reports the intersection of “Y” and W Euclid will be closed next Wednesday. Letters to affected property owners have been sent and signs will be posted.
Phase 2 paving is also complete.
2. DRAINAGE: The Balloon Museum culvert extension will be placed on the September 14 committee agenda. The I-Jobs Program will contribute 50% of the estimated $370,000 cost and we are filing our 2nd appeal to FEMA. It is still possible this project could be 100% funded.
If not, Laurie Hebl reports the following funding methods are possible:
*Utilize recently issued bond proceeds to “cash flow” the project
Reimburse (pay back) the Project Fund by either:
*Issue and intent to reimburse through future bond sales
=annual average payment for $24,000 for a 10 year term with
an interest rate of 4.5% which would require a 5.5 cents
debt service levy OR certify debt as TIF
*Repay through a storm sewer service fees if a utility is established
FYI: Last week’s 3” rain exposed some faults in the Easton Park drainage ditch (see map). It is possible it will need some work to minimize erosion and control flooding.
3. JOINT MEETING: Todd Kielkopf and I discussed the annual council/trustee joint meeting to review items of mutual interest and receive IDA’s funding request for 2010/11. The tentative date is November 23 (fourth Monday).
Also, based on elected official comments, I’ll work to arrange a meeting with county supervisors, school board, trustees and council in the same time frame.
Let me know if you have questions or comments.
4. LIBRARY: The Board hired Shive Hattery to review the HVAC system and some very preliminary estimates are in the $250,000 range to replace the 25 year-old system. The Board will present their recommendation in 60-90 days.
5. SQUARE BUILDINGS: A meeting will be scheduled later this month with the owners of the three buildings affected by the collapse. It is our understanding a lawsuit was just filed by one of the owners against the owner of the collapsed building. There is a 20-day response time.
6. BUDGET PRIORITIES: In the council packet is the October 2008 budget priorities and progress report. The same process will be recommended in October so I am hopeful elected officials add priorities to the list for this year’s process.
7. CLERK’S OFFICE: The remodeling of the clerk’s office is anticipated to start next week. The north entrance will be closed and staff will move to the conference room and Community Development Office (south end of the building). Customers will be directed to the south entrance and information will be posted on the web and channel 7.
8. SOFTWARE: We started training on Accounts Payable and Cash Receipting this week and the new printouts are in your packets. Following is the training schedule:
September 9-10 Payroll
September 29-30 General Ledger
October 1 Accounts Receivable
October 14 Human Resources
October 15 Dashboard
November 10-13 Utility Billing
9. RAGBRAI: The final budget figures show a balance of around $10,000, thanks in part to a $3,500 donation by Wal-Mart. The efforts of all committee chairs, co-chairs and members were outstanding.
A check will be presented to council in a couple weeks and the RAGBRAI recommendation is to use the funds for a community LED sign or park improvements (Buxton Park).
10. SOUTH “Y” ENGINEERING: Per council comments, the South “Y” Street engineering will be placed on the October 12 committee agenda.
Phase 2 paving is also complete.
2. DRAINAGE: The Balloon Museum culvert extension will be placed on the September 14 committee agenda. The I-Jobs Program will contribute 50% of the estimated $370,000 cost and we are filing our 2nd appeal to FEMA. It is still possible this project could be 100% funded.
If not, Laurie Hebl reports the following funding methods are possible:
*Utilize recently issued bond proceeds to “cash flow” the project
Reimburse (pay back) the Project Fund by either:
*Issue and intent to reimburse through future bond sales
=annual average payment for $24,000 for a 10 year term with
an interest rate of 4.5% which would require a 5.5 cents
debt service levy OR certify debt as TIF
*Repay through a storm sewer service fees if a utility is established
FYI: Last week’s 3” rain exposed some faults in the Easton Park drainage ditch (see map). It is possible it will need some work to minimize erosion and control flooding.
3. JOINT MEETING: Todd Kielkopf and I discussed the annual council/trustee joint meeting to review items of mutual interest and receive IDA’s funding request for 2010/11. The tentative date is November 23 (fourth Monday).
Also, based on elected official comments, I’ll work to arrange a meeting with county supervisors, school board, trustees and council in the same time frame.
Let me know if you have questions or comments.
4. LIBRARY: The Board hired Shive Hattery to review the HVAC system and some very preliminary estimates are in the $250,000 range to replace the 25 year-old system. The Board will present their recommendation in 60-90 days.
5. SQUARE BUILDINGS: A meeting will be scheduled later this month with the owners of the three buildings affected by the collapse. It is our understanding a lawsuit was just filed by one of the owners against the owner of the collapsed building. There is a 20-day response time.
6. BUDGET PRIORITIES: In the council packet is the October 2008 budget priorities and progress report. The same process will be recommended in October so I am hopeful elected officials add priorities to the list for this year’s process.
7. CLERK’S OFFICE: The remodeling of the clerk’s office is anticipated to start next week. The north entrance will be closed and staff will move to the conference room and Community Development Office (south end of the building). Customers will be directed to the south entrance and information will be posted on the web and channel 7.
8. SOFTWARE: We started training on Accounts Payable and Cash Receipting this week and the new printouts are in your packets. Following is the training schedule:
September 9-10 Payroll
September 29-30 General Ledger
October 1 Accounts Receivable
October 14 Human Resources
October 15 Dashboard
November 10-13 Utility Billing
9. RAGBRAI: The final budget figures show a balance of around $10,000, thanks in part to a $3,500 donation by Wal-Mart. The efforts of all committee chairs, co-chairs and members were outstanding.
A check will be presented to council in a couple weeks and the RAGBRAI recommendation is to use the funds for a community LED sign or park improvements (Buxton Park).
10. SOUTH “Y” ENGINEERING: Per council comments, the South “Y” Street engineering will be placed on the October 12 committee agenda.
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