1. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: The State Homeland Security Department agreed with FEMA that the collapsing ditch was caused by improper fill as opposed to storm damage. We are reviewing repair options and will have a recommendation in a few weeks. Staff is hopeful federal assistance may still be an option through our congressional delegation.
2. WARREN HOTEL: We received a report the brick is again beginning to move outward on the hotel’s east side. Chuck Burgin and Rich Parker are watching it and will take corrective action if necessary.
3. NUISANCES: The Community Development Department issued nine nuisance to abate notices this past week for tall grass. Tis the season.
4. JULY 20 COUNCIL MEETING: Another reminder I will recommend either canceling the July 20 council meeting or having a very limited agenda to allow more time for RAGBRAI preparation.
5. RAGBRAI: The next town meeting will be at the First United Methodist Church on May 21 at 7:00 PM.
6. OLD SEWER PLANT: Discussions have renewed about a potential lease of the former sewer plant land on N Country Club Rd. An offer will be presented to council in June if received.
7. CITIZEN SURVEY: U of I’s Institute of Public Affairs reports that 243 citizen surveys have been returned as of the May 15th deadline.
8. SOUTH ‘G’ SEAL COAT: A request to pay ½ of the double seal coat on South “G” will be placed on the June 1 agenda. My recommendation will be consistent with past projects where the city contributes an amount equal to a 3-year calcium chloride applications (45 cents/ft/year x 3 years).
9. BUILDING IMPROVEMENT: Chuck Burgin and I met with a building owner on the square who is considering structural and cosmetic improvements including an apartment renovation. The owner was interested in city incentives and we mentioned Tax Increment Finance and the revolving loan fund. We will meet again in 3-4 weeks to discuss the projects potential and possible city assistance for council consideration.