1. WARREN HOTEL: Chuck Burgin received written permission and access to the building this week. Newman Brothers has been hired to stabilize the wall and is scheduled to begin work Monday. The cost will be assessed to the building.
2. CITY HALL RENOVATION: Staff met with Shive Hattery’s Mark Allen on the 15th to review renovation issues/concepts. We plan to meet again in early February to continue the process. A recommendation will then be brought to the February 9 committee.
Major elements include roof replacement, heating/air conditioning replacement, tuck pointing,
The idea is to get elected official approval in the next two months and bid the estimated $750,000 project in March or April. 27 cents of our current $11.65 tax rate (and future tax rates) is allocated to retire the capital loan note that will pay the project cost.
3. FEDERAL STIMULUS PACKAGE: We have submitted the following projects to the League or CIRTPA:
W Hwy 92 Widening from “R” thru R-63 $7,000,000
I&I Removal Phases 1&2 $3,000,000
Balloon Museum Ditch $ 300,000
W Hwy 92 Sanitary Sewer $ 350,000
North “Y” Street $1,000,000
I have been told by IDOT officials that W Hwy 92 is not a good candidate because obtaining right-of-way would take too long using the state process.
4. STRIP MALL: Chuck Burgin and I met with developers interested in a 15,000’ retail building on Hwy 65/69 adjacent to Wal-Mart. The property has some significant grade issues and related development costs so they are requesting TIF assistance. The development size (acres and tax base) does not qualify for TIF according to our policy, however, it does qualify for tax abatement.
As an alternate to abating the taxes, we may recommend that council approve a reimbursement of the taxes paid over a 5-year period. The affect for the city is nearly the same and it has greater benefit for the developer. Estimated taxes over a 5-year period are $175,000 to $200,000 that could be abated or reimbursed.
5. NUCKOLLS: There is a rumor the W Euclid Paving Contractor, Nuckolls Concrete Services, is filing bankruptcy. I have asked V&K’s Forrest Aldrich to determine the affect on our contract and project assuming it is true. Will keep you posted.
6. MINIMUM LOT SIZE: You have P&Z and Chuck Burgin’s recommendation on a minimum lot size ordinance. It will be placed on the February 9 committee agenda for review prior to formal council consideration.
7. CAF: The school submitted plans for developing their practice field into a formal football/track facility (see plan). As part of the process, such development would require paving the parking lot. However, given the council’s agreement to delay until 2011, I would not expect the requirement to be enforced. The school will likely re-affirm their request at a future council meeting.
8. SALARY/BENEFITS: You have information provided by RoxAnne Hunerdosse showing an average employee salary and benefits. Totals are shown as well.
Jim Hanks is scheduled for January 26th at 6:00 p.m. in a joint meeting with the trustees.
9. PRESIDENTS DAY: The February 16 council meeting will move to the 17th in honor of Presidents Day. Mark your calendars!