YMCA Update
Community Development is working with the Iowa Department of
Public Health and other state officials to obtain a waiver to allow a handicap
ramp to be installed at the competitive pool in the YMCA. We are hopeful the
waiver will be approved. A meeting with
all the various entities represented with the project will be held next week at
City Hall to discuss and hopefully reach agreement so the final pool
construction can move forward. Overall
progress on the YMCA remains on target aided by the recent good weather
experienced in the area.
Budget and Finance
Budget documents have been sent to all department heads for
completion and submittal by the end of December for the coming fiscal year. Staff has been given an initial target of
maintaining the current levy rate of $11.20.
Overall direction and discussion of the budget will take place Monday
night at the Council Study session. As
indicated in your packets, please bring your copy of the current budget to the
study session.
Street Project Update
Paving Project – With the recent stretch of good weather
experienced in the area, Sternquist Construction has been able to complete all
the mainline paving for the year. All intersections have been poured.
Sternquist Construction anticipates the last of the concrete pouring on
12/7/12. They are still hoping to finish the restoration and sodding of the
disturbed areas yet this year, if possible.
Crossroads/Local Government Collaboration
Chief Seymour and I attended the
second local government collaboration last week as part of metro area
initiative to promote local collaboration and efficiency. The discussion focused on fire and EMS
services. The main issues identified to
move forward were identifying potential efficiencies surrounding the use and
maintenance of equipment and overall staffing and the opportunities to share
staffing when available.
Pickard Park Improvements
The street department will start digging the footing for the new
restroom at the Pickard Park ball field complex next week. We will then need to
get the water and electric service to the site and have the plumbing completed
before we can receive and set the building in place. We have scheduled the
first week in April for the delivery date. By waiting until this time, we can
have the water turned on so the building can be hooked up and checked for leaks
by the installers.