Friday, September 7, 2012

News Items - September 10, 2012

·       South Howard Street paving and sidewalks are complete.
·       Water main and storm sewer improvement east and west side of Hwy 65/69 is complete. Street paving on Boston Ave east of Hwy 65/69 is complete. The two blocks of Boston west of the highway is being prepared for paving.
·       The old surface of North Buxton north of Ashland has been removed.

2.     NORTH 8TH & IOWA: Vanderpool Construction will begin storm sewer and grading improvements for the North 8th & Iowa project (approved by council in July) next week.  During this time North 8th St. between E. Iowa Ave. and E. Girard Ave. as well as a portion of the Summerset Trail from East Iowa to North 6th will be closed during daytime work hours.  The goal is to open the street to one lane of traffic overnight. Residents in the entire one block area will receive notices on their doors.

3.     UNION NEGOTIATIONS: The city received notice from Union Business Manager, Tom Hayes of their intent to begin negotiations for FY2013 and will forward a proposal in the near future.

4.     WELLNESS CENTER: Data, phone and cable services to the YMCA were originally bid as an alternate at $93,000. Due to the various amounts ranging from $15,000 to $93,000 it was determined the YMCA should bid it as a separate project. This turned out to be a positive decision as the low bid came in at $34,665. The city’s portion will be $13,866 (exterior to the building) and YMCA’s will be $20,779 (interior connections).