1. HEALTH INSURANCE: The pool reserve is nearly $725,000 thru April which is very good. Laurie Hebl, RoxAnne Hunerdosse, Todd Kielkopf and I met with consultant Debbie Dean this week and discussed the pool’s anticipated claims, current reserve, revised deductibles and employee contributions. We agreed to recommend the FY 09/10 monthly premiums as follows: Current - Family $1,076 and Single $538. Recommended - Family $1,260 and Single - $510
Note that the family premium was budgeted at $1,325 so there will be a savings of about $68,700 thru the year.
The affect of the recommended rates on employee contributions are as follows:
Current - $27/month
Recommended - $45/month
2. FRANCHISE FEE (GAS): In your packet is a bill recently passed by the Iowa legislature allowing up to a 5% franchise fee. This item has been discussed with council on a “potential” basis until the legislature acted.
While I am aware there is strong resistance to the use of these fees, the following must be noted:
· A natural gas franchise fee is paid by all entities
· Each % will generate nearly $40,000 annually
· If placed directly into the Police/Fire budgets, the tax rate will decrease 10 cents per percent, i.e. a 5% franchise fee (about $200,000) will decrease the tax rate by 50 cents
· All citizens, businesses and other entities receive Police and Fire services so I suggest the revenue (if approved) be placed in those budgets
· Tax payers will get some relief from the current tax burden
· The revenue stream will be more diversified and less dependent on property taxes
· The franchise fee is a user fee
This item will be placed on a June or July committee agenda for discussion.
3. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: V&K’s Forrest Aldrich will attend the May 11 committee meeting to discuss W Euclid Paving liquidated damages. The final schedule of assessments will be considered on May 18.
FYI--The hearing on special assessments is May 6.
4. RADAR UNITS: Police Chief Steve Bonnett has $5,000 budgeted for another pole mounted radar unit. However, he found a slightly smaller unit for about one-half the price so I have authorized the purchase of two units that will be placed in east/west directions on Iowa Avenue at 9th. Steve chose this location due to the numerous comments about speeding and children.
5. SENATOR APPEL: Senators Appel and Bolkcom, Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee will host a discussion of this year’s session and plans for next year on May 13 at 8:00 am in the Warren County Board Room (second floor).
The mayor/council’s legislative priority list will be placed on the May 11 agenda to prepare for this meeting.
6. N “Y” SIDEWALKS: Chuck Burgin, John Hoyman and I met to discuss sidewalks on N “Y”. Sidewalks were not included in the project because there was not enough time to acquire easements in light of the Stimulus Funding time lines.
Based on a review of the ordinance, sidewalks are not required, and consequently may be waived because grade has not been established (see ordinance). Property owners can therefore request a waiver and receive one based on the ordinance.
However, if council wants to proceed with sidewalks, the grades could be established at a later date and sidewalks would have to be installed by property owners within 120 days of city notification.
7. COMP PLAN: Chuck Burgin received 5 quotes ranging from $37,885 to $40,000 for the Comp Plan Update (last completed in 2001). Our intent is to form a committee with staff, P&Z member(s), council and trustee members to interview the firms by the end of May.
If a council member is interested in serving on the committee, please let Chuck or I know.
8. PLASTIC BAGS: Based on elected official comments, (general consensus showed reserve), staff is scheduling a meeting with retailers to discuss use of plastic bags. I anticipate a relatively slow approach to potential regulations.
9. WEST HWY 92 SEWER: V&K is finalizing plans/specs for the sewer main that would extend south from the northwest corner of W 92 and “Y” and will extend south from (west side of “Y”) and east (across “Y”) to south east corner of Hwy 92 and “Y”. It will serve properties on the north and south sides of West Hwy 92. Chuck Burgin reports a final plat will be received in a couple weeks and recommends proceeding with the sewer after P&Z and council approval.
10. INVESTMENT REPORT: The committee (Pete Berry, Laurie Hebl, Bob Kreamer, Todd Kielkopf, Bob Lester, Clark Raney, Arlen Schrum, Doug Shull, and myself) met with Bankers Trust Kathy Beyer to discuss the quarterly investment report. Below are the investment statistics for the quarter ending March 31st:
· Total principal investment = $10,691,000.00
· Current Yield = 4.81
· Average maturity = 2.79 years
11. BALLOON MUSEUM: Finance Director Laurie Hebl sent a letter to Homeland Security’s re-affirming an appeal for the deterioration of the ditch at 1601 N. Jefferson. New pictures were included.
Chuck Burgin contacted Vanderpool Construction to re-restore the bank.
12. SALEM COURT: In your packet is a schedule for summer entertainment at Salem Court (south side of The Square).
13. PERMIT: City Clerk Diana Bowlin issued two transient merchant permits, one for tool sales at the fairgrounds and one for tack-horse equipment at 311 E. 2nd.
14. PICKEN REZONING: In your packet is a Randy Bray request that the third reading be waived and final approval be granted on June 1, 2009.