1. BUDGET: Based on preliminary information from department directors, Laurie Hebl and Todd Kielkopf are projecting the tax rate at $11.65 (same as this year). The affect on a $150,000 home is a $24 increase ($771 to $795) or about 3% which results in a rollback change from 44.1% to 44.5%.
2. RECYCLING: City Clerk Diana Bowlin and I met with McCoy Sanitation reps on the 7th to discuss the elimination of the recycle trucks and use a normal garbage truck to pick up and haul co-mingled (single-stream) recyclables to Mid-America Recycle (same place recyclables are hauled to now). There is no change proposed for the residential bins.
According to Jeff McCoy, the change reduces the number of times recyclables are handled and will eliminate two staff positions. In addition, the market for paper/cardboard, metal and glass has fallen significantly.
While the concept has merit, the main issue is how to mark a garbage truck so it is readily recognized as a recycle truck. The purpose is to relieve resident concern that recyclables are in fact recycled instead of taken to the landfill (at a cost of $3/month). Jeff is willing to either paint the truck a different color and/or designate it with recycle emblems in order to clearly distinguish it. In addition, landfill staff can be directed to not allow these recycle trucks to unload.
The process McCoy wants to use was adopted by Des Moines last fall.
The item will be placed on a February council agenda for discussion.
3. “Y” STREET PAVING: Given the President’s proposed economic stimulus package that will spend billions on infrastructure, it may be a good time to begin the paving process on “Y” Street. In today’s climate competitive bids are anticipated. But, in 6-12 months that climate may change if there are billions of dollars spent on infrastructure.
I’ll ask for mayor/council input to proceed at the January 20 meeting .
The obvious holdup is the W Euclid lawsuit. However, our court date is scheduled for May 6 and a judgment should be provided within a few weeks thereafter. It will take several months to hire an engineer and draft a plan/spec, so timing will be appropriate to develop an assessment schedule consistent with a judge's decision.
FYI – I received an e-mail from Nick Adams who wants to address the mayor/council about “Y” Street’s condition. Nick will be on the January 20 agenda.
4. WARREN HOTEL: As of January 8, 2009 the owner of record has not picked up the notice to repair the building. Chuck is working with John Hoyman to gain access into the building for a contractor to make the necessary repairs estimated at $9,000. The cost will be placed as a lien against the property.
5. PART TIME STAFF: In your packet is RoxAnne Hunerdosse’s calculation for 2 part timers ($14/hr) to clean city hall. Our current annual cost is approximately $50,000 and includes cleaning supplies. Forty hours/week compares to the 7 hours/day (2 contract workers) plus weekend hours provided by the contractor.
Based on the above, and in addition to the quality of the cleaning, I prefer to stay with our current service.
6. BALLOON MUSEUM DITCH: FEMA denied our restoration claim so Chuck Burgin and Mindi Robinson are pursuing the appeal. They have additional costs from Vanderpool (temporary restoration) and a letter regarding permanent restoration from Allender-Butzke that has been forwarded to FEMA and the State. Unfortunately we are not too optimistic about a FEMA subsidized permanent solution. We plan to continue with the repair project with the anticipation FEMA will approve the additional cost.
7. TUESDAY MEETING: If you haven’t done so, mark your calendar for Tuesday the 20th for the next meeting. MLK is Monday the 19th.
FYI—Pete is unable to attend the meeting so there will be 5 council members.
8. TIF DISTRICT EXPANSION: As referenced in the December 8 council study memo, Chuck Burgin and Laurie Hebl are working on the legal aspect of expanding the Hillcrest Tax Increment Finance District. The process stems from the TIF request from Kathleen Picken and we are recommending an expansion south (along Hwy 65/69) to Franklin (see map).
The revised preliminary schedule is as follows:
· February 2 – council sets hearing and refers to Planning & Zoning Commission
· February 10 – P&Z review
· Consultation with other taxing entities prior to February 27th
· March 16 – public hearing and adoption
The item will be placed on the February 2nd agenda to begin the process.
9. RACE CARS: The Summary Judgment hearing is scheduled on January 21 at 1:30 pm at the courthouse.
10. RAGBRAI: No word on our request for an overnight stop.
11. MILEAGE RATE: The rate per the IRS has decreased from 58.5/mile cents to 55/mile cents and we have adjusted accordingly.